Room #3-10
Come join us in chat - Room #3-10
Well it's that time of summer again. Time for another crazy sleepless 3 months.
This year we are gonna do things a little differently. Because trying to recap what goes on in the house daily by myself is a huge undertaking, this year I am just gonna comment on this I think are interesting. I invite you to do the same. Whether you are a feed watcher or just a shower watcher, if you have a thought you want to share, by all means do so.
For our regular group members, we will be in chat on the feeds. Look for us. I will post the room I will be on this board when I am there. So come join me, let's sit back watch all the crazy shit that goes on and have some fun.
See ya on Thursday!!!!
Posted by
10:45 PM
7:35AM BBT:
They're sleeping.
8:40AM BBT:
FotH. Everyone is getting ready. Keesha is hung over. Her, April and Libra are at the kitchen bench talking about having a burger or something. Renny is up making coffee. Libra has gone to brush her teeth, Angie is in the bathroom doing ADLs. Everyone getting up and around trying to wake up.
I heard Angie say there is a food competition today
Lots of bathroom action with people getting ready.
10:00ish BBT:
April and Keesha are in the bedroom talking, Keesha says she is going to put Memphis and Angie up this week and tell Dan she’s saving him this week and he needs to do the same for her next week. They think that Angie is a total bitch and cold and thinks she is so much better than the rest of them. She is fake and nasty. They agree that if Libra goes at some point they can bring Dan onboard with their alliance and with Angie gone next week Dan will be totally trustworthy. April tells Keesha that Dan is in her back pocket and that she can’t wait to see Angie’s face when she is nominated. (its a totally bitch session). They both agree they hate Angie and April says she can’t even look at her then adds, “I’m just glad our team is so strong right now, America is probably watching saying ‘YES’ rooting for us because we’re the underdogs.” More Angie bashing.
Meanwhile... Jerry and Jessie are sleeping on the LR couches while Michelle, Angie and Dan are chatting at the kitchen table.
April fills Ollie in, they both agree that Libra will probably go next and they will just pull Dan into their alliance. Apparently us live feeders LOVE them as they’re the underdogs and after this week Dan will owe them for saving him from the block.
10:40AM BBT: FotH.
Should be food competition.
There has been lots of talk about the food competition at least they have food for the whole house. Even if it is pigs feet and raisins…
1:10PM BBT:
Memphis talking to Keesha in HoH and he tells her if Angie won HoH she was going to put up Libra and April and she would be stupid not to go after the people who would put her up and tries to assure Keesha that Angie was not going after her. She said she appreciates that and Keesha said there is some people would have liked to nominate but she feels she can’t as she gave her word when they made their original alliance. Memphis understand and says he feels like the two of them could work together later in the game. He doesn't want her to put someone up and make an enemy that she doesn't want later. FotH
Now Jessie goes in the HoH room with Keesha... Jessie tried his best to get Libra put on the block. He kept telling Keesha that she is the one that causes problems all the time and tried to cause issue with April and Keesha. She tells him to go get April so she could talk to her. Now April is in the room, and Keesha has said that because Jessie is pushing so hard for Libra to be nominated that she is going to put Angie and Jessie on the bock. Libra comes in and they tell her what Jessie was trying to do. Keesha, Libra and April are upstairs watching the “other alliance” on the screen talking. They're going over and over it all again.
2:00 – 2:30PM BBT:
Keesha, April and Libra all talk and Keesha fills the girls in on what’s going and that she is going to put Jessie and Angie on the block and why. They pull Jerry in the HoH and Jerry says he saved Dan yesterday. They will bring Dan into their group when they are ready. They have 5 votes against 4 (there is actually only 8 votes this week, but who's counting? Maybe they're counting Keesha and she only votes with a tie). Jerry says Memphis is the biggest physical and mental threat. Jerry says Memphis has an aggression and meanness about him. They need to watch out for him and that they need to watch out for Michelle because she would be good for enduranceKeesha says she asked Memphis not to come after her if she doesn't up him up and that he agreed. Jerry says you can't trust that. Libra would never go to the other alliance no matter what, she would never cross sides.Memphis and Jessie join the other is the HoH and talk turns to chili snack chips. Everyone is tired and hungry.Ollie eating jalapeno potato chips in the boys bedroom, then went to the kitchen to join Renny. HOH group comes down to kitchen now too. General chit chat.
3:05PM BBT:
Keesha and Renny are in the HoH. Keesha tells her that she understands girls like April. She deals with that type all the time at Hooters but girls like Angie are scary. Keesha is telling Renny the truth - all of it. Says she is not putting Renny up and that she has gotten Libra and April to know they should not put them up too.Jerry comes up and Keesha wants him to get Dan to come up to HOH and Ollie has come in the HOH room. Libra and April talking about Keesha now asking each other what was said. April says she doubted you, she doubted me. We can't let that happen. We have to stick together. FotH
3:15PM BBT:
Michelle is in the kitchen, says she needs her mother's 'pig feet' recipe. Ollie says Michelle has been acting a little distant. She is 'with them'. They are going to ask Dan to come into their alliance, but not until after nominations. They feel bad for Keesha. Evidentially Keesha was crying to April last night.
3:20PM BBT:
Libra says to Ollie, “Hopefully you have our back." They hope he doesn't turn how Michelle did because Michelle tells Jessie everything. Ollie can sense when a person changes, and Michelle has changed. The other alliance has been trying to convince Keesha to stick to the plan. They think Memphis worked Keesha over defending Angie last night when they were drinking together. Libra knows Keesha has her back but she's still nervous. Libra says Memphis is going to win the car and the money. April and Ollie say “No.” Libra says the 'other' alliance was high-fiving each other celebrating that she was going on the block, but Libra trusts Keesha won't do that to her. Libra says she's going to wear her black glasses for's black Thursday. Libra indicates that Jessie came to HOH and told Keesha to put Libra up...
3:25PM BBT: Back to FotH
3:40PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Michelle and Angie on BY sofa talking game. Angie says that Jessie talked Keesha to put up Dan and Libra. Angie is hoping she won't be back doored, as she'd rather go up now. If Angie is nominated, she hopes the whole house will go to Keesha and pull a 'Brian' and try to get Keesha to backdoor Libra. Angie says Libra and April are scheming without Keesha, she hopes Keesha knows that. Michelle tells her how the HGs were watching Ollie, April and Libra scheming on the HOH monitor, and how their body language changed as soon as Keesha went down there. Feeds switch to Ollie, Libra, Keesha and April in HOH. Keesha knows she will be a target next week, and it's important for her to trust the right people. Keesha says Memphis and Jessie both made it very clear they don't want Angie to go up. Keesha made Memphis promise he won't use the PoV on Angie and in exchange, she won't put him up. Memphis agreed. Ollie said that was smart. Keesha says she knows about the Jessie, Memphis and Angie alliance because she's watched it on the HOH TV. It's more important now than ever that Ollie, April, Libra and Keesha trust each other and stick together. Keesha said that Jessie is going to explode. April says they have to protect Keesha because Jessie is going to blow-up. Jessie pressured Keesha to 'stick to the plan' in regard to not nominating Angie. Sounds like he's been trying to turn Keesha against her alliance.Dan and Jerry still playing chess.
3:50PM BBT:
April, Keesha, Libra and Ollie are debating about when to make an offer to Dan to join their alliance. Some think they should mention it before the nominations because everything is going to be chaos after. They agree to propose it to Dan now, but not to disclose the nomination plan. Ollie is calling Jerry and Dan into the HOH.
Dan's in! April says what is said in the HOH right now, stays in the HOH. Dan gives his word. Ollie says Dan has to pick his side. Today is the day. Dan says he has no current alliances. Keesha says the people on the 'other side' are the ones that were pressuring her to put him up. Ollie and Keesha tell Dan they want him on their side. They have the numbers. Keesha tells them that Dan and Jerry were supposed to be the next one's up. Keesha says she admires Dan because he stuck to Brian to the end. Dan says to be honest, he has talked to people, but he has no alliances. Ollie tells Jerry and Dan that after what goes down tonight, they all need to protect Keesha. Jerry says if they all stay true to each other, they have the numbers. Dan asks since he hasn't been in on the conversation, have they thought about the PoV and covered it. Keesha says she has it covered. Dan says he can't lie to people's faces, what should he say to people? Ollie tells him to make it a joke or walk away. They give Dan permission to talk to anyone else in the house they want to. Dan warns them that once the other side finds out he's with them, be prepared to hear them say Dan talked bad about them. They all agree, from this moment forward they stick together.
4:05PM BBT:
The girls hug Dan and welcome him into the group. He should know how loyal they are because of how they've behaved in the game. Dan warns them again, the other side is going to come to them and say that Dan was against them. Dan, Ollie, Libra, April, Keesha, Jerry and Dan all agree to stick together even when things get rough.Meanwhile… Jessie and Michelle are in the boy’s bedroom laying on the bed whispering game plans. Jessie said Keesha said she wouldn't know what to say if she put up Dan and Libra and that she wouldn't be able to give a reason/story. Jessie told her there's no need for a story, you just say, "Dan, Libra...I nominated you." Jessie told Keesha that Dan would understand and be respectful, that he has been respectful this whole time. Jessie wasn't able to convince Keesha, as Keesha just kept saying, "I need to talk to April." Michelle says that every time someone goes to the HoH room to talk to Keesha, Libra follows them up and interrupts them. Keesha told Jessie she wants to put up Dan and Angie, and she asked for his word he'd vote out Angie. He didn't like her breaking the plan or telling him what to do or who to vote for, and he was getting nothing. Jessie says he thought Ollie was straight, but he noticed Ollie didn't look anyone in the eye when he came out of the HoH. Jerry comes in the room to lie down and the conversation stops.
4:15PM BBT: Back in HoH with Ollie, April, Keesha and Libra. They are afraid Michelle will take Jessie off the block if she wins HoH and they Keesha will not have a replacement. They are going to tell Michelle that if she uses the PoV, that she's going home next week as there are 7 of them that will gun for her. Ollie said Michelle messed up going on the other alliance. Ollie tells the group that Michelle and Angie are in an alliance, that they were strategizing in front of him. Group breaks up, as Keesha wants to take a shower. Libra thanks Keesha for sticking with her. Keesha says, “No problem, I just hope you know now that you can trust me.” A little later… Several HG in back yard but no game talk. A few of them are playing basketball.
4:35PPM BBT:
The feeds are on Trivia so I assume the Nominations are underway.
6:00PM BBT:
Still Trivia.
6:05PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Jessie and Angie are nominated.
Posted by
11:39 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
After people fighting for Keesha's attention and personal time with her. Libra has succeeded in having Keesha gravitate to Libra, Ollie and April Alliance with tears and "I have your back" but as of 1:53am she hasn't had a lot of one and one time with Jessie, Michelle and Memphis. After contemplating putting up Memphis as a pawn, Keesha has decided to put Dan up with Angie who she wants out even though it’s "not personal". She doesn't plan to tell Dan he's going up and Dan will be the target if Angie wins PoV as she refuses to put Jerry or Renny on the block. With Keesha though she tends to go whichever the BB winds blow so I suspect she may change her mind come nomination time later today.
3:00AM BBT:
Seems like Libra has been kissing Keesha's ass for over 30 minutes now. They are talking about April and Keesha telling her how she needs to pay attention to her but the four of them need to stick together. Looks like Angie is still going up for sure no change there yet haven't heard confirmation on the other nominee although it looks like Dan will be up with Angie. They count the votes and think she has Libra, April, Ollie, Renny and Jerry to get rid of Angie and to also have her back next week if it does backfire.Dan and Jerry get up they whisper something and Dan heads to the HoH and Keesha hushes Libra and they ignore the door being very quiet. Dan heads back down to Jerry and by the time I changed the feed to them the whispers were done.No real surprise as it hears a 45 minutes conversation about the same thing over and over. Looks like Libra has found a new best friend in the house. Go figure it just happens to be the HoH Keesha.
By 3:55am they’ve finally gone to bed.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
When feeds came back everyone was talking over each other. Libra was very impressed with Keesha's HoH win and was dancing and acting almost like she'd won herself.
6:30ish BBT:
Ollie and April are talking. They're discussing the way Libra has been acting like she's the one that won HoH and that they have to distance themselves from her. April is very upset about the questions that she was asked and what the preacher’s son is doing with April because she drinks and cusses etc. She's worried about Ollie's father and wonders if she should back away from him.
7:15PM BBT:
Libra and Keesha are alone in the bedroom and Keesha is planning to put Angie and maybe Memphis on the block. Libra says that they have the votes to get her out if she does. They discuss Angie's face when it was Ollie, Keesha and Libra left in the HoH competition. Libra says she looked sick because she knows and Keesha says that she isn't a guy and can't be manipulated by Angie.Michelle comes in and they start chatting. FotH
An ID LD has been called, everyone that was outside came in and Michelle's Pizza is ready so some are sitting around eating. Jessie, Memphis and Dan are upstairs playing chess.
8:50PM BBT:
Keesha gets her HoH room. She got a bathing suit from her boyfriend, a letter from her Dad, her dogs toy that's been chewed on, a blanket with her dog's hair on it, hair dye and foils (she told Renny she has to do it), Dixie Chicks CD and snacks that she loves. There are no pictures of her boyfriend JJ and by just after 9pm everyone has left so she can read her letter from her Dad, Renny stays. As she reads the letter they both start crying.
9:10PM BBT:
Keesha tells Renny that she is the only person in the house that she trusts the most with Steven. And she also explains Libra and April's deal right at the beginning and how they hit it off. Keesha says she doesn't like to go back on it, but she is so stricken with it because Libra and April have been backstabbing her. She adds, “It sucks because when I give my word, I keep it to the end. When April and I got into a fight, I wouldn't have put her up.” Keesha saying she worries about Angie and her having all the boys on her side and none of the girls have that. Renny says, “She's not really with the girls. I'm not with them. I don't like any of them.”Keesha tells Renny that this game makes you crazy and that she can’t trust anyone. That she only trusted Renny and Steven, “When Steven left, I had such a hard time with it, there went one of the people I totally trusted. He told me, ‘You better fucking break up April, Ollie and Libra or they will take you out.’ Libra tells me she is so glad I won HoH and I'm like, no you're not." Renny thinks that April, Ollie and Libra wanted Libra to win so badly but she is glad it was Keesha that won. She adds, “Someone is going to win HoH next week. Things change in” ... FotH
April is now in the HoH with Keesha and Renny and they're talking about the letter she got and April is being all buddy/buddy.Meanwhile… Memphis and Michelle talking. They dont' think Keesha will go after them at all because of the situation with the girls. Memphis thinks it'll be Jerry and Dan. Michelle thinks Libra and April are going to talk her into putting up Angie. Memphis and Michelle continue talking about how Keesha doesn't like Libra. Memphis thinks that Keesha will stick to the plan though. Memphis goes to the WC.
Memphis is back and Michelle is saying how when Keesha won HoH that Angie jumped up going excited and Memphis thinks it is too early to put up Libra. Michelle says that in two more weeks, it's going to go down in this house and she wants an endurance competition so bad and she thinks it's better for them because “their” drama, it's going to get worse. They continue to speculate on who is going to be nominated. Dan told Michelle that Jessie is in the HoH room, which he isn't but Dan thought he was, so Michelle thinks Jessie is going to give them the dirt later.
9:40PM BBT:
Renny is leaving the HoH leaving Keesha alone with April. Feeds go to Dan and Ollie. Ollie is saying the girls don't like Angie. Dan leaves Ollie alone in the 80s room. Keesha and April are talking. I think Keesha is looking for loopholes with April to get out of this alliance. She explains, “We said we would have each others backs unless it jeopardized us, and now it's jeopardizing us. I believe she will put me up in an instance, April.” April tells her, “I don't believe that. She worried you were building an alliance with the other side of the group with Steven.” Keesha tells her she gave Libra her word and she doesn't go back on her word. April said she was glad she was first out. April is trying to smooth waters with Keesha about Libra and tells her, “I'm not here to play the game for her.” April is telling her that she told Libra not to go up there with Renny and Keesha, to just let her enjoy her time. Keesha says, “This is how I feel, She kicked me while I was down last week. I felt like she was the one constantly attacking me and getting people to put me up. That would be me going around saying that if Ollie is on the block that April is going around to keep Ollie safe.” Keesha explains that when someone you are close to goes up everyone looks for a reason and you are afraid to spend time with that person. They vent about Libra to each other and about Angie. Keesha says that she asked Angie if she wouldn't try and save Steven last week and Keesha thinks that Angie is a "dirty friend" because Angie said "No."
Speaking of Libra, here she comes... Before she enters the HoH room. April and Keesha promise to keep the conversation they just had between the two of them. Libra is crying now because of the letter and wants a letter like hers. Keesha says that Renny bawled like that when Keesha read the letter to her. General chitchat about Keesha's family watching her and no game talk yet. But that doesn’t last long.It sounds like Angie is going up for certain and they are trying to get the votes to get her out. They think they would have Jessie, Michelle, and possible Memphis to get rid of Angie, unaware or forgetting the four-person alliance between Jessie, Michelle, Memphis, and Angie.
They talk about putting Memphis up and how they will swear on the bible to Memphis that Angie is the target and he is safe. They are going to tell Memphis that they changed the eviction order because they heard Angie was coming after them. Libra wants to know if anyone else has tried to throw her under the bus besides Steven. They say not really but there has been talk about the fights Libra has had. Michelle comes up to invite them all to the sauna.
10:05PM BBT:
Memphis, Renny, Angie, Dan and Jessie hanging out in the kitchen talking about general BS. They talk of tampons and sex education. Dan talks about teaching sexed in the all-boys school he teaches at.
10:15PM BBT:
Ollie has joined the three girls in HoH. Keesha tells Ollie of her plan to evict Angie. Ollie is down for that and gives her his word he will vote her out. Keesha tells how she overheard Angie telling Steven that she would go after the four of them if she wins HoH. Keesha says she also wants Angie out for the way she left Steven hanging out there. Keesha says she has to put Memphis up against Angie because Jessie would never let Memphis get voted out of the house (smart girl). They think if they explain everything to Memphis he will understand. Keesha says the only other person she could put up against her is Michelle. They think Memphis is the smarter person to put up against Angie. Memphis will fight for the PoV and if he wins it they can put up Michelle in his place. They say if by some chance Angie wins PoV she can put up Dan and they house can vote him out and the house will be happy. They also discuss the possibility of pulling Dan into their alliance because he has no one.
10:30PM BBT:
Memphis joins April, Ollie, Libra and Keesha in the HoH. Keesha tells Memphis she is going to nominate Angie because she knows Angie is coming after them. Memphis asks why she thinks that. Keesha says she was told. Memphis says by whom? Keesha says, "By somebody very close to me." Memphis says he can guarantee that Angie is not coming after them and Angie would have stuck to the plan to nominate Jerry and Dan. Keesha says she can't nominate Jerry because she gave Jerry her word she would not put him up. Memphis says, "That sucks, that you gave him your word.” Keesha adds she knows Angie & Memphis are close but she knows Angie is a huge threat to her. Renny and Angie try to come in but Keesha asks if they could give them 5 minutes. Keesha says she doesn't under stand why the whole house has forgotten that Angie campaigned to try to keep Brain in the house and then they made Steven pay the price for it yet Angie gets away with it. Memphis says Steven was in on the Brian's plan to evict him the first week. They tell him Angie was involved in the plan too. Memphis keeps saying that's fine if that's what you want to do. Memphis says he's not in an alliance with Angie or anything so he won't campaign for her to stay.Memphis, who isn't campaigning for Angie to stay, says Keesha should be sure Angie is after her before she does something to put a target on her back. Renny comes in HoH. Everyone leaves but Renny. Keesha asks if Renny will vote to evict Angie if she nominates her. Keesha says she knows she will be throwing the first stone but Angie is a big threat & she wants her gone. I never hear Renny promise to evict Angie.Memphis is in the sauna whispering to Michelle telling her Keesha is nominating Angie.
10:50PM BBT:
Jessie comes up to HoH and Renny leaves. Keesha tells Jessie that she wants to nominate Angie. Keesha tells Jessie that Angie is also targeting Jessie. She says Angie told her that today but she is telling Jessie in confidence and she hopes it doesn't backfire on her. Libra and April come in and join them. They got beer!! Angie, Renny, Jerry, Dan, Michelle and Ollie come in. Talk turns to general chitchat.
11:40PM BBT:
Everyone's still hanging out in HoH. Lots of random conversations and everyone talking over everyone
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
12:20AM BBT:
Steven visibly upset talking to Dan and Angie comes out saying she's feeling sick Steve says "she's upset I'm leaving." Steven says rest knowing "tomorrow I will be drunk" and tells them he’ll be glued to BBAD and he has to figure out how to get it. They’re talking about his friend probably not watching because he thinks reality shows are ridiculous. Dan tells them he doesn't think Moica's watching after Angie asks. FotH.Steve saying he's by nature curious and is driving him crazy not "seeing these episode" what people are seeing and not seeing. There is a lot of silence.Dan is called to the DR and Steve goes over the regret of not putting 300 on his final HoH and Angie wishes things would have been different.Meanwhile… Inside Libra is pissed because she wasn't able to shove more food down her throat. Michele tells her give herself a few minutes and she'll be hungry. April ate PB&J and Michelle can't believe that’s the only thing she ate. They start dissin each other about being such pigs.
Its been a strange night on the feeds the cameras seemed to be all set on the same conversations. Steven did little campaigning and has accepted his fate of being the next evictee. Dan, Angie and Keesha are sad he's leaving with Keesha saying everyone at home is probably thinking: "Keesha's fallen in love with the gay man." She and Angie have told Steven they’re voting him out. Steve did say that he'll be glued to BBAD and while the next HoH will be reigning over and terrorizing the house and HGs.
2:00AM BBT:
Ollie and April have sex again, on the feeds, under the blanket and complete with sound affects. Right after, April says, "Wow." He's done by 2:06am.
3:00AM BBT:
It seems that BB told the HGs they had to go to bed.
9:30AM BBT:
FotH. When we come back, Keesha and Jerry are in the bathroom ADLing and Michelle and Renny are in the kitchen.
10:25PM BBT:
Chatting and cooking going on. They're going to be in HoH LD at some point. They've also teased Ollie about his snoring. Michelle and April think there is a funky smell coming from the fridge. Michelle found it to be so bad she gagged.
Keesha, April, Ollie and Libra are talking about Angie in the sauna room. Libra wants to make sure that if she isn’t HoH Angie gets nominated this week. April is worried that Angie will win HoH. Ollie says there is a 60% chance someone from their side will win HOH. Libra and Keesha join them. They are talking about Steven trying to get votes last night. Steven told Keesha that he did not want to leave the house with no votes. They are talking about the relationship Angie and Steven have. Saying Angie has every guy on her side except for Ollie. The talk continues between April, Libra, Ollie, and Keesha. Libra says that she (Angie) is very judgmental and that she has a lot of drama that is over the top. Dan comes in and asks how much more time they have before they are going to be on HoH lockdown.
10:50AM BBT:
Back from FotH every one is making their way upstairs. A few HGs are bringing their pillow and blankets with them. Jerry is in the kitchen finishing eating and drinking his coffee. Keesha comes back downstairs to get her blanket too; she says it is freezing in the HOH room. Jerry goes and gets his sweater. Jerry yells up to Jessie and ask him if he wants some food. Everyone is now in the HoH room for the lockdown. Little conversations here and there.
12:10PM BBT:
All HGs are still on HOH lock down, No talking, lots of sleeping.12:20PM BBT: FotH
12:25PM BBT:
The HG are out of lock down and are slowly heading downstairs. Libra has gone back to bed in the VW room. Other HGs are raiding the kitchen again.
12:25PM BBT:
FotH and back.
12:30PM BBT:
Back and FotH again. (Typical eviction day)
12:35PM BBT:
Back from FotH Jerry and Renny are in the Bath room doing ADLs. While April, Libra and Keesha are at the bar in the kitchen eating, Ollie is making a sandwich, and Steven is cooking something on the stove.
12:40PM BBT:
They're cleaning.
1:00PM BBT:
April, Michelle and Libra have had a Keesha bitch session today. It appears she hasn’t cleaned anything and has been painting her nails.
2:10PM BBT:
Jerry says he thinks Dan will still be in the house tomorrow and they start whispering about Memphis and someone else. Dan says they (he and Jerry) have to find somewhere to fit in. Jerry says they have to get two of the girls out of there because they are starting to organize along gender lines and outnumber the men. He says with April and Ollie and "her" they're starting to run things. Both leave the room at 2:20.
2:25-2:55PM BBT: We have Trivia on the feeds.
3:45PM BBT:
Libra, Ollie and April want Angie gone if they get HoH and Memphis trying to do damage control. Now it’s April and Ollie alone, April tells Ollie that Keesha said if someone (not sure who) wins HoH, April would go up against either her (Keesha) or Libra. Ollie saying to not get riled up before HoH as everything will be fine because they have the numbers.In the other parts of the house, people ironing, doing makeup, hair. Your typical eviction night stuff.
3:35PM BBT:
Apparently Keesha told April that Angie is putting two of the three of them up, so thats why everyone’s after Angie now.Jessie is advising Dan to stay focused in tonight’s HoH. Jessie encouraging him that he can do it just has to stay focused and he can take the win tonight. Jessie advises Dan to put up who he knows is coming after him (which is hardly anyone right now).Libra has many moles on her face, might get them frozen off.Jerry and Jessie are talking. Jerry thinks if Libra votes for Steven to stay he’ll still be here after the show. Jerry says, “You need to worry about Renny and Angie. Angie is doing exactly what she did with Brian. I like her but she's playing a loner...”Jerry tells Jessie he thinks the girls are playing their own game right now and Libra, Ollie and April are playing "that game" big time. Jessie explains Keesha told him the girls aren't happy with Libra and she’s one of the troublemakers. Jerry explains that they have a good shot because Michelle could win; he also has Keesha, and Dan who would do what he (Jessie) wants. Jerry wants to get to the jury and "see how that part of the game works"
4:00PM BBT:
Michelle saying they have rehearsal at 4:30pm. Her, Angie and Memphis are in the kitchen talking. Memphis says he really, really wants to win this today. Angie saying she does too. Angie wonders when the live audience gets there. Memphis saying they are probably brought in last minute. Angie thinks they're definitely there already. Other confirming all around the house that rehearsal is at 4:30PM.April and Libra start to talk about who they'd put up, April and Libra wonder if Michelle will vote with them to get rid of a boy. Libra says its possible. April starts to talk about her DR sessions, and fish.Jessie relays Jerry's info to Michelle that Dan might barely stay and Michelle says, "It's on!" Michelle says not to worry because in a few hours they will be back up in the HoH room. Michelle says Jerry knows nothing. Jessie quizzing Michelle
4:20PM BBT:
April says she's getting HoH this week to Libra and if Libra, Ollie or April doesn't get HoH, they're screwed. April: “We just GOT to win HoH! It’s either me and you, or me and Ollie. I just have a feeling. I have no idea what jerry would do."
4:25PM BBT:
Michelle going around confirming that Steven is going and everyone says, “Yes.” Now talk of how Jerry is stirring things and people getting ready, "How do I look" etc.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
6:30PM BBT:
Michelle wishes it was Joel McHale from the Soup instead of Crag Ferguson, Keesha thinks the guy from Soup would of been funny. Keesha starts talking about snow. Libra is dancing and humming a song, FotH. When we come back, Libra says, “I wasn’t singing Big Brother i was dancing!"
6:50PM BBT:
Michelle, Renny and Libra are talking about the show. Michelle: "BB is the biggest reality show in the world.” Libra: “I can’t believe we are on the cover of Time Magazine!" Renny: "Maybe we are a small icon on it, But i was expecting the National Enquire!"Keesha: "I think Ferguson was trying to joke with us."
7:15PM BBT:
Jessie and Ollie are lifting weights in BY. Jessie says when he wears a shirt; you can't tell he has all the muscles. Ollie disagrees. Renny, Keesha, Jerry, Memphis and April sitting on outside sofas. Memphis telling about a time he was convicted of battery after a fight and how he was found guilty at a trial. Stephen is sleeping on the BY lounge and Dan appears to be sleeping in the hammock.
7:25PM BBT:
April is telling the group she was arrested also. April and Memphis have both learned their lesson. Michelle and Libra playing pool. BB: "Jessie you are not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other house guests."
8:30ish BBT:
Keesha, Renny and Steven are in the bedroom. Steven is making an attempt to get their votes. He doesn’t want to go out like a chump and it be 9-0. they ask if he’s tried to get Jerry’s vote and ask about Angie. He says he hasn’t talked to Jerry and they both tell him he should. He also mentions that Memphis owes him as he won the car because of Steven. Steven says that if he gets Angie, Jerry and the two of them that’s four votes and he only needs one more. He tells them he’s too lazy to go out there and they subject changes.
8:45PM BBT:
April is talking about some girl that she kicked out her front teeth and we get FotH.
8:50PM BBT:
Feeds are back and Keesha is making a sock puppet and Renny asks if she is going to vote for Steven to stay. She's scared to vote that way as she thinks it will come back and bite her.
9:00PM BBT:
Keesha and Renny start talking about April. Keesha tells Renny that she really liked her at first but she is a bad judge of character and that Ollie and April are both playing Libra. Keesha hopes that Jerry, Angie or Memphis will win HoH because he will probably put April on the block. They both think April hates them and Keesha also says, “She talks shit about me every chance she gets. If I have to hear about her weigh one more time.”
Jessie, Memphis and Michelle are pow wowing in the HoH. Memphis leaves. Jessie tells Michelle he wants to give Michelle her back rub now in HoH. The start whispering about how Memphis is so passionate about getting Jerry and Dan out of the house because he doesn't trust them. Keesha and Renny in the VW room talking positively about Steven. Keesha thinks Steven might be the most loved person in the house by the outside world. Meanwhile… Libra, April and Ollie are in the sauna room. April wants to win HoH so she can see her family. Ollie freaks out because there is an ant crawling on him. Ollie says if he won HoH he would put up Angie, Dan or someone (couldn't hear). Michelle comes in and they change to chit chat. Keesha comes in and they start talking about how none of them would ever agree to go up as a pawn because the pawn always goes home. April and Ollie seem to have a blanket tonight in the spa.9:30PM BBT: Jerry, Memphis, Dan and Jessie hanging out at the chess table. Michelle joins them.Libra leaves Ollie, April and "the blanket" alone in the sauna room.
9:40PM BBT:
Keesha joins Ollie, April and “the blanket” in the sauna. Keesha regrets giving her word to Libra. They agree. They think she won't be in the house much longer though because the whole house wants her gone. Keesha is getting teary about Steven. She really likes him and this is so hard. She feels like she can't tell anyone she likes him. April and Ollie say you can't fault anyone for who they like.
10:05PM BBT:
Steven and Angie are on the BY sofa. Angie saying even though Michelle is tight with "them" she would be putting herself at risk had she taken Steven off the block. Steven tells Angie that she should see if she gets even one of them out of the house she could completely shift the power even if she has to stick her neck out to do it. Steven (jokingly) says if you win you have to buy me something nice... like a Tahoe. Steven is leaving Angie his handkerchief to wear after he is gone. Steven thinks there will be a lot of bad stuff written about him when he gets out of the house.
10:10PM BBT:
Libra, Keesha, April, Jerry, Memphis, Ollie, Michelle, Dan, Renny and Jessie are in the kitchen. The sloppers are getting food ready for when they can eat at the stroke of midnight. Lots of random chit chat.
10:20PM BBT:
They start asking each other questions. They ask what girl in the house most closely resembles Monica his GF. Dan diplomatically says every girl has different similar traits. Renny asks what body part of Monica's does Dan like the best. Dan says that's not appropriate for a gentleman to answer. Libra asks which girl in the house would be the closest to one he would get with. They say they see Dan checking out the girls because his "dark" sunglasses aren't as dark as he thinks they are. Dan says he isn't checking out the girls he is just watching them when they walk to make sure they don't fall to something.
10:45PM BBT:
Keesha breaks away from question and answer in the kitchen. Her and Renny are hanging out in the VW room. Keesha is getting teary again. Steven walks in and she starts crying a bit. He tells her not to cry that tonight they are having fun. Steven tells Keesha if she cries tomorrow when he leaves he will thump her with his temple thumper because he cannot go out into the live audience crying and have everyone go "Lordy look at this fag." Steven asks if he should run through the house naked and jump in the pool. Keesha gets up and wipes her tears with a tissue.
10:55PM BBT:
Keesha outside on the BY sofa with Jessie. Keesha can't wait until midnight because she can eat. Jessie tells her to avoid the jalapeno chips because they upset his stomach. Angie comes out for a smoke. Steven comes out for a chaw.
11:20PM BBT:
Most everyone is back hanging out in the kitchen now. Steven is making a pizza for the midnight food run. Renny is cooking to big pans of something too. While Jessie is giving Michelle a back rub on the BY sofa and telling her about his HoH Blog. Ollie and April talking in the 50's BR talking relationship stuff. Ollie has never had a GF in his life but he doesn't want her to focus all her attention on that fact. Ollie has never met a girl like April. Ollie tells April she is a fly chick. Dan announces they probably have around 24 minutes left until they can eat.
11:46PM BBT:
Libra announces in the kitchen it's 11:46 and they have 13 minutes until they can eat (hmmm she needs to check her math). Jerry comes in and stares at the clock. These people are ready to eat.
11:50PM BBT:
The houseguests are in the kitchen waiting for Wednesday to come so they can eat. Renny and Steven are cooking a bunch of food which they'll eat at midnight. They're cooking everything from pizza, to salmon, to tacos, to steak. Libra is counting down the minutes until 12:00. Renny's getting drinks ready so they can chow down at the crack of midnight. Angie is setting the table, which we can see is set up with salad and dressings.
11:59PM BBT:
Houseguests are eating.
Posted by
11:29 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
3:05AM BBT:
Jerry just yelled out in his sleep "Roll over Ollie."
9:10AM BBT:
They're still sleeping.
9:45AM BBT:
10:15AM BBT:
There's been a lot of general chit chat in the house. They've discussed Malls and Stores in LA. Real-estate, HoH Blogs and TV shows.
11:35PM BBT:
Jessie has the HoH camera and is talking pictures, mainly of himself over and over because he thinks he looks like a "little boy" in all the pictures.
1:20PM BBT:
In the BY, Steven and Dan talking about class distinction, as far as I can tell. Steven saying people in stores on hands-free cell phones irritate him and they don't apologize after the call is over. They both go to do laundry. All four feeds on them.Dan goes into the house, and Keesha comes outside. She says hello to Angie, who is in the pool with Memphis. All four feeds on Memphis, Angie and Keesha in BY while Ollie is walking around in BY. FotHAngie is in the pool while Steven is doing laundry and Michelle is getting some sun. Keesha just came out and chatting about husbands cheating. She is talking about the wife who ran over her husband for cheating on her. Just chit chat
1:35PM BBT:
Some in the BY, and Steven announces he has a nice male member. Keesha asks if it's big and he says it's nice. Camera zooms onto his face, and he tried to expose himself while Dan is hanging out in pool.Steven exposes his butt to BY camera. He and Keesha giggle about it. Talk goes to Jerry laying in bed and maybe he doesn't feel well. Dan adding water to pool.General chat going on. BB tells Memphis to put on his mic. Those who can eat are having hot dogs.
1:45PM BBT:
In the Kitchen folks are eating and not really talking much - except for about food! In BY, music is the topic between Steven and Keesha. Steven says he'll be requesting songs for the morning as he has a 50/50 shot of going home.
2:15PM BBT:
Everyone is all excited. BB told them they are having a surprise at 5 o’clock BB time and they’re to all dress to impress and as usual, the feeds will probably be blocked so we wont see it...
Everyone is getting ready and speculating. So far I've heard. Luxury Competition. Family Member visit. Someone visiting.
2:50PM BBT:
They’ve called the LD and none of the HGs are ready. Ollie was ironing his clothes and has to take the iron and board outside.
Again at 2:55PM they get an OD LD call. Lot’s of people running around like headless chickens and we get FotH as they're all heading outside.
4:00PM BBT:
Feeds are back. They're still waiting for the "surprise" and speculating.
Michelle, Keesha, Libra, April and Angie in the BR doing their hair and make-up. Steven is there while Ollie is taking a shower. They’ve commented that they only have an hour to get ready. April is joking that she’s a lesbian and that the twist will be her girlfriend coming into the house. Steven jokes that the twist is that all his girlfriends are going to come in the house. Ollie comments that a different producer has been talking to them and asks if they think it means something bigger coming down and they speculate that it does mean something bigger.Steven says that he’s excited for the world to see him without a beard. April asked if he asked BB if he could shave it and he said not really. She said that they might get mad when they ask him to go back in time (to re-record something from the DR). He hopes that BB let’s them get wasted tonight. .Michelle asks Steven if he likes her poof on the front/top of her head. He says that he likes it but not loves it so she takes it down. “Wowwwwwww” from Michelle and says that maybe Flavor Flav is coming into the house tonight. Memphis now is using the hot iron to straighten his hair.
4:55PM BBT:
They're on ID LD and what ever this f-ing surprise is, I wish they'd get on with it.
5:00PM BBT: FotH
5:40PM BBT: It’s appears the HG will be on Craig Ferguson tonight. That was their surprise. April is upset because she was questioned about Jerry squeezing her boobs on the show and her father would have seen it (yet she has sex with Ollie in the sauna room…). It also appears they’re off slop as of midnight, so the whining paid off. Keesha doesn’t know how to cook and she is having real issues talking her nail polish off and Memphis laughed at her. Memphis, Renny, Keesha and Angie are in the sauna room. Jerry, April, Ollie and Libra are in the kitchen. Libra is doing a little dance, seems she’s really excited about being able to eat and has already taken ground beef out to cook at midnight.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
8:30PM BBT:
Michelle, Jessie and Memphis are having a meeting in the HoH room. They're saying they can't be obvious about their alliance when people are still in the endurance game, and Michelle is pushing to "vote Aprils ass out" because Libra will hang herself eventually. Memphis and Jessie agree.
8:40PM BBT:
Michelle leaves the HoH room first, and tells the other two to follow shortly after. Jessie and Memphis discuss "the plan" (Renny and Dan on the block). They talk about hoping whoever wins HoH throws Renny and Dan on the block. Memphis doesn't trust Jerry but Jessie thinks he would Renny and Dan up. Memphis isn't sure he would. They both know he wants Libra out. Jessie thinks Libra would do anything to stay. Jessie saw the face of an alien in the window, and thinks it is a twist. Renny saw the alien also. Michelle wants to see it. Renny said it knocked in the window behind the dishes.
9:00PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging in the BY sofas. Random conversations, all talking over each other. They have booze.
9:30PM BBT:
Jessie and Ollie eating at the table. Jerry comes in and tells them that he and Memphis both way the same, 200LBS.Renny and Keesha are in the sauna talking about how Renny was a basket case the first night in the house. Renny is going to wear her black dress for eviction night. Keesha doesn't know what she is going to wear. Keesha says she didn't pack wisely and she didn't bring any dresses. BB told her is she wins HoH she can get a couple of dresses from home. Angie and Steven in the BY having the "Steven and Angie talk show" talking about male genitalia, growers and showers. Steven is a grower. Angie tells Brian she loves him to death... Steven says, “Yeah, but you fucked us.” Memphis comes out and Angie welcomes him to the Steve and Angie Show.
9:35PM BBT:
Libra, Ollie and April are in the kitchen talking about losing weight on slop. Libra claims it's bad that April works out while she is on slop because she is "negating her calories."
9:50PM BBT:
The Barbie bitch alliance is in the sauna talking about Playboy bunnies. They talk about how white Holly's hair is (one of the girls who live with Hugh Hefner). They could not imagine having sex with an 80-year-old man. Keesha thinks Holly is pretty now that she is rich and has had everything done. Keesha says Holly was a Hooter's girl. In the BY Angie, Steven and Memphis are making things out of aluminum foil. Memphis makes a mask and wristbands. Angie makes a spear and shield. Steven makes a sword. They run around acting like superheroes (they look pretty stoopid).
10:10PM BBT:
Dan in the bathroom brushing his teeth and talking to Keesha.
10:25PM BBT:
Memphis, Libra and April in the VW room talking about how Allison did BB, then Amazing Race, then BB again.
10:30PM BBT:
Keesha and Angie are talking about slop. Keesha says that they have to find a way to keep Libra off slop as she's driving her "fucking insane" and complaining she has lost weight. Angie says it's what they signed up for. The conversation ends when Libra comes outside.
Keesha, Michelle, Libra, Renny, April sitting with their feet in the HT. They are excited because the water is finally hot in the HT.
10:45PM BBT:
Steven is doing the slip-n-slide. The girls are cheering him on.
10:55PM BBT:
All the girls sitting with their feet in the HT. Steven is in the HT. He tells Michelle she has the prettiest boobs, not the biggest but the prettiest. They talk about how the BB house is falling apart. Libra says it's like being in the ghetto.They try to talk Steven into getting naked. Ollie, Dan and Memphis are playing pool.
11:15PM BBT:
Lots of HG in the kitchen. Random chit chat. On topic of conversation is Heath Ledger and how sad his sad death was.
11:35PM BBT:
Libra and Memphis playing pool. Memphis says he doesn't trust Dan and he can't stand Jerry. Memphis thinks he would rather be stuck in the jury house with Renny, as she is getting a lot better to him. Libra agrees. Memphis thinks they are all on the same page. Jerry comes out. The pool game breaks up.
11:40PM BBT:
Ollie and April are in the sauna. Ollie is giving her a massage. They stay in there awhile and talk about their relationship and their families. Michelle and Jessie are in the bathroom. Michelle is bitching about Angie being a fucking idiot and wishes she would just “shut the fuck up.”
11:55PM BBT:
teven, Memphis, Angie and Jerry hanging in the 50's room chit chatting.At some point April and Ollie have a little make out session and head to bed (no sex tonight).
1:05AM BBT:
ll HG sleeping.
Posted by
11:32 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
8:00AM BBT: They're sleeping.
8:30AM BBT: FotH
It appears that BB woke the HGs up to do DR sessions. Jerry got in bed with April this morning and spooned her and Libra and April don’t seem that impressed with Jerry’s antics towards the girls.
9:40AM BBT: Keesha and Renny are talking about Memphis and both agree they like him. He’s laid back and easy to talk to. Keesha says she get along outside the house with Renny, Steven, Ollie and Memphis. Renny comments that he has an alliance with the others and she sees him going in the HOH. Keesha agrees and says that Jessie and Memphis are close. Keesha comments Ollie is a nice too. Renny says, "Yeah, but he's with April” and adds that April and Libra think they're running the house. Keesha says, "Uh huh."
Lots of general chit chat.
10:30AM BBT: Two people are upstairs playing chess. Looks like Angie and Memphis. Jerry is in the kitchen and says everyone in the house should be complimented on how clean they keep the house. Renny is fixing something, or doing dishes, but not talking. Ollie is at the table eating PB&J, and Michelle is painting her toenails.April, Libra and Keesha talking in bedroom. Libra says why is it that all women want to date a bad boy? She said they don't want to marry them, it is just the excitement that is around them.
10:50AM BBT: April says when she breaks up with a guy, it is a long time that before she gets another one (they don't know about Ollie). Libra asks if April's parents are ok with her dating a black guy, she said yes. Keesha said that is so cool.They are hoping they get to eat around noon tomorrow. Looks like they are staying out of the kitchen since they are on slop. Keesha wants to make a big meal and have everyone else to sit down to a meal at the table.They talk to Steven and question him being gay, since he was offering sex with the girls. Keesha said he undid her bra. Libra asked if it was under 60 seconds. Keesha said he was definitely out of practice.Steven walks in, so talk changes to April wanting to lay out. Steven said it is a day to get wet. They are talking about a slip and slide. Steven said Jerry is outside watching the washing machine; Jessie is sleeping in the bathroom....Talk changes to Jerry. They said he is touching them and giving them the creeps. They apologize to his wife. She has Parkinson's and needs help. They hope she isn't watching the live feeds. April said her twin is watching, and gives a shout out to her then back to Jerry. Steven said, as guys get older, their sex drive diminishes. Libra is talking about Viagra and Cialis commercials, then a "dick pump". Steven said it isn't like Viagra, it makes the dick bigger.Now the girls are saying they masturbate under the covers. Steven can't understand how a girl can do that. Steven said he does it on vacation. They said it takes a while, and they don't want to start unless they can finish.
11:00AM BBT: Now talking about Canadian guys. They strip totally nude. Steven said Canadian men are completely hot. Now going on and on about how gorgeous they are. Steven came in and said the water has been shut off. They go to check. Libra stayed in bed, saying they live in the ghetto. Someone said Jessie is funny sleeping in the bathroom. His mouth is wide open.Michelle was called to the DR. April and Keesha go to the kitchen, where Renny is still making a slop concoction.
11:15AM BBT: Back from FotH. Keesha is adding honey to her slop. Michelle is called to the DR again (still). Keesha and April are complaining about the water being off...they can't go to the bathroom. Keesha said especially her. People are talking over each other outside. Dan said April reminds him of his sister. He said she evens has bathroom issues. She said she is trying to go... it has been five days now. They are saying the slop also makes you constipated. She is drinking Metamucil. She is also having protein shakes. She is going to use Jessie's bathroom for privacy. Angie offered to let her read her cigarette pack. April said that helps, to read something. Talk about leaving the bible in the bathroom for reading material.Feed switches to Libra, still in bed. Can't hear what is being said...BB said "Libra, please do no obstruct your microphone". She is in the bedroom with Keesha. Keesha is still eating her bowl of slop.
11:55AM BBT: Dan, Libra, Steven and Keesha are in the bedroom talking about movies. Keesha talks about Renny saying last night that he shouldn't turn Keesha into his "faghag" and Steven explains he was going to give sexual favors for their votes.They’ve been talking about sex and last night. Sex seems to be the constant topic of conversation. Keesha finally says, “We need to stop talking about sex. We're talking about it all the time.” The start talking about Little House On The Prairie.
12:20PM BBT: Jessie and Steven are discussing making a slip n slide later today. Keesha is outside showing Jerry how to use the washer. Memphis is outside too.Silence on feeds...Steven asks the date as whatever he's eating says, "Sell by 7/19". Jessie says that it's the 19th or 20th. Ollie is running around with a swimming cap on and his shorts tucked like they're Speedo’sRenny is getting her makeup on in the bathroom.Michelle and Jessie are in the HoH, Jessie is singing to her. He gets yelled at for singing...In the BY, it looks like the Slip n Slide construction is underway. Steven is manning the hose and watering down the fake grass while Memphis is rubbing the water in. Angie, Ollie and Keesha are overseeing.They're ready to start taping the bags.
12:55PM BBT: Renny and Keesha were talking about Jessie and Michelle. Renny said Michelle is a fierce competitor and that her and Jessie have hooked up pretty much since day one. Keesha says, "Mmmhmm." Jessie and Libra come outside and interrupt the conversation.Steven comes out of the DR and informs them what they can and can’t do with the slip n slide. No going in the pool etc.Angie is cutting the bags and helping with the taping.
Ollie just removed the swim cap and the whole thing was filled with sweat. Angie says, “That would have to be the most disgusting thing I’ve seen since I came here. Steven is called to the DR again and Angie, Ollie and Memphis continue to tape the bags together.Michelle and Jessie were back in the HoH room flirting a little.
They've been having Slip n Slide fun for sometime now. April had a turn and hurt her boobs. Everyone seems to be having a ball.
Michelle and Angie made a big square "Break Dance" area with trash bags and ended up wrestling. All the boys seemed to really enjoy that.
2:00PM BBT: Michelle is rubbing Jessie’s back with sunscreen while he does his front. Memphis chatting with Angie that slip-n-slide could have been more fun if they could play games, like slide down and run back and drink. Angie is glad that the slip-n-slide plan was put into action. Memphis now says the plan is to make an aluminum foil football. Memphis tells America that he’s very creative if anyone wants to hire him – he only needs six figures. They talk about flying and getting out of the house and that would be Angie’s choice of a super power. All is quiet in the BB BY…Meanwhile… Ollie and Keesha are talking about Steven last night and how he was talking like a straight man. They don’t think he’s gay. Ollie asked if he had a boner and she said that she didn’t know. She said that he went into detail about going down on a girl and how he loves it and between her thighs and she grabs his hair. Ollie says that he might be bi and she says that he hasn’t been with a woman for 10 years. She said that he really went into specifics last night and doesn’t believe that he’s 100% gay and the things coming out of his mouth were worse than a straight mans. Keesha says that Steven is hilarious and doesn’t know what to believe about his sexuality. Jessie joins them and says that anyone can talk like that and that he had been with 500 partners! Memphis is in the triple figure club. Ollie says that Steven is putting up “triple doubles.” Jerry joins the discussion and says that it’s very scary especially with AIDS and stuff. Ollie asks, “BB tests everyone before they get here, right?” Keesha confirms that they did.
2:40PM BBT: Jessie and Michelle just got scolded for discussing their diary room sessions with each other. Jessie says, "You got me in trouble. How are we supposed to get on All-Stars if we keep getting in trouble?" To which Michelle replies, "America loves us. It's all up to America. You're the Fresh Prince of America. We both have fan clubs that will get us in." Jessie says, "Yeah. When I win PoV, I'm going to sing, ‘Reunited and it feels so good.’” Michelle reminds him they can't sing and Jessie tells her "In competitions, sometimes there's exceptions for winners."
3:05PM BBT: Ollie is spooning April in bed trying to take a nap. Ollie says that he bets Jerry will come in there and April says that he freaks her out. Ollie says that her hand is really warm. April says that she really hurt her rib. Ollie says that she thought that those huge jugs would have given her protection but she said no, that the ribs stuck out. She tells Ollie that he was supposed to teach her how to do it. She says that she'll go out later and try again but Ollie says that she's retired and is not going out there. She comments that all of America is going to see her do that and Memphis hurting himself too. He's tickling her neck and ear and she's giggling flirting talking about not being ticklish there. BB: Ollie, please go to the DR.Feeds change to BY. Memphis, Keesha, Angie, Dan, and Steven out there. Angie and Keesha talking about infected nails from fake nails, manicures, fungus, tools, etc. On to bird watching - Hummingbirds. Someone starts singing...FotH. They've named it Henry the Hummingbird. Keesha asks what if it's a girl, Henrietta the Hummingbird. Steven says that he can see his hummingbird balls. Jessie joins them and Dan leaves the area. Steven is called to the DR and is going to ask for a Hummingbird feeder.Keesha, Memphis and Jessie are talking about clubs in L.A. and hot spots. Memphis says that he owned the club Privilege and now it's going to be 14--like an old school board game, Clue, like the library.
3:20PM BBT: Memphis, Keesha, Angie in the BY talking about bars in LA. April and Ollie laying down, kind of napping kind of talking, in the 80's room.
3:25PM BBT: OD LD called.
3:40PM BBT: Feeds back to Ollie (wearing his sunglasses and a hat) spooning April. FotH. They’re back and holding hands and she says that she forever has a scar to remember when she made him garlic bread. BB: Houseguests, please go outside. Jessie just does a quick pose in the BR mirror while waiting for the WC. The HGs are not in a hurry to go outside. Renny is in her bedroom doing stuff. Jessie is getting a hotdog and cheese to eat. Others using bathroom. Finally, everyone is outside. BB: ODLD. Jerry has lost his glasses.Angie and Steven together and he tells her that she needs to break the group up because Libra sold him out. He says that it’s going to be another Dick and Daniele season where everyone wants him out but won’t do it.
4:00PM BBT: OD LD is finished.
4:30PM BBT: Memphis and Angie are in the BY on the couch discussing what they need to do in the game. They talk about Renny and Memphis thinks she needs to go sooner than later. Angie points out that Renny doesn’t like Libra and she doesn’t think that she will make an alliance with that group and they have to keep their group of four a secret. Angie thinks it’s worked out for them that she is the outcast and Memphis agrees. She also says that she won’t try and win the HoH if it comes down to the four of them (Michelle, Jessie, Memphis and herself. Memphis thinks April is playing Libra and Angie says that annoys her because she doesn’t like two-faced people and everyone knows where she stands in the game.
4:50PM BBT: All 4 fees on Memphis, Angie, and Renny sitting on the sofa in the BY. They are discussing what they plan on eating when they aren't on slop anymore. Memphis wants meat, a lot of it. We now have feeds 1 and 2 on Michelle and Jessie in the sauna room, just general chit chat. Jessie and Michelle must be bored as they have taken what appears to be Gel inserts for shoes and acting like they are telephones. They talk to each other on the "phone" using extreme accents, such as Australian and Spanish accents.
5:00PM BBT: Ollie and Steven have come to the back yard and Steven mentions that they won't be allowed food until 9:00 PM on Wednesday. Ollie was hoping they would get food a day earlier. Meanwhile, Jessie and Michelle are discussing food and Michelle says she could eat a moose. She then starts talking in a very deep male voice. Others hear from the hallway and think it is Jessie talking. Jessie is dying laughing. Her deep male voice is called "spooky".
5:10PM BBT: Most of the houseguests are either in the Retro Room or the BY and the topic of conversation in both areas is the recent news that they are not going to be allowed to eat until Wednesday. Michelle keeps talking in the deep voice and it is freaking Keesha out. Keesha says Steven told her it reminded him of a drag queen he knows.Steven, Ollie, Angie, Memphis, and Dan are working out in the Back Yard. While Keesha and Libra have general chit chat about food in the bedroom. They’re talking about being on a liquid diet and that Libra is starving herself.
5:30PM BBT: Jessie and Ollie are preparing a meal. Ollie is cleaning lettuce. Steven, Michelle, Dan, Memphis, Angie, and Renny are in the back yard, just general chit chat about other reality shows such as the mole etc.Feeds 3 & 4 cut to Keesha and Libra whispering while still laying in bed in the Retro Room. It is hard to follow but they are discussing the Memphis and Jessie alliance and that Memphis really hates Dan. Keesha says she doesn't like having to vote out people she likes. She doesn't want Renny to go and wants her in the jury house. She doesn't want to vote out Steven. Libra is still asking why Angie has fallen off the radar.
5:40PM BBT: April walks in Keesha breaks the news to April about not eating until Wednesday night. Libra tells April to take her frustrations out in there and not to let the others see her upset. Libra mentions that Angie has been talking to them about food just to get on their nerves. Libra speculates that Angie went upstairs to the HoH room claiming to want to listen to the headphones and then she managed to get into Jessie's and Memphis' ears, "Don't they realize she was Brian's #1 sidekick?" Their conversation goes back to food and that Libra is lethargic and her laying in bed is all she's got for BB. April agrees and says she has no energy and is sleeping all day.
5:45PM BBT: Libra, April and Keesha in Retro Room. They are discussing that they are following along with Jessie's and Memphis's plan to keep the peace. Their biggest fear is Jerry, Dan, or Angie winning HoH. They don't think anyone else is ready to throw rocks at them yet because that will "make it crazy in here". They have also realized it will be after the next HoH before they can eat again. They are frustrated because everyone else is making big meals and flaunting it April gets tears in his eyes. Libra "I'm on a liquid diet. I'm just going to eat my protein shake. I am not moving unless my waterbed moves. Sorry BB, this is all I got for ya." (Libra seems to have forgotten she signed up for the slop too. The grumping is getting old and they discuss slop and whine about it for 15 minutes.) April mentions that she can't believe she woke up after dreaming about candy.
6:00PM BBT: All 4 feeds on Jerry, Michelle, Steven, and Jessie lounging in the BY on the sofas.
6:10 PM BBT: All 4 feeds now on Angie and Renny walking laps in the BY. They are discussing Angie still being single and 29, her relationship with her mom, the fact they are now on lap 178 and that Renny's hands are swelling because of the slop.
6:20PM BBT: Lap 191. They decide to run lap 200 instead of walk.
6:30PM BBT: All 4 feeds on Keesha and Steven in the kitchen. Keesha gets to cut her hair and if she wins HoH she may get to dye it. Steven is cooking the meat for beef tacos. Keesha is upset because Jerry used her scissors to cut hair off his body. She mentions that her Grandparents were never as gross as Jerry is. Steven says he doesn't like old people.
6:40PM BBT: All 4 feeds now on Michelle giving Jerry a haircut in the bathroom.
6:50 PM BBT: Most of the houseguests are engaged in general chit chat in either the backyard or the kitchen. Steven is still cooking his tacos and mentions that he will slip n slide naked tonight if one of the girls is willing to do it in their bra and panty. Michelle says she will if she gets some alcohol tonight. She tries to talk Renny into it but she doesn't want anyone to see her nasty bra.
7:00PM BBT: Jessie working out in the BY with Jerry and Ollie watching. Jessie just finished on the stretchy thing and now it's Ollie's turn. April is doing laps.
7:55PM BBT: Renny's finished Keesha's hair and Keesha loves it. April has her dye on still and is waiting to shower to wash it off. Angie was in the shower and Dan was in the bathroom chatting to all the girls. Libra is still in bed.
Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
BB wakes the hamsters up at 9:30 am on a lovely Sunday morning. Memphis, Steven and Jerry talk about their lifestyles outside the house and Jerry explains that his wife never had to work and he was lucky because of that. Steven trys to have Keesha help him appeal to Michelle to use the veto on him. She says no and to have Jessie help him. Jessie, Michelle and Steven end up in HOH and Steven pleads his case, but Jessie and Michelle tell him it would be a stupid move on their part to put Libra up. He continues trying to get them to change the nominations, but Michelle keeps saying that she needs to think about what would be best for her. Dan heads up to HOH and tells michelle and Jessie that he would do whatever he could to remove himself from the block but he seems to be understanding to their situation. Michelle tells Dan that he is not the target and that whatever happens, she will not vote him out. Meanwhile, Steven plays the Libra Nomination plan to Ollie and April, but Ollie says it’s a consensus of the house to get Steven out and he doesn’t want to jeopardize himself by playing along with it. April tells Steven that she didn’t like him a few days ago and he admits that he got in a huge fight with production. Before we hear anymore, the fish start swimming. Steven tries to explain why he went along with Brian in the first place and Libra says that when the chips were down, at least Dan stuck to his alliance and in the end, who knows what Steven would do if they were in alliance. They discuss that Angie and Memphis are always together and that they think that Jessie, Angie, Michelle and Memphis are an alliance and will just pick them off one by one. The pot calls the kettle black when Libra gets upset because she thinks that Angie underhandedly told her to clean the kitchen when she asked “Do you think we should clean the kitchen for the POV ceremony?” Jessie comes downstairs and tells Keesha, April, Libra and Ollie that Steven came up and said that he had a replacement for himself and could ensure the votes to get someone out. No one asked who it was and no one asked.
Noon BB goes to fish for 30 minutes and when the feeds return, the POV was not used to save either Dan or Steven. Steven tells Libra that he tried to get her backdoored. He tells Dan that he doesn’t think he has the staying power for the game because of the people he misses. Michelle comes in from outside and breaks down crying and apologizes to Dan and Steven for not using the veto on them. Michelle heads up to HOH to talk to Jessie and tells him that it sucks to have someones fate in the game in her hands. Dan comes in and says that if either of them feel anyone wavering on keeping him, to let him know so that he can have the chance to sway them. Jessie tells him that he thinks Dan is going to be ok. Libra asks Michelle to tell her about Stevens plan to backdoor her in the bedroom while April and Keesha are there. Michelle tells them that Steven said that both April and Keesha went up to him about wanting Libra out and both girls deny it. Keesha says she isn’t going to lie and she’s afraid Steven might come after her. April calls Steven worse than Brian and Michelle tells them Steven promised her everything if she used the veto on him. Libra tells Michelle that she owes her one later on in the afternoon. Jessie and Jerry discuss Libra’s downfall and how her strong personality that is natural to her is the reason that she isn’t going to make it much farther. Michelle wakes Angie up to tell her that Steven said that if Angie were to win the POV, she was going to use it on Dan. Angie can’t believe he said that because none of it is true. Michelle tells her that neither she or Jessie believed it. Libra seems to talk and complain about Steven wanting to backdoor her to anyone that will listen. Despite the fact that they all seemed to have issues with her, they all deny that they said anything and Steven is looking worse and worse in Libra’s eyes. Dan tells Michelle and Jessie that he thinks he has 5 votes and that he needs one more. They say that Steven is digging himself a hole because of Libra and it won’t be a problem. The rest of the afternoon is full of napping, relaxing and working out hamsters. Libra, Keesha, April and Memphis say that Jerry is creepy because he talks about sex a lot. Jessie practices his muscle man poses for the girls. Libra and April get upset because Angie made chicken strips and fries for dinner while they are on slop because she supposedly overheard that it was their favorite food. April then admits that she thinks Angie is flirting with Ollie to make her mad and Libra tells her to do “something” with Ollie to make him hers. They discuss how Angie will be the first one to go against the order they had set up. Memphis joins in and says that he doesn’t think anyone will put up one of the 8 of them because they can confront them similar to how they did with Brian. They all say that they don’t really want to be in sequester with Renny or Jerry. Memphis says he will nominate Dan and Jerry and if one of them comes off he will put up Renny, but he really wants Jerry gone. TOO MUCH INFORMATION AREA- READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ***************** The houseguests begin talking about their magic number of partners. Steven says his is over 500 and says that gays are very promiscuous. Keesha thinks that is an excuse. Steven explains that if you think about it, it’s less than 100 a year, and sometimes there were more than one guy at a time. Keesha says she lost her virginity at 17 and it is hard to remember back all those years to count her number. April says she made out with her twin sister once. Keesha says she wants to have a threesome, Steven wants to have one as well. ******************* Renny begins talking about getting evacuated for Katrina. Steven didn’t go back to New Orleans after Katrina. Dan sees sparks between Michelle and Jessie and thinks they should get together. Michelle rebuts and says that it took Dan a year and a half to tell his girlfriend he loved her and yet she should take relationship advice from him. Jessie says that he takes the word girlfriend seriously, says only 4 girls have had the honor and starts listing the qualifications. He says that he’s been seeing the same girl for over a year but he doesn’t say they are dating. Boring discussion about dating and relationships continues. Afterward, Jessie thanks Michelle for helping him be strong and not get in trouble because he doesn’t want to hurt the girl he’s seeing. They talk about a drema that he had where he kissed Angie and Michelle asks if Angie wanted to kiss him, would he let her do it. He says probably, but it’s just a crush and that he needs to get over it. Memphis and Angie discuss Jerry in the backyard. He complains that Jerrys comments aren’t worth anything to the group and that if Jerry won HOH, he would put up Jessie and Memphis. Angie disagrees. She says that it makes her skin crawl being nice to the girls in the house. Libra and April get upset because Renny made a cake for the houseguests not on slop. Ollie says he is going to have a slice with ice cream and Libra tells him that he is not. April says that Ollie can eat anything he wants and Keesha agrees. All the houseguests except April and Jessie get up and start doing the electric slide. They talk April into it and Jessie is watching out the window. They want to throw Dan in the pool because he is eating cake in front of them and taunting them with it. Steven begins to do a lap dance on Renny and gets down to his underwear. Renny follows up with a shoutout to all the church ladies. TOO MUCH INFO AREA *********************************** The houseguests again begin talking about sex and Renny won’t give up information on when she lost her virginity but admits that she has faked an orgasm. Dan comes out and gets asked when he lost his virginity but says he’d rather be an observer. When Keesha says for the men out there to not lick the butt, Dan gets up and leaves. Steven comes in because he overheard the butt talk. Meanwhile in the other room, Ollie and April are cuddling and kissing. Jessie and Michelle discuss the game in HOH. They talk about how by the time anyone figures out, they will have Angie and Memphis and a better chance at winning. They say that it’s easy to use Angie as a scapegoat and the other HGs go crazy when she wears that hat. Renny and Libra think that there is something going on between Jessie and Michelle because they are always behind closed doors up in HOH. Michelle gets upset that people think there is something going on because she doesn’t want Jessie’s girlfriend to get upset. Steven is having a good time jumping into bed with Renny and making sexy motions. Renny is screaming and giggling. After all the commotion is over, everyone heads to bed at the ripe time of 2:45 am.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
Sorry readers...I was out of town. But fear not, I am backa nd recaps will resume as best as I can do them. Now on to the recap for Friday July 19th....
8:30 AM Keesha is the first one up followed by Libra. Keesha is nervous about being the replacement if the veto is used. Libra tries to calm her. They agree that Steven is resigned to going home. They go back to bed before 9:00 AM.
10:15 AM After a FOTH, most everyone is up milling around talking about what they want, what they really really want. It’s a good bet that the wake-up music was the Spice Girls, ‘Wannabe’. In the bathroom, Steven tries to talk Michelle into using the veto. She is non-committal. Then the drama of the day begins. Jerry walks into the bedroom where April and Libra are and first mutters something about the slow, old people losing the food comp. He switched this to full on confronting Libra for saying it. Libra jumps out of bed screaming that she did not. She only said that the teams should be balanced. She follows him through the house wanting to know “WHO SAID THAT, JERRY – WHO SAID THAT, JERRY”. Jerry eventually says it was the “other old person” and Libra confronts Renny. While Renny and Libra argue, Jerry goes to comb his hair in one of the mirrors. After an extended screaming match, Renny asserts that the word ‘old’ was used, but not the word ‘slow’. Libra does not deny it at that point and tries to smooth things with Renny and Jerry.
11:00 AM Back in the bedroom, Libra and April rehash the argument. Renny joins them for a bit and points out that this was all Jerry stirring the pot, then leaves. A little later Keesha tells Renny, “Libra does a lot of talking for not saying anything.” Dan joins the bedroom crew and jokes around with Ollie and April about their sleeping arrangements. They joke right back with him. Feed switch to Jerry, Keesha, and Jessie in the kitchen. Jerry makes slop for everyone. Jessie cooks some real food. Back in the bedroom, Ollie, April and Libra continue rehashing the fight and questioning Jerry's motives. Libra tells April to be careful “Michelle runs upstairs and tells Jessie everything”. Libra tells Ollie that she's glad she fought with Jerry because now he knows not to come at her again. Everyone leaves Libra alone sitting on the side of her bed. She puts her head on her knees, arms covering her face and rocks back and forth. Noon The guys make a big deal about Angie taking off her clothes to get in the pool (She’s wearing swimwear underneath). Steven gets in too and they fake kiss by cupping their hands over their mouths. Libra and April talk in the bedroom about how people know they are tight and people are going to come after them. Most everyone else is outside enjoying the sun. Libra eventually breaks down crying. She is mad at herself for getting so angry. She stays in the room crying and telling this to a string of houseguests that eventually file through the room one at a time including Jerry, Keesha, April, Renny, Michelle and Steven. Michelle and Memphis are talking in the backyard. They think Steven should be the one voted out this week. He has nothing to offer them in the game. Michelle will not be using the veto.
1:00 PM Most Houseguests are outside talking about having a jump off with jump ropes. We learn that April spent her 30th birthday on house arrest with an ankle bracelet due to a DUI. Jessie, Michelle, April, Ollie, and Steven have a sex education discussion including a brief demonstration of the reverse cowgirl. Renny made a ‘brown sugar oatmeal’ slop dish and Keesha, Memphis and Jerry join her in the kitchen. Dan tells Steven about an idea for a talk show for later tonight featuring Ollie and April's budding romance. Steven asks if he can be the gay sidekick. Outside, April says it's frustrating that the hot tub isn't warmer. Memphis asks BB to turn the hot tub heater on for tonight.
2:00 PM All houseguests are outside enjoying the day and each other. Keesha asked Steven if they eat armadillos. Renny tells her “No, it’s a rodent!” We learn that Renny’s real name is Lorenza. Steven wants into the DR to ask BB for some balls that went over the wall. But he thinks, "They're too busy editing footage together from this morning." Still talking sex, Keesha tells Ollie and Steven how everyone is horny and jokes "Steven better watch out. I'm gonna rape him in the middle of the night". Ollie says out of respect for his mom and dad he won’t do anything like that on national TV. Libra makes the point to Jessie that Renny has started drama with Keesha, Jessie, and now her too. She didn’t want to come on the show and be the angry black women. She tells him she almost got an involuntary dismissal. They talk about confusion in what the eviction order was to be (Jerry, Renny, Dan, Steven, but Angie got added in there somewhere too). Ollie and Steven talk about their hotel stay. Ollie was in room "1102." Steven says the producers would say things like "Have you been to 1102 yet?" Ollie thinks there was someone in 1202 because... and we get FISH! Steven follows through on an earlier plan to streak through the backyard. He has strategically placed pillows as he screams and runs around. Later Steven tries to take advantage of some dissention in the ranks to pitch getting rid of Libra to Keesha, April and Ollie. This morphs into another sex education conversation. Jerry offers to teach a course.
3:30 PM Jerry talks about a bypass surgery when he was 64. Libra says she gained 28 lbs with her daughter and then 67 lbs. in her pregnancy with the twins. Jessie, Libra, Ollie, and Michelle are in the kitchen having the boxers vs. briefs debate. Libra tells the backyard crew when she and her husband fight, they both call her mom and tell their sides of the story and she mediates. Houseguests in the back yard start cheering and dancing. They can hear music in the distance. This triggers an extended inside lockdown. 6:00 PM Jesse & Michelle are in the HOH bed being a little flirty and having a pillow fight. Steven wants to play a drinking game with coffee, but he gets called to the Storage Room to retrieve the wayward balls he asked for earlier.
7:30 PM Jessie, Jerry and Michelle are playing chess. Jessie is explaining how to play. BB announces, “Did u know there are over 300 species of turtles”. Michelle says she's bored. Angie offers to throw butter knives at her. Michelle, Angie, Dan, Steven, and Ollie eat dinner. April, Renny and Keesha are at the table with them. Michelle and Jesse adjourn to the Spa room. Michelle paints Jesse's nails and gives him a pedicure and says, "At least you can say you got your toe nails painted by a hot chick". Later Steven, Jerry and Michelle think up answers for a BB Top 10 List for Dan’s talk show later tonight called ‘Top 10 things to do in BB house when there is nothing to do’.
9:00 PM ShoToo Crawl: Jessie is the current HOH; Renny, Libra, and Jerry had an explosive fight with Jerry quietly backing out, Michelle and Jessie are starting to get closer while Libra begins to get on the houseguest’s bad side, the nomination ceremony airs on Sunday. There is much activity as all the houseguests are getting dressed up for their show. Renny is supposed to dance for the opening act. Libra is going to play a therapist. Memphis put on a blue button shirt, tied at the waste & opened up then put on Steven's cowboy hat & was dancing in the bedroom. Jessie & Memphis are going to act like they are trying to sell something on The Antique Road Show. Jerry is dressed like a biker all in red with a bandana. The girls think April looks like Barbie in her very short dress. Ollie puts on an afro wig with a bandana and announced he is Parker from Season 9. Everyone is cracking up at the sight of him. Keesha is wearing a blonde Renny wig and a gold sparkle tube top for the show. They are saying she belongs on Sunset Blvd. 10:00 PM They do a run through before they start their show. Memphis goes to put on his outfit while Steven goes to put a mustache on Dan with mascara. We learn that Angie will be getting a makeover on their show. Dan is called to the DR and everyone groans. Finally, the show starts with Renny as the opening act. She is dressed as a flapper girl and does the Charleston. Dan comes out sporting a fu-man-chu moustache and chest hair painted on with mascara. He sits in the host’s chair and sets up the show. He introduces the Top Ten list and Michelle, Jerry, and Steven enthusiastically take turns with the answers to the Top Ten ‘Things to do in the BB House when there is nothing to do’. Next Dan introduces the Gay Antique Road Show, with Memphis as the host. Memphis comes out wearing a homemade halter top and John Lennon glasses. He calls on Jessie who is sporting a green beret and thick mustache, not to mention a heavy French accent. He is trying to get an appraisal on a bird house they must have plucked off the wall. He ends up actually owing money for his antique. Everyone has been hooping and hollering throughout all the skits. Next, Dan calls April to the guest couch and asks “Have you ever been in love before”? April says she has been in love, like 87 times, but this one is true love! “I know he loves me!... Ollie!” Ollie, still in the big afro wig, comes out and Dan asks for his story. Ollie says he’s only interested in one thing, Dan asks “True love”? Ollie says, “No! Love is for fools. When you come into a situation like this you’re only looking for one thing and that’s procreation!” The others are in hysterics. Ollie says he has 15 kids and April says “Now you have 16!” Ollie wants a paternity test. Dan brings out Libra, as the relationship therapist. They do some Jerry Springer show type banter before moving to the make over segment. Keesha is the Fashion consultant with Renny as her assistant. Angie is ‘chosen from the studio audience’ to receive a make over and reacts with over the top excitement that was hilarious. When the make over is done, Francisco (Memphis) helps explain the hairstyle, dress, and adjusts her boobies in the process. Keesha says, “We went from Angie… to An-gel-a! ShowToo cut to commercial just as they were getting her up on a table to dance. The show ends with Dan hitting himself in the face with a whipped cream pie. The whole thing is worth a look in the Media forum.
10:30 PM All the houseguests bask in the success of the show and have a good time. April wants to know if BB liked it and yells out “How was it?!” BB voice responded “You are not allowed to talk about production” They move on to play several rounds of the Roll Call game. Jesse and Michelle have left the group and discuss that one of the two of them is going to win BB10 and they both don’t want Angie to win. They talk about visiting each other after the show. Steven puts an opened condom in Keesha's bed -- she later found it and they all had a laugh.
Midnight They start up a game of Heads up Seven up, a game where you have to guess who touched you while your head was down. Each time they say 'Heads up!' the four that doing the touching are striking a different pose and when the touchees look up, they all crack up laughing. 1:00 AM Some Houseguests are starting to go to bed. Renny, Angie and Libra are first. Michelle, Angie, Memphis, Steven, and Dan are in a bedroom playing an 'adult' word guessing game. Meanwhile Ollie and April begin cuddling in the Spa Room. Ollie and April decide to entertain us with a rather unique version of a puppet show in the Spa room. With the lights on, they pull a blanket over themselves and get very imaginative with using various body parts to move the blanket about. I don’t think April was quite as good at it, since her feet were sticking out from under the blanket the whole time. They work very hard on their show as evidenced by the heavy breathing we can hear. Apparently Ollie got stuck in the puppet because at some point we hear April saying “Pull out, pull out”.
After their ‘show’, April said “That felt really good”. Ollie said “I know”. He said he just did something that he said he wasn't going to do. She said “Me too”. It would seem they are looking forward to sequester.
2:00 AM Dan walked by and said he saw everything. Ollie gets paranoid. April is going on about being his girlfriend. He prefers the word 'girl.' She thinks her girlfriends will be like 'Way to go for hooking up with the hottest guy in the house!' Now April and Ollie get their heads back in the game. She's wondering if the plan is the same, to get rid of Steven. She knows Memphis and Jessie are close. She says it's her, Ollie, Libra, and Keesha. Ollie says they have to keep their word. They then head off to their own beds and the house goes quiet. Will Steven pull off a house flip? Should Libra be worried? Will the sheets on the spa bed be washed?
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
Angie having a heart to heart with Jerry trying to put in her mind that the young guys are physical and have a lot of aggression and goes on about his appreciation of Angie. Steven listening intently and says Renny does not like him thats just the way she is as Jerry wonders if Renny doesn't like him. Dan heads to bed and Jerry offers his shoulder to Angie and tells her that she can come talk to him anytime. Angie says, "Thank you Jerry" and Angie goes on about her admiration of Steven and Brian. While Jerry goes on about Brian being over aggressive to early and even though he never lied to him personally he "almost took us all down." Jerry warns her, "Not to get into a debate with those girls" and "We need to get through the next three weeks." He says they will band together and Jerry things April and Keesha will get into it again and thinks Libra is getting too cocky and may face the same fate as Brian.Steven says he gives Brian props for wanting to know whom to get out before the jury. They are talking about the jury the possibility of America's Choice and someone being "brought back in" and says he worried about someone festering for seven weeks and come back in for revenge. Steven says their game is just "being mad" and vengeful and not about who they want in a jury.Angie says next HoH may be humbling Jerry disagrees and thinks these people aren't even thinking past that and just following the people they want out the next few weeks.
Keesha and Renny head to bed.
Dan and Michelle walked in on Ollie and April in the bedroom frolicking and they started joking and teasing them. All four were giggling.In the bedroom Libra and Keesha strategizing (using the term loosely) she's worried that Steven getting voted out saying that he's a good person and that he can't see that he's getting played by Angie, Dan and the late Brian. Libra can't figure why he would turn on them. They are rehashing the sheep comment by Brian and Keesha saying she wouldn't want to have Steve use in on her (PoV) and tells Libra that Angie says she wouldn't use it on him. Steven walks in and Libra asks, "Are you drunk? Are you drunk Steven?" There are lots of giggles and laughter. Steve gets into bed and yells, "Who farted?"
The night has slowed down and it seems Jessie and his alliance want Steven gone. Dan approached Ollie and Ollie says not to worry that he's cool because he's laid low and told him to continue to lay low. Jessie admitted to Jerry he admired Dan's loyalty and that he stuck to his word and voted to keep Brian even though it could hurt him. Steven tried to get Keesha and Renny to use the PoV on him if they win it. Renny didn't answer while Keesha said she might but later told Libra she wouldn't. Angie told Steven she would not use the PoV on him or Dan and is comfortable with either of them winning it and removing themselves and herself going up. They all think PoV is today.
By 2:30AM BBT: Everyone was in bed.
Posted by
12:40 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
7:40PM BBT:
Jessie joins Libra outside to rehash part of his conversation with Dan and is joined by Ollie and Memphis and he tells them about the conversation while they toss the basketball around. He also says that Steven has not shown him any respect in two weeks. He did not acknowledge him when he won HoH or when he got the key to his room. Jessie says that Steven said he was sleeping and was unaware that Jessie got his room key. Jessie said he lied and he called him out on it (maybe during nom ceremony). He mentions telling Dan that the worst-case scenario is Steven winning PoV.
7:50PM BBT:
The post ceremony hypertension appears to be over. Most of the houseguests are back to general chit chat in the BY or kitchen while Steven has isolated himself in bed in the Retro room to read. Jessie, Dan, and Michelle are discussing the infamous BB2 Hardie electronic toothbrush incident.
8:00PM BBT:
Jessie mentions in the kitchen that there were "technical difficulties" when the rest of the houseguest were outside in lockdown waiting for him to finish with the keys. He says he asked BB to tell the houseguest about the difficulties so that the houseguests would not question why it was taking so long or read something else into it. It seems BB wasn't willing to tell them. Michelle asks what the technical difficulties were and if he is allowed to talk about it. Jessie says no.Memphis is in the sauna and Libra is in the message chair. They are again discussing their disadvantages during the food comp having Renny and Jerry together on their team. They still think that those two need to compete on separate teams to even the odds. Memphis leaves and Keesha and Renny join Libra in the sauna room. They talk about Keesha's socks and feet being bright red from what she was standing in (food comp?) and that her feet look like they are on fire.
8:10PM BBT:
Those on food are eating dinner and discussing the food competition.
8:20PM BBT:
Memphis and Keesha in sauna for a whisper session about Angie. Memphis says, "I don't think I can go to bat for her.” It seems they are trying to figure out who goes after Steven. They exit the sauna, as it’s too hot.
8:25PM BBT:
The HG are speculating whether or not the first HoH was a twist and if there are anymore in play right now.
8:30PM BBT:
Steven and Libra are in the Retro Room. Steven mentions Jessie's comments about him showing disrespect and he doesn't understand that. Steven heads to the DR. Renny takes Steven's place in bed in the Retro Room.
8:35PM BBT:
Michelle and Libra have headed to the HoH room where Jessie is. Michelle asks him which one of the fish died and Jessie says, "How about the one that's not in there anymore." (Smarty pants!!) Michelle asks the BB camera if there is anything on her face and when the camera doesn't respond she asks Jessie. After Libra exits the bathroom they discuss the post ceremony conversation between Jessie and Dan again and they think that Renny not being nominated has humbled her. Jessie says that he still really wants her gone but mentioning it during the ceremony would have appeared childish. Michelle and Libra both promise her that she will be and then they leave Jessie alone.
8:45PM BBT:
BB just informed the HG that "most people don't know that the world's largest weather vane is in Spain." Outside of repeating it to himself or herself once or twice, no one is impacted by BB’s announcement.
8:55PM BBT:
Just general chit chat in the kitchen and backyard.
9:00PM BBT:
Michelle, Libra and April are talking about how you can take fat out of your ass & put it in your lips. Libra wishes they could take fat out of her midsection & put it in her boobs. They say Jennifer Lopez was hideous when she was a Fly girl on In Living Cover but she got money and got groomed.Keesha and Angie are talking. Keesha tells Angie that it’s awful for when friends go up because neither have a choice but to save yourself if you win the PoV or campaign against each other. Angie thinks that if she wins the PoV and takes Steven down then Jessie will put her up. Keesha explains it doesn’t work that way as she asked (do these people not watch the show?). Angie feels bad that she was happy she wasn’t on the block today. Keesha tells her that either Steven or Dan have to win PoV and use it to save themselves.The wicked stepsisters Libra and April go out to the BY to join the others for conversation while Renny and Angie are in the kitchen talking about ways to eat slop.
9:30PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging in the BY. Random conversations.Meanwhile in the kitchen Michelle is teaching Steven how to say - I am going to grab your penis – cock and suck my dick in Portuguese.
9:45PM BBT:
Renny and Michelle are playing pool.Keesha and Libra in the sauna room talking about slop and how they have to eat it this time around. Keesha says its getting hard being in the house and not having their normal lives. She gets teary. Jerry comes in and asks them if they want him to make slop cookies. They tell him maybe tomorrow. Jerry leaves. They say they feel really bad for Jerry being on slop because of his age. Keesha wishes she had her diet pills because then she could go through the whole day and not be hungry. Keesha thinks Steven is leaving. Libra doesn't know.
10:00PM BBT:
Angie and Steven on the BY sofa. Angie says people aren't talking to her much anymore. Steven says she didn't go on the block though. He says he's not trying to be ugly but she is the one that caused the drama the night before Brian left yet she didn't go on the block and he did. Angie tells him she told him she would be honest with him so she wants him to know up front that if she wins PoV she doesn't think she could use it and take him off the block. Steven says he understands. Angie says if Steven comes off the block and she goes up, if she doesn't have the votes she doesn't expect him to throw a vote her way.Ollie and Dan in the 80's room whispering. Ollie tells Dan all he needs to do is lay low for a couple of days and he will be good. Ollie is 90% sure Dan is good.
10:50PM BBT:
Libra, April and Keesha are hanging out in the sauna room. April blows her nose like she is playing a tuba and says she is getting a cold.
10:50PM BBT:
Jerry telling stories to Ollie, Angie and Steven on the BY sofa.
11:25PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging out in the BY. Just random conversation.
11:40PM BBT: Not much going on just lots of moving around and chit chat.
Posted by
12:37 PM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap
Do Not Read Any Further If You Do Not Want To Know Who Jesse Has Nominated!!!!
7:20PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Steven and Dan are nominated.
Posted by
12:11 AM
Labels: Big Brother Feed Recap