TV Guide House Tour
There will be no rest for the wicked when Big Brother: All-Stars kicks off July 6. In fact, the only tranquil spot in the entire compound is the water-themed second story - home to the Head of Household room. Here's a tour of the $350,000 House of Extremes.
LIVING ROOM Decorated in red, orange, and black, the living room (where the evictions take place) features a 16-foot-tall wall of neon flames. Says production designer Scott Storey: "It's so hot, slick and sophisticated, it'll make you want to have a cocktail. Or kill somebody. Or both."
KITCHEN If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. "We installed brick floors for a hellacious dungeon feel," says Storey, who also added a yellow wall that is topped by cutout flames. (Are we seeing a theme here?) The wacky cabinet doors are two stories tall - as tall as the house itself.BROTHER MUSEUM Memorable props and clothes from the past six seasons are peppered throughout the house in display cases. Among the kooky treasures: the Nomination-Ceremony keys of each of the past winners, Marcellas' Golden Veto medallion (through it's uncertain if Marcellas will be one of the All-Stars) and the outfit worn by that damn mime who drove everyone nuts in Season 4.
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