Friday, July 28, 2006

Will Has Gone to the Ducks???

Will is soaking in the HoH bath tub, complete with rubber duckies.
Kaysar: "Here's the thing--"
Will: "Break it down for me.. Can you refer to me as Dr. McDreamy?"
Kaysar: "No."Kaysar: "You're gonna take a penalty nom to get voted out because you think Boogie's leaving this week. Now. what if he doesn't?"
[Janie and Howie enter. Will introduces Howie to Mowie, the sponge.]Janelle: "Hi. Go ahead Kaysar."Will: "Mowie loves Funelle, but Funelle loves Dr. McDreamy. Dr. McDreamy wants to know what's going on in the pond......see the video or to catch the full recap click the link below.....

CLICK HERE to read the rest.

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