Monday, October 09, 2006

Survivor - Episode Four

Ruling the RoostOzzy is not happy with the way the vote went at tribal council. He was sure that Becky was going to be voted out and instead his tribemate from the original tribe, Cecilia is voted out. He returns to camp with an attitude of one beaten. The rest of the tribe feels bad about voting anyone off, but Ozzy is especially upset, knowing that his plans had been put aside. This puts him, he believes, on the outside. He says that if they are going to vote him out, he hopes it is soon so he won't have to keep getting food for them. My Scott commented to me at this point that he doesn't understand why these guys get all whiny if something, ONE THING, doesn't go their way and think, "I don 't need a million dollars, send me home." I agree. If he feels "on the outside", make a friend, feed everyone and wiggle your way INSIDE.We get to see some beautiful scenery as Candace is brought back to her tribe. She wonders why they sent her to exile island. There are two theories bandied about. 1) She is young and weak and so if she is on exile island someone stronger will be sent home or 2) her old tribemates that are on the other tribe now are protecting her. She doesn't want her new tribe thinking she has some pre-merge advantage so she says she never even considered that at all and thinks that it was because she is youngest and not strong in challenges. Secretly she thinks her ex tribemates are protecting her. She says she felt it in her best interest to just play dumb. She says she did not find the immunity idol, which is true since Yul has it already.

To read the full recap click here:

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