Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bachelor - Finale - Personal Opinion Recap

Ok, this is the last one for this run of the Bachelor. But fear not we will be back again in the Spring of 2007.....Series Finale Can I just say that the best part of last night was the little teaser ABC did for the next Bachelor? HELLO NAVY DOCTOR! That made the torturous series finale of Prince Lorenzo actually worth the two hours we had to sit through for him to pick between the vanilla milkshake and the vanilla milkshake. So many people asked me who I thought he would pick. The truth is that I really didn’t care because they were identical to me. I guess it all came down to one thing really…Who did his Mommy liked better?SIMPLE DISCLAIMERThe following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. If this e-mail circulates to friends, family, enemies...that is your business. However, if you or someone in your address book happens to personally know, sort of know, know the brother/cousin of, thought you saw in the grocery store buying Winter Oreos or have a nail technician that looks exactly like one of the Bachelorettes on the show...none of this is personal and I'm sure they are all lovely people.If you had never seen one moment of the Bachelor Renzy season, you were caught up in the first 30 minutes of the show. If you didn’t know Sadie and Jen, you were caught up the second 30 minutes of the show. They are good girls. They have bubbly personalities. They sit on their beds and journal. They dream of having their fairy tale come true with a Prince in a castle.And if you didn’t already know, Sadie is saving herself for marriage. She lets the viewer in on this “secret” exactly six times in 53 minutes. I counted.And guess what? Renzy is having a hard time deciding who to pick. Fortunately, he gets some help from his parents. They will help him make the right decision.

for the full recap, click here:

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