Saturday, July 07, 2007

Daily Recap Summary - Friday 07/06/07

Here is the feed recap summary for Friday 07/06/07:

At 8:03 the first stir of house guests awaking, Kail is awake and talking to Jen who slept in the HOH bed with her. Big Brother does not waste much time at 8:30 they wake everyone up announcing that the VETO competition will be in 90 minutes. Dustin and Jen have a conversation, Jen tells him she believes that one of the first contestants booted out will come back in, and she believes it always is that way. That’s only years 1 and 2 someone didn’t return. Dustin thinks that people are taking this game way too seriously, that it is too early to be thinking about these things. Mike and Zach spend considerably long time in the mirror primping and doing their hair. By 9:00 am the houseguests are on lockdown inside as they prepare for the VETO competition. Jameka reads some bible verses to Zach, Dani interrupts and they discuss how she went to Christian school and had all Christian academic style classes. BB calls Jameka to the DR and takes her bible, it seems it was not a religious bible but a self help type of bible which are forbidden in the house. Dick and Amber discuss the VETO, She asked him to win the VETO for her if he gets to play, He kept reassuring her that she does not need it, that Carol will be leaving and tries to convince her to just leave nominations as they are so that Carol will leave. Amber starts talking to Nick and others, telling them that if she wins VETO she will pull a Marcellas and not use it- that she will respect Keil’s decision. She wants reassurance from them that they will not vote her out if she does not use it. She starts saying she just does not want Carol to win because then she will be going home. That they should do everything they can so Carol does not win.

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