Saturday, July 07, 2007

Daily Recap Summary-Thursday 07/05/07

For those that don't want to read the feed recaps, here is a summary of what happened on the feeds:

9:00 PM: Feeds Go Live! Carol and Amber are in the big blue room, and its pretty clear they are nominated. Amber wanders off to ... somewhere... and Carol joins Dustin in the Gym. They discuss the veto (played on Friday) and the fact that Carol knows Dustin would save Amber if he had the chance. He tells her "We connected right away." Amber and Dustin are apparently bed buddies as well. Conversation switches to an alliance of 6, but there are no names mentioned specifically. They talk about Joe (Carol likes him), and Zach (Dustin thinks he's playing his own game and adds "He's setting up his own pieces. It's whether or not you want to be part of his chess board or not." [ok...] Carol says he offered her a vote in the future.) Most of the others (Daniele, Jen, Mike(?), Eric, Nick) are out in the hot tub, and Jessica and Joe are in the kitchen. Some of the houseguests are on slop, and Jessica and Joe are wondering if they can eat some body paint(!?) that is laying around. The hot tub group wonders if they can sing songs that they make up. [They are all very conscious of the cameras, and all make comments from time to time about being watched.] Dick, Jameka, and Zach have been given a golf game [It looks like a leftover from last year's veto comp] because they were using mops earlier. Eric tries to make friends with us by calling us "internet nerds" in between really loud talking/laughing and nearly continuous f bombs. He and the hot tub crew talk about how hard the slop must have been on George last year.

for the rest of the daily summary, click here:

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