Thursday Live Eviction Recap 07/26/07
In the review, we hear Kail sell out Jen, Mike say "I'm bigger than this game," Jen used the PoV, and Mike go up in her place. After the PoV meeting, we see the evolution that took place that changed Dick's goal from evicting Kail, to evicting Mike. We see Mike campaigning on his platform of honesty and integrity. Eric gets his assignment : Get Kail evicted. Eric goes to work, and makes some progress on selling the plan to the LNC. DR comments from Zach, Jessica and Dustin make Mike sound like a dead duck.
Julie, wearing a half-sleeve orange blouse ensemble and white slacks, greets the HGs. "One of you was incredibly bold this week" and showed the HGs tape of Zach streaking. Julie asks Jen how the investigation into the mustard vandalism incident is going. Jen says she's called of the investigation off, she'll wait until she gets home.
Nick and Daniele spend a lot of time together, so what does Daniele's live-in boyfriend think of all this? Kris is interviewed and says that when they met sparks flew. He says they're soul-mates and talked about marriage. Kris: "Nick is a typical guy that makes all of us good guys look bad. When I see Nick and Daniele hanging out, I want to believe it's all strategy and game play. Before she went into the house, Daniele told me straight up, she said, 'Kris I love you. I want to be with you. You have to trust me.' And that's what I'm basing everything on." Daniele appears more upset than Kris, a clip of Daniele shows her saying: "Tomorrow's my boyfriend's birthday. I don't know what he's doing. I don't know how he's feeling. I can't talk to him. I don't know anything. And it's so -- everything is so frustrating."
Julie talks to Dick in the HoH room: Julie: Hello, Dick. Just a reminder, the other house guests cannot hear you, so feel free to say whatever you want.: Dick: "I always do. " Julie: "It's been a very emotional week for you, but at least you and your daughter seem to be talking more. How are you feeling about your relationship?" Dick: "Things are headed in the right direction. We are talking. We're just -- I mean, that's the whole important part right now. We had our first heart to heart talk the other night and I got my first hug in over two years. So, yeah, things are going in the right direction. There's setbacks and little jabs here and there back and forth but things
are going well." Julie: "Nick has repeatedly told you that his feelings for Daniele are real, but you have expressed concern that he might be playing her like Mike Boogie played Erica last season. If you had to decide right now whether you trust Nick or not, what would you say?" Dick: "If I had the choice to make I would kick him out of the house right now just to be safe than sorry." Julie: "You've made quite a practice of calling people out in front of other house guests." Dick: [Sarcastically] "I have not." Julie: "Is that emotion or game play with respect to Kail? " Dick: "It's absolutely game play when it came to Kail.. I don't have to run around to little circles and whisper to every person where they can say he said this, no, he said this to me. Everything is out in the open. You can't deny it. You can't have these little things where no he said she said. Everything is right there. Call them out. Get it out. With Kail, I got so deep in her head, I needed a miner's light on my cap so I could make my way in there." Julie: "Thank you, Dick."
More pre-voting comments from the DR show Jameka, Daniele, and Nick leaning towards voting to evict Kail.
Who is the real Jen? Outside the Big Brother house, she's a Beverly Hills nanny who raises children. Inside the house, she's a controversial figure who raises hell. But the people who know her best, say we might be surprised to discover the real Jen. "Jennifer is my daughter. When
Jennifer was a child, she was not like that. In high school, Jennifer always got straight A's. She went to college. She had had a double major, early child development and architecture: But first impressions are hard to overcome and I think she has made a bad first impression. Jen got upset about the picture because that is her livelihood. She is a model and she is used to looking over her photos with a fine tooth comb." When Jen got HoH, BB placed a framed photo of her and her mom together, Jen was shown on TV saying she hates the picture and removing it from the wall. Her mother comments: "When I saw her take my picture down, it did hurt a little bit. I think that she may sometimes think that appearances are more important than they need to be." Jen had a conversation before she left and decided she'd have to play dumb to succeed, "You can't let the people know you're smart. That's just part of the playing the game."
It's time to vote, but first Mike and Kail get one last word, Mike goes first: "Well, sometimes in life, you have to step outside of our comfort zone. And you know, move away from those protective walls and risk your own security basically for what you believe in. And I believe in values of integrity and honesty. And more often than not, a sacrifice feels in the absence of convenience. And I had to make some actions in a very inconvenient situation for myself which sacrificed my security. In the hopes that all of you would see how close I hold those values to my heart and in the hopes that you would trust a player that has those types of values." Julie interrupts, "And a final note? " "If not, I'm going to walk out of that door with absolute dignity in the hopes that I have, you know, enlightened you all and inspired you all in some way. Thank you."
Next, Kail got to make her pitch: "I would like to say to each and every one of you that I really, really appreciate all of your friendships to me. It has meant a lot to me, your friendship. And each and every one of us will always have a special bond together of just living in the Big Brother" house, and if I am so blessed by all of you to stay here, I only look forward to strengthening our friendship and the bonds that we have started to grow."
Zach voted first, and to evict Kail Jameka voted to evict Mike, as did Jen, Dustin, Amber, Nick, Jessica and Daniele Eric voted with America. Julie reads the results: "In a vote of seven to two, Mike, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house." Mike picked up his bag and went to the front door. Perhaps forgetting that he's Big Brother, and not The Bachelor, Mike gave each girl a flower from the arrangements by the door. He shook all the guys hands and hugged all the girls. Julie asked he usual questions, showed the regular goodbye clips...
The Power is up for Grabs: It was a simple quick game this week, if you answer a question correctly, you can eliminate one of your housemates.
Question One: "At the eviction ceremony, which ex-houseguest said during their plea, 'The time is now to stand' Joe was the correct answer, Eric got it and took out Jen.
Question Two: "Which ex-houseguest was the only one to play in the competition known as hide-and-seek?" The correct answer was Carol, Dustin got it right and took out Zach.
Kail was eliminated next, followed by Nick, Jessica, Amber.
On the fifth question, Eric threw the game by buzzing in before Julie finished the question. It was down to Dustin and Jameka.
Question Six: "Of the ex-guests, who spun the longest on the mushroom" Dustin answered "Joe" and became the fourth HoH on Big Brother 8. Dustin Wins HoH
Julie, wearing a half-sleeve orange blouse ensemble and white slacks, greets the HGs. "One of you was incredibly bold this week" and showed the HGs tape of Zach streaking. Julie asks Jen how the investigation into the mustard vandalism incident is going. Jen says she's called of the investigation off, she'll wait until she gets home.

Julie talks to Dick in the HoH room: Julie: Hello, Dick. Just a reminder, the other house guests cannot hear you, so feel free to say whatever you want.: Dick: "I always do. " Julie: "It's been a very emotional week for you, but at least you and your daughter seem to be talking more. How are you feeling about your relationship?" Dick: "Things are headed in the right direction. We are talking. We're just -- I mean, that's the whole important part right now. We had our first heart to heart talk the other night and I got my first hug in over two years. So, yeah, things are going in the right direction. There's setbacks and little jabs here and there back and forth but things

More pre-voting comments from the DR show Jameka, Daniele, and Nick leaning towards voting to evict Kail.
Who is the real Jen? Outside the Big Brother house, she's a Beverly Hills nanny who raises children. Inside the house, she's a controversial figure who raises hell. But the people who know her best, say we might be surprised to discover the real Jen. "Jennifer is my daughter. When

It's time to vote, but first Mike and Kail get one last word, Mike goes first: "Well, sometimes in life, you have to step outside of our comfort zone. And you know, move away from those protective walls and risk your own security basically for what you believe in. And I believe in values of integrity and honesty. And more often than not, a sacrifice feels in the absence of convenience. And I had to make some actions in a very inconvenient situation for myself which sacrificed my security. In the hopes that all of you would see how close I hold those values to my heart and in the hopes that you would trust a player that has those types of values." Julie interrupts, "And a final note? " "If not, I'm going to walk out of that door with absolute dignity in the hopes that I have, you know, enlightened you all and inspired you all in some way. Thank you."
Next, Kail got to make her pitch: "I would like to say to each and every one of you that I really, really appreciate all of your friendships to me. It has meant a lot to me, your friendship. And each and every one of us will always have a special bond together of just living in the Big Brother" house, and if I am so blessed by all of you to stay here, I only look forward to strengthening our friendship and the bonds that we have started to grow."
Zach voted first, and to evict Kail Jameka voted to evict Mike, as did Jen, Dustin, Amber, Nick, Jessica and Daniele Eric voted with America. Julie reads the results: "In a vote of seven to two, Mike, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house." Mike picked up his bag and went to the front door. Perhaps forgetting that he's Big Brother, and not The Bachelor, Mike gave each girl a flower from the arrangements by the door. He shook all the guys hands and hugged all the girls. Julie asked he usual questions, showed the regular goodbye clips...
The Power is up for Grabs: It was a simple quick game this week, if you answer a question correctly, you can eliminate one of your housemates.

Question Two: "Which ex-houseguest was the only one to play in the competition known as hide-and-seek?" The correct answer was Carol, Dustin got it right and took out Zach.
Kail was eliminated next, followed by Nick, Jessica, Amber.
On the fifth question, Eric threw the game by buzzing in before Julie finished the question. It was down to Dustin and Jameka.
Question Six: "Of the ex-guests, who spun the longest on the mushroom" Dustin answered "Joe" and became the fourth HoH on Big Brother 8. Dustin Wins HoH
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