BB 8 Tuesday Episode Recap 08/28/07
After the nominations, Amber prays, and Zach looks scared. Jameka still thinks that Jessica and Eric are planning to backdoor Daniele or Dick. Jameka tells Amber that if the nominations stay the same that Zach will be the one to go.
Checking up on this season's showmance. from the DR, Jessica says she definitely sees wedding bells in the future.
Jameka is praying in the HoH room when Jessica walks in on her and thinks something's wrong. Jessica: "What are you doing down there girl?!" Jameka: "Just praying." Jessica: "Oh, I'm sorry. You okay.?" Jameka: "Thanks so much, Jess." Jessica: "Jameka! You're going to make me cry." Jessica goes on to tell Jameka that, "Even though I don't talk about it here a lot, I am in, like, way into church, too. But I'm just telling you, like, I just don't talk about it a lot here because, like, I don't-- I don't go to church while I'm here and i feel like Ii can't. But I do, and so, like, praying-- like... totally cool with everything." She tells Jameka that she went to a Catholic private school when and went to church every morning for a "shorter mass." From the DR, Jameka says, "When Jessica shared with me that she is really into church, that was just nice to hear. I never had that experience. At all."
Zach tries to talk Jessica into backdooring Dick or Daniele. From the DR, Jessica says that they (Eric and her) have a deal with Dick and Daniele, and Jessica would really like to get one of them out, she doesn't trust the Donatos at all.
Next, all the HGs got to see where Amber and Daniele went on their trip that they won during last week's PoV contest. They got to see the trip, and the show. Daniele only got to see Nick on tape, they didn't see each other in person. The HGs didn't seem to have their hearts in cheering them on. Interestingly, the HGs have been wondering who the new host of "The Price Right" will be and when Drew Carey says it's him, the HGs ponder it for a moment and discard the comment as a joke.
Before the PoV contest Zach once again campaigns to Eric to backdoor a Donato. When they went outside for the veto competition the whole yard was transformed into a swampy, like spider-webby, gross are forest. Dick hosts the challenge. "Houseguests, this lazy cat before you is hungry. To win the power of veto, you must satisfy his craving for some juicy rats. Each of you will stand on your tree stump, and the cat will utter a word or phrase. The word or phrase is the answer to a riddle that can be found on a rat hidden in the swamp. I must find a rat with the riddle that matches the answer and bring the rat to the hungry cat. But, are careful! If you are the last to bring him his meal, you will be eliminated. The last player standing before him will win the Golden Power of Veto."
The Cheshire cat in the tree speaks: "Hello, houseguests. Are you ready to play some catscratch veto? The answer to the riddle is Dustin. Go." So everyone had to find a rat with a riddle, where the answer is "Dustin." When everyone brings back a rat, the cat asks, "What rat have you brought back?" and each player reads the riddle on the rat, "He was number six to go, enemy to one named Joe." and "Parading in his cape and crown, his eviction made him frown." Jessica was the last to bring back a rat, and was eliminated. In the next round, the cat wants a riddle where the answer is "slop." The riddle was, "This concoction is crude, barely passes as food." and "Your outlook seems bleak when you eat this for a week." Jameka was the last back. In the next , round Daniele was eliminated in a round that ironically included her name in the riddle, "His heart rang like a bell for houseguest Daniele." Zach was out next, giving Eric his first win.
Eric gets his next America's player task: "In order to accomplish this task you must kiss the houseguest America has chosen for you." Even Eric assumes we'd vote for Evil Dick, but in some bizarre twist, Eric was given the task of kissing Jessica. [Why America, why?]
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