Thursday Live Eviction Episode REcap 08/30/07
In the HoH bedroom, Jessica is sobbing and telling Eric that she doesn't feel right putting up two people that she doesn't have a problem with. Eric tells Jessica, "Amber does not really like you, and you do not really like her." Jessica: "No, I don't.." Their conversation is interrupted by Amber, who pleads that they should want "a good person" to win the game. Amber leaves and Jessica says that she wants to evict Zach.
Meanwhile, in the BY, Dick is working on a commitment from Zach. Zach willingly offers his allegiance to him and Daniele, but Zach has promised Eric that he'll help him get Dick and Daniele evicted. Amber returns to the HoH room to cast aspersions on Eric's loyalty, and that he has a girlfriend back home. Amber asks that Jessica not say anything to Eric, but when Eric feels Jessica's hiding something, he confronts her and she tells him everything. Eric explains all of Amber's allegations to Jessica's satisfaction.
Julie talks to the HGs: "Greetings houseguests. : HGs: "Hi, Julie" Julie: "This week you all got naked for a shopping spree. Jessica, in the beginning you were nervous but by the end you were calling it your best day in the Big Brother house. Why?" Jessica: "I was really nervous because I'm pretty conservative girl when I'm back at home. But after I took my clothes off, I was like oh, it is a whole new me. It was a lot of fun." Julie: "Glad you had a good time. Daniele, when you learned that Nick was waiting in the wings to help you play 'The Power of Ten,' you got very emotional. If you had gotten to see him what would you have said to him?" Daniele: "One, five, three. You know t is really hard being in this house knowing that somebody was there to see me. I honestly thought I wasn't going to find out who it was. And I think I would have preferred not knowing who it was until I was out of here it is just a hard situation, you know. I really do wish that Nick was still in the house. And there is honestly a lot that I would like to say for him but I can sum it up in those three numbers." Julie: "Can you decode them for us." Daniele: "No, he knows what it is." Julie: "Okay. Amber, you could have walked away with $10,000 on 'The Power of Ten.' But instead you tried your hand at $100 grand and ended up with only one grand. Any regrets?" Amber: "I regretted it a little bit at first because I felt like it was a selfish move. But I felt like I got put in that position for a reason. And I had to go for it for my family and you know, I definitely don't regret it at all. It was an experience of a lifetime. And I learned a lot from it." Julie: "Thanks, Amber.
Dick. Robin from Middletown, Delaware has a viewer question for you. But pictures speak louder than words." They showed a montage of clips showing Dick spitting. Julie: "Well, Robin asks, 'Why do you spit so much?'" Dick: "I have no idea, Julie, it's just -- I don't know. Like walking and talking, really." Julie: "Thank you, everyone."
Inside the house some have criticized Jameka for her faith. Now her church and family speak

When it was revealed that Eric would be America's player his family was afraid that it would destroy his game. But could a showmance do the same. His brothers and the girl he left behind tell us what they think. Eric's brother Josh, the lawyer weighs in on the subject, "My whole

"It was never Eric's intention going into this game to have a romantic fling. The fact that it happened anyway indicates that he had true interest. Cheryl was his e girlfriend who is on-again, off-again for over four years. But about three weeks before he entered the Big Brother house he did consider getting back together with her, and she was not interested."
Eric's younger brother assures us Eric's single, "Eric may have lied about America's player but if there is one thing Eric has been 100% honest about is that he is not dating anyone. Cheryl is not his girl friend at the time he entered this house."

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Now let's go live to the HoH room and join Jessica, the current head of household. Julie: "Hello, Jessica. " Jessica: "Hi, Julie. " Julie: "As Jen left last week she told her to warn you about a relationship she might have outside the house. What did you think of that news?" Jessica: "Well, coming from the source of Jen, I didn't know if I could trust Jen in the game. And I felt it was kind of a last effort to maybe stir up some stuff in the house. So I listened to what Amber had to same. And then I also spoke with Eric. And you know, I've trusted Eric the whole time throughout the game. So I went ahead and trusted him again and didn't believe what Jen said." Julie: "When the two of you shared your first kiss the other day, your first reaction was, 'about time.' Why do you think it took him so long?" Jessica: "Um, just the pressure of knowing you are on TV and people are always watching. And we're supposed to be here for a game but we still like each other. So it was just, you know, crazy." Julie: "Well you and Eric have an alliance with Dick and Daniele. If it does come down to Dick and Daniele and Eric and you in the final four, who do you think will be the first one out?" Jessica: "Well, I think a lot of people think that I will be the first one out. But I think a lot of people are underestimating how competitive of a person I am. And so I'm going to try my best to make it to the end and make sure it's someone else and not me." Julie: "Thank you, Jessica."
The live vote is next: Jameka voted to evict Zach, 78% of America voted to evict Amber, Dick voted to evict Amber, as did Daniele. Amber was evicted 3:1. She wasn't very surprised when Julie read the results, she did cry, but carried herself well and hugged everyone, and wished them luck. Her final words. "There's leftover steak in the bottom of the fridge." Amber complimented Julie on her outfit, and although tearful, it was one of Amber's finer moments. IMHO Julie: "You've also said that what happens in the Big Brother house is in God's hands. Do you believe that he didn't want you to win?" Amber: " Honestly, I don't believe that he didn't want me to win. I made a lot of mistakes in this game by evicting Nick. You know, trusting certain people. And I feel like, you know, I was on TV. I was shown to the world. I feel like there is something in this for me, whether it is me to be an inspirational speaker, going to nursing school, something's going to come out of it."
See the Video:

Julie: "The HoH competition is under way and the houseguests are racing to fill their tanks with tea. What they don't know is that we're about to make things a lot more slippery with a concoction of corn oil and baby oil." Streams of the slippery stuff shot up onto the floor. Everyone continued to carry their cups to the tank at the end of their ally.
See the Video:
Who do you want Eric to get nominated It's your choice.
Julie gives out some program information: "Tuesday at 9:00, 8:00 central, a very special Power of Veto competition will be hosted by Big Brother All-Star, Janelle. Next Thursday at 8:00 we will have you a shocker for the houseguests. They won't know it but by the end of the hour, two of them will be evicted. It's a double live eviction."
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