Tuesday BB Recap
Tuesday Aug 7th BB recap
Tonight they showed the POV competition and the POV ceremony.
-Reactions from nomination night. Kail is scared even though Dani promised her she will stay. Jen is not surprised at all and she thinks that they will both still be there next week.
-Dick starts in almost immediately taunting Jen. Saying that
she wont escape this week. This is his way of trying to keep
his and Dani's plan to backdoor Eric under wraps. But Jess told
Eric all about Dick and Dani knowing he was the one who cast
the 2nd phantom vote and he knows they are coming after him.
He starts to campaign with Jess, Amber and Dustin. Dustin tells
Jess to continue to pretend like she is going along with Dick
and Dani. Eric gets those 3 firmly on his side and then
starts in on Jameka. She looks a bit shocked and confused.
It just strikes me as funny that these 3 would so easily
believe Eric and discount any other info as B.S. They don't
even wait to find out exactly what Dick and Dani are saying
before they start bad mouthing D&D, especially Dustin.
-Jameka and Amber have a private chat in the hammock. Jam
says that D&D wont have the votes to get rid of Eric and
that the remaining members of the LNC will prevail.
-Zach and Dani chat in the HOH room and both agree that
Nick got shafted and Dani is doing this week for Nick. Zach
tells her that he is with her and Dick. Whatever they want
to do he is behind them 100%.
I really have to say I am liking Zach more and more each time
I see him. I am glad somebody is finally including him in their
group and he is getting more airtime.
-Eric gets Dustin all riled up about the D&D plan. Dustin says
that if D&D do in fact go ahead with their plan to backdoor Eric
they will be all on their own because nobody will vote their way.
Dustin is really starting to rub me the wrong way. He so easily
turns on people and I really think Amber should watch her back because
it wont be too long before he sees her as a liability and will start
to campaign to get her mentally unstable butt out of the house.
-Time to pick the players for veto comp. Dani draws Zach, Jen draws
Dustin and Kail draws HG choice and chooses Jameka. Dani chooses
Amber as the host. Eric is extremely upset that he wasn't picked.
He was counting on ruining D&D's plan by winning the POV.
-Veto Comp in BY it is called Numbers Don't Lie.. The competing HG
are given some "sticky situations" they have to place bids. The
highest bid will have to complete the situation named and the lowest
biding HG will be eliminated.. Dustin is eliminated in the first round
and Eric is pissed that Dustin didn't try harder. Zach is eliminated a
few rounds later, Dani is eliminated. Final round with Kail, Jameka and
Jen. Jen puts in the higher bid and wins the POV.
-Dani, Zach, Jen and Kail all have to wear bunny suits for 5 days.
-Kail, Zach, Dani, Jen and Jameka all have to dump funk (nasty
concoction that looks like poo and smells like it too) on their
heads every hour for the next 24 hours.
-Jen and Kail have to eat slop and only slop for the next 30 days.
-Kail and Jameka gave up their right to compete in the next 5 HOH
-And finally Jen gave up 50% of her winnings if she wins BB.
-Dick is ecstatic about her win. Eric of course is extremely upset. Jameka is upset that she gave up her chance at the next 5 HOH's because
she was looking forward to pictures of her family. Amber consoles her & tells her that it was God's plan. Jam then goes and prays. Dani goes to
check on Jam and apologizes and asks if Jam is mad at her. Jam says no but in DR Jam calls Dani a liar and says that Dani wasn't sorry she wants
Eric out. Jam says Dani is her fathers daughter she is just more cunning and witty but that crap is crap.
Wow what a way for a christian to talk.
I know I know Christians aren't perfect and blah blah blah. Well I am a
christian. I was raised in the church but I am sorry Jam is a hypocrite
and frankly I feel makes Christianity look bad. I really hope she gets
the boot soon.
-Dani asks Jen up to the HOH room where she asks for Jens vote to keep
Kail in the game. Dani then tells her about Eric and his manipulation
of all the HG's. Jen guarantees her vote. Dick also goes to Jen and asks
for a truce and they both agree to the truce and form a very unlikely
He makes some very valid points here. He tells her that all the
other HG have been sitting back while Jen, Dick and Kail have been fighting
each other and trying to get each other evicted. The other HG think they
are safe but it is time for nobody to be safe.
-I just have to say here that Zach looks adorable in his bunny outfit. I
wish he could be my Easter bunny :P.. Dani and Jen look pretty hot in theirs
too. Good thing they have to take them off each time they dump the funk on
-Dick goes up to Jess and tells her that Jen told them that Eric is playing both sides. That he has been in the LNC and in an alliance with Kail and Jen. Jess runs to Jen and she confirms what Dick said even going so far as to tell Jess that Eric has said rude things about her and that Jen thought she was Eric's number 1. Jess buys it hook, line and sinker. She seems really pissed. She then goes straight to Dustin and tells him that she now believes D&D because Jen confirmed everything they said. Dustin is shocked but says he doesn't buy it and he will just have to see. Jess then goes to Jameka and tells her the same thing Jameka says she doesn't buy it. She says they just want to make them all so mad at Eric that they will vote him out. Jess goes to think about it all. She is
very upset that she could be being used by someone she thought she was close to.
-America's Player Task for Eric. America choose Jessica for him to promise to
take to the final 2 with him. He is pretty happy about this and says that Jess
is his number 1 in the house and this will be an easy task. Jess confronts him
about all that Jen and D&D have told her. He does a good job of digging himself out of that hole and tells her that he wants to take her to the final 2 with him. She seems happy with that and back to trusting him.
-Dick does what Dick does best and confronts Eric in the HT about the lies and
manipulations. Eric says he never lied. He looks visibly shaken by it all. He
tells Dick to go and tell the other HG's all this and let them decide for
themselves. Dick says he will be doing that. Then Eric tells Dani that she is
allowing Dick to influence her to make the wrong decision.
-After that Dustin asks Dani to put up her father for eviction. She says that
his behavior is not her responsibility and that everyone should stop associating
her with his outbursts because she has no control over that. Dustin accuses her
of letting Dick control her reign as HOH. She says she isn't letting him control her. Kail chimes in and says whether she wants them to or not the other HG's will link Dani to her father. Dani says well then that is your mistake .
-In the POV ceremony Jen takes herself off the block of course and Dani puts up Eric in her place. She basically says that he falsely accused Nick and got him evicted. In DR Eric says this is a desperation move on D&D's part and that they are now dead in the game.Dick is excited though because now he along with Dani are working with Jen and Kail to try and keep Kail in the game.
-Jessica says that she feels she is the most powerful player in the house this week because each side needs her vote and feels there will be a lot of butt kissing coming her way.

-I really think that Kail will finally be
evicted this week. I don't think that D&D will get the votes to swing their way. I also think
that D&D's days will be numbered after this
all goes down Thursday. They had better hope that either Dick or Jen wins HOH otherwise I think that one or possibly both of them will be put up on the block.. Thats it for me. I look forward to seeing what all you guys think of what is happening in the house.
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