Kid Nation - It's Election Time Again
The rain clouds may have cleared over Bonanza City, but the brewing political storm is far from over as the TownsKids face off in surprise elections. The four Council Leaders and their opponents attempt to win over their Districts by making impromptu speeches, followed by immediate voting at the Town Hall Meeting. The first Council seat up for grabs is in the Yellow District. Zach delivers his speech, with an interruption by Taylor heckling him, and promises to continue to work hard and improve upon his leadership skills. Blaine, his opponent, promises to get the Yellow District working: "The Council doesn't motivate enough. I will motivate you guys to get up and get working." The contest for the Red District Council seat is far less heated, as Guylan announces, "Guys! Please vote me off." Next, Laurel and Michael face off for the leadership of the Green District. Laurel emphasizes her great track record as a leader, adding that she truly loves serving Bonanza City. Michael gives a positive campaign speech, telling the Green District, "I really do think that I can make this a better place for you." And finally, Anjay and Greg fight for the leadership of the Blue District. Anjay hopes that his District can look at his track record and give him another chance after the anger caused by redistricting. Greg's speech is directed to everyone in the town, "You know I may have a bad past, but maybe this is a chance to show that I'm not such a bad guy."
The Council members anxiously watch as Kids fill out their ballots. When the votes have been tallied:DK is the new leader of the Red District.Michael is the new leader of the Green District.Blaine is the new leader of the Yellow District.Greg is elected as the new leader of the Blue District

As the new Town Council takes over leadership in Bonanza, some Kids are ecstatic, others are disappointed, and many are fearful of what this new Council will do. Sophia is very worried about having both Greg and Blaine on the Council, "I just feel like someone won the presidential elections with no background check." Sad about his defeat, Zach is hit by a wave of homesickness. He sits in his Bunkhouse, looking at a photo of his parents, wondering if he can continue on as just a normal Pioneer in Bonanza. The Council discusses their plans to create a better Bonanza City. Blaine suggests that the Kids play a communication game that he learned in school that will teach the Kids to stop interrupting each other. Greg and DK think that the communication game is a great idea, and it will help the Kids learn to be more respectful toward each other. Michael listens to the meeting in silence.The next morning, the old Council leaders continue to adjust to life as regular citizens in Bonanza. The shock of the surprise elections has worn off and Laurel realizes just what it means to be a regular citizen in Bonanza, "I have no say in anything! I was a great Council member and I'm mad!" Guylan, on the other hand, feels like a tremendous weight has been lifted off his shoulders and looks forward to having other people take all of the flack that goes along with being in power. Anjay is not overly upset about losing his Council seat, but does admit that it feels "weird."
The Council gathers the TownsKids in the Saloon to play the communication game. Blaine explains the rules: each Kid will stand up, say their name and share where they're from. If someone laughs or makes a comment while another Kid is speaking, then they'll have to start over from the beginning and they'll continue to play the game until all 37 Kids have spoken without interruption. Nathan reflects, "It is sort of strange for Greg and Blaine to be running a meeting about respect. Maybe they should work on it themselves a bit more before they try to teach us about respect."And so the game begins. When Natasha complains while Kelsey is speaking, Greg mockingly thanks her for making them have to start over again. Eric criticizes Greg's behavior, "Clapping because Natasha messed up? I wouldn't say that's the most respectful thing." The Kids continue to play the game with no end in sight as Kids become agitated and interrupt each other. Blaine tells the Kids to follow the rules and just deal with it,
and DK tells them they should've learned respect in pre-school. Michael just silently watches the game in progress. The proceedings finally come to an end when Markelle announces, "I think this is pointless and I think you went about this all wrong."

Later that night, Michael apologizes to the members of the Green District, wishing that he'd had the guts to pull them out of the game. The Green Kids gripe about Greg and Blaine's behavior. Outside in the street, Greg and Blaine eavesdrop on their conversation and the two Council leaders do not like a word of what the Green Kids say. The next morning, Greg and Blaine meet with DK and tell him what the Green District said. DK becomes angry as well. So the three boys decide to mockingly do something they overheard Eric suggest the night before: they sit in the middle of town and compliment every Kid that walks by. When the Green Kids ask what the three boys are doing, Greg reveals that he overheard the entire conversation in the Green Bunkhouse and a shouting match erupts. The Green Kids defend themselves, asking the three boys to give them the same respect that they've preached about. Michael admits that he was afraid to stand up against his fellow Council members, but he's no longer going to be intimidated by them, "I will work with you guys, but I'm not going against what my own principles and values are."
The argument between the Green District and the three boys becomes increasingly volatile. Blaine even threatens to give the Gold Star to nobody, and when Greg curses at the Green Kids, Morgan starts to cry. With no possible resolution in sight, the Green Kids walk away, wondering how they'll ever make peace with the new Council. Sophia suggests that they'll be fine, because as a District, they have each other's backs, but Laurel points out that they're supposed to be
creating a Town, not just a District. And Campbell adds, "United we stand, divided we fall." Later that day, Michael nervously meets with the other Council members. Greg apologizes to Michael and the rest of his District for eavesdropping on them. With a truce reached, the four boys set about governing the town. Their first task is to get Taylor to work. Taylor refuses the Council's appeals to do work, even when they threaten to deny her the next Town Reward if the Kids win it at the upcoming Showdown. Taylor doesn't care, because she says she's going home anyway.

The Kids head off to the Showdown and each new Council Leader is intent on proving his leadership skills. This Showdown is all about communication. Each District must work together to carry pies through a tricky obstacle course, delivering them to a waiting Council Leader, who will then wipe the pie tins clean to reveal a picture of a communication device, six in all: a telegraph, a telephone, a television, a typewriter, a radio and a phonograph. Then the Leaders must arrange the pictures in the order they were invented. Despite being kicked off the Council Anjay helps Greg get their pie tins in order first and Blue holds onto the Upper Class. Michael and the Green District continue to work together to become the Merchants. Zach continues to be the brains behind the brawn, helping Blaine to correctly order the pie tins, even as the older boy wonders what a 'Po-no-graph" is. And Yellow is once again the town Cooks. DK and his team become Laborers for the second time in a row, but are able to finish just in time to win the
reward for the town. The Kids are ecstatic to finally win a reward once again and throw pies at each other in celebration.

But what reward will the Council choose? Real live ponies or letters from home? After a tense meeting, the Council picks the letters from home and the Kids are very pleased with their Council's decision. And even though they threatened not to let her share in the reward, the
Council Members feel it would be too cruel a punishment not to let Taylor have her letter from home.The Kids settle down in their Bunkhouses, laughing and crying while they read the letters. Both Zach and Taylor find their letters to be incredibly uplifting, and Taylor vows to stick it out for the final 10 days of Pioneer living. But after reading her letter, Laurel, still upset from being voted out of the Council, wonders whether she'd be better off at home.

At the Town Hall Meeting, some Kids voice their dissatisfaction with the Council, particularly with what they see as Greg's negative, often disrespectful behavior. Anjay stands up to Greg, defending the Green District's right to talk about whomever they want in the privacy of their own bunk. Greg promises that if more than half the Kids raise their hands for him to go, that he'll leave Bonanza City immediately. The Kids explain that they don't want him to go; they just want him to change. Moved by their words, Greg apologizes to the TownsKids and promises to try.Moments later, Greg delivers some very positive words when he and the other Council members award the 10th Gold Star to Laurel. She joyfully embraces all four boys and thanks
them for acknowledging all of her hard work. Laurel's phone call home to her Mom is filled with happy tears. Grasping the Gold Star in her hand, Laurel says, "It was just the best moment of my life and I wouldn't care if this was worth three cents!" Greg meets Laurel after the call to give her a big hug.

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