Kid Nation - It's Play Time
This weeks show begins with a recap of last week when a new council was chosen in the form of Greg, Blake, Michael and DK.
Day 31 begins with Taylor and her crew playing with their chickens. Unbeknownst to them, Laurel is over talking to the council about cooking chickens tonight and not just one or two but 10. Of course Taylor and her crew find out and while the boys are collecting the chickens to kill, Taylor and all come over to stop them. A fight ensues and Taylor begins her pursuit of letting them out of the cages the guys put them in. It is decided that Taylor and her crew will choose which chickens will be killed and cooked. Taylor allows them to kill the ugly ones. What? Are there really pretty chickens?
Day 32 begins with a math lesson on PI and true false questions on the solar system. It's journal time for the town council. And of course this weeks journal suggestion is all about learning and school. Conveniently the old pioneers left study books for the new pioneers to learn from. At the mess hall the council reveals to the rest of the kids that one reason Bonanza City failed was a
lack of education. The town council then tells them that each district will get together and study the books. Seems like Taylor is the only one that has a problem with it, or at least the only one to voice her disdain for it. All the other kids are open to the idea of learning some history especially when it is determined that this weeks Showdown may be about the information in the books.
It's study time in the different bunkhouses. First up is the blue district with Alex reading to the others. Unfortunately he reads to fast for the other.s Green district decides to act out the book in the way of a play. Seems Sophia has found a way for them to retain what they are learning. Over at the yellow district, Taylor and Laila decide to skip the study session and hide out in the chicken coup. The town council confronts them and both girls say they came here to get away from studying. The council reminds Taylor that she promised to work harder of she got her letter from home that they threatened to keep. Laila gives in when the council threatens to withhold the reward from them. Finally the council walks away after telling Taylor if she does not study she is out of the reward.
It's Showdown time and after gathering together, our host asks who studied and who didn't. Taylor is revealed to be the only one to not study and DK tells the host that Taylor will be the only one not sharing in the reward. It is revealed that today's Showdown is a pop quiz on the history books they were given. A question will be asked and three answers written on balloons will pop up. They must pop the two balloons that are the wrong answers. First team to 3 will be the upper class.....and so on. To get the reward they must conserve ammo because if the ammo left over totals up to enough to fill a jar, they will win reward.
Green district ends up with the win on the first round.
For the second round, the blue team gets the right answer first.
Round three brings blue another win.
Yellow district wins round four.
Green wins round five. This makes green and blue tied at two points each.
Green wins round six and ultimately wins the game and becomes the upper class.
Red district finally gets a point.
Blue finally gets the third point and will be merchant class.
Red district gets another one and takes the lead over the yellow district but of course yellow comes back and forces a tie. Last question goes to yellow and they become the cooks with the
red district being the laborers. Now it's time to see how much ammo is left and if they have filled the jar. Green district filled almost half the jar. Blue did equally as well. Yellow got it almost to the top...very little room left. Time for the red district. And even though the red district wasted a lot of ammo, there was enough left over to over fill the jar. Their reward choices are: 1. a library filled with books and, 2. Video know the big machine kinds found in arcades. Now it's time for the council to make the decision of what to take. The council is split on the choices. Blake and Greg want the video games and DK and Mike want the books. The council decides to choose the arcade after they let it be known that Taylor will not be able to play with any of the games. Of course that won't stop Taylor, she plans to go play in the arcade and says if anyone tries to take her out she will kick them. The council reminds Taylor that she is not allowed in the arcade but tell her if she picks up her work, she may be allowed in
Most of the kids take off to have some fun playing video games. Sophia decides to build a library in the middle of town. It looks like a teepee. She buys all the books in the general store and stocks her library. The red district proceeds to collect water to fill the water tank. But they soon find out it will be a long and hard task and the are bummed that the rest of the kids are having fun in the arcade. So Mike and Jared quit working to have fun in the arcade. DK comes after them, but they both ignore him. We see Hunter from the green district helping out
with the cleaning dishes instead of in the arcade. Will this be the week he wins a gold star.
Zach goes looking for Taylor and finds her in the chicken coup. Taylor says if she is treated with respect, then she will give respect and work harder. Zach asks her to help them with the dishes that are piling up. Finally Taylor relents and gets to work washing dishes. It was good to see little miss beauty queen roll up her sleeves and get to work, all the while hearing the other kids laughing and having fun in the arcade. Her work does not go un-noticed. Hunter comes back from getting water to find that Taylor has almost finished washing all the dishes by herself. Greg and Blaine come by later that evening and tell her since she has worked so hard all day, they will let her in the arcade. Greg picks her up and carries her over.
Day 34 Sophia wakes up to find the town deserted. Seems everyone is over at the arcade playing hockey, poker, and video games. Sophia is pissed that she is having to cook breakfast for 37 kids all by herself. She goes over to the arcade to confront Blaine and the yellow district for not cooking breakfast. Blaine tells her he will get breakfast cooked when he finishes his game of pool
that he is gambling on. Looks like DK is fed up with the arcade too since everyone wants to just play play play and no work is being done.
It's town hall meeting time again. Seems like only a handful of people don't approve of the arcade due to the lack of work being done. DK says he would not care if a padlock was to be put on it. It is suggested that the council put some kind of restrictions on the use of the arcade. The council decides to padlock the arcade.......until all the work of the town is done. Blaine chooses Sophia as the new town sheriff to enforce that the work is being done in town before they can enjoy the arcade.
It's time for the Gold Star giveaway. This weeks winner is Hunter who is undisputed the hardest worker in the town. Hunter tells the town that the money will help since his dad lost his job a year ago. He is given the key to the only phone in the town and is allowed to call home. His dad answers and when Hunter tells him about the gold star and the money, Dad is excited for him. Dad tells him that he will have to increase Hunters rent at home.....all a joke of course.
At the end of the show, Jared decides to sneak into the arcade since the padlock has not been put on. Seems like he is having withdrawals and decides to get in a quick game on the dance mat. He sneaks out before being caught.
Our last clip is of Taylor and Laila with the holding chickens and Laila gets a whiff of someones breath....ether Taylors or the chicken and she thinks it smells gross.
Next week looks like it will be a good one. When the town council has to leave the town for a little while, they leave Sheriff Sophia is in charge which does not sit well with the others.
until then..................
Day 31 begins with Taylor and her crew playing with their chickens. Unbeknownst to them, Laurel is over talking to the council about cooking chickens tonight and not just one or two but 10. Of course Taylor and her crew find out and while the boys are collecting the chickens to kill, Taylor and all come over to stop them. A fight ensues and Taylor begins her pursuit of letting them out of the cages the guys put them in. It is decided that Taylor and her crew will choose which chickens will be killed and cooked. Taylor allows them to kill the ugly ones. What? Are there really pretty chickens?
Day 32 begins with a math lesson on PI and true false questions on the solar system. It's journal time for the town council. And of course this weeks journal suggestion is all about learning and school. Conveniently the old pioneers left study books for the new pioneers to learn from. At the mess hall the council reveals to the rest of the kids that one reason Bonanza City failed was a

It's study time in the different bunkhouses. First up is the blue district with Alex reading to the others. Unfortunately he reads to fast for the other.s Green district decides to act out the book in the way of a play. Seems Sophia has found a way for them to retain what they are learning. Over at the yellow district, Taylor and Laila decide to skip the study session and hide out in the chicken coup. The town council confronts them and both girls say they came here to get away from studying. The council reminds Taylor that she promised to work harder of she got her letter from home that they threatened to keep. Laila gives in when the council threatens to withhold the reward from them. Finally the council walks away after telling Taylor if she does not study she is out of the reward.

Green district ends up with the win on the first round.
For the second round, the blue team gets the right answer first.
Round three brings blue another win.
Yellow district wins round four.
Green wins round five. This makes green and blue tied at two points each.
Green wins round six and ultimately wins the game and becomes the upper class.
Red district finally gets a point.
Blue finally gets the third point and will be merchant class.
Red district gets another one and takes the lead over the yellow district but of course yellow comes back and forces a tie. Last question goes to yellow and they become the cooks with the

Most of the kids take off to have some fun playing video games. Sophia decides to build a library in the middle of town. It looks like a teepee. She buys all the books in the general store and stocks her library. The red district proceeds to collect water to fill the water tank. But they soon find out it will be a long and hard task and the are bummed that the rest of the kids are having fun in the arcade. So Mike and Jared quit working to have fun in the arcade. DK comes after them, but they both ignore him. We see Hunter from the green district helping out

Zach goes looking for Taylor and finds her in the chicken coup. Taylor says if she is treated with respect, then she will give respect and work harder. Zach asks her to help them with the dishes that are piling up. Finally Taylor relents and gets to work washing dishes. It was good to see little miss beauty queen roll up her sleeves and get to work, all the while hearing the other kids laughing and having fun in the arcade. Her work does not go un-noticed. Hunter comes back from getting water to find that Taylor has almost finished washing all the dishes by herself. Greg and Blaine come by later that evening and tell her since she has worked so hard all day, they will let her in the arcade. Greg picks her up and carries her over.
Day 34 Sophia wakes up to find the town deserted. Seems everyone is over at the arcade playing hockey, poker, and video games. Sophia is pissed that she is having to cook breakfast for 37 kids all by herself. She goes over to the arcade to confront Blaine and the yellow district for not cooking breakfast. Blaine tells her he will get breakfast cooked when he finishes his game of pool

It's town hall meeting time again. Seems like only a handful of people don't approve of the arcade due to the lack of work being done. DK says he would not care if a padlock was to be put on it. It is suggested that the council put some kind of restrictions on the use of the arcade. The council decides to padlock the arcade.......until all the work of the town is done. Blaine chooses Sophia as the new town sheriff to enforce that the work is being done in town before they can enjoy the arcade.
It's time for the Gold Star giveaway. This weeks winner is Hunter who is undisputed the hardest worker in the town. Hunter tells the town that the money will help since his dad lost his job a year ago. He is given the key to the only phone in the town and is allowed to call home. His dad answers and when Hunter tells him about the gold star and the money, Dad is excited for him. Dad tells him that he will have to increase Hunters rent at home.....all a joke of course.

Our last clip is of Taylor and Laila with the holding chickens and Laila gets a whiff of someones breath....ether Taylors or the chicken and she thinks it smells gross.
Next week looks like it will be a good one. When the town council has to leave the town for a little while, they leave Sheriff Sophia is in charge which does not sit well with the others.
until then..................
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