Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/18/08

12:20AM BBT:
Sharon, Jen, and Amanda have still been going over the fight for the last while. Alex and Matt just came up to HoH. Amanda went to the bathroom with Jen and said she doesn't want to see Alex. Alex said he just came up to get some stuff. He's going to sleep on the couch downstairs. Seems like BB said he could sleep down there. Before leaving, Matt goes into the bathroom to say that he hasn't said anything. Parker comes to the HoH now. Amanda says it’s ok for Parker to come into bathroom.

12:35AM BBT:
Sharon, Jen, Amanda, and Parker are still in the HoH bathroom rehashing everything. Every once in a while, when Amanda remembers the comment about her father, she starts crying again. Alex and Matt are outside talking about the situation. They have joined Adam, Joshua, and someone else (Allison? maybe) on couch. Joshua said he went to the DR. He said he wants to make sure she knows he's not going to come stab her and he wants to know she's not going to do anything.Sheila joins the couch crew. They are discussing Alex's sleeping area on the floor of the living room. The said he has to either sleep on the floor there or on the floor in HoH.

to read the entire recap please CLICK HERE

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