Monday, February 25, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/25/08

12:00AM BBT:
Joshua and James are sitting in the LR listening to Amanda talking to everyone about STDs. They are just sitting there and laughing at everything she is saying basically and trying to understand how all the making out changed to STD talk. They say that Amanda is just scaring everyone and Joshua thinks that she probably has never had sex, she's just a big tease. Amanda hears them laughing and tells them their conversation is really serious and they should join them. The talk ends as Matt and Amanda come out to the LR.

12:15AM BBT:
Joshua and Amanda are talking. Pretty much just talking about the night and how crazy it was. Amanda says Chelsia really came out of her shell, and Joshua says that her and Natalie were both wild. Joshua says he think he is going to go to bed, and Ryan comes back from the DR as Allison is then called in. Amanda says: "no one wants to talk to me!" Ryan, Amanda, Alex, Sharon and Joshua are all in the bedroom talking. Amanda just saying she doesn't trust a lot of people with sex and stuff. Alex asks her if she pleasures herself and she says "heck yes I do!"

12:45AM BBT:
Most of the house guests are getting really tired, if they haven't already laid down to go to bed. Allison and Ryan, Sharon and Josh, Matt and Natalie, and Amanda are talking in the bedroom. Everyone is doing their DR sessions and then pretty much heading to bed.

1:10AM BBT:
Everyone is up except Shelia and everyone laughing having a good time.

2:30AM BBT:
James, Matt and Adam sitting around the fire talking about breaking their own hand as a way to get votes to stay in the house. Suggestions used were a pool cue, pool ball in a sock, and the fire extinguisher. Matt summed it up best by calling James a "sick fuck."

3:15AM BBT:
Matt, James and Adam sitting around table talking about prostitutes. Matt is talking about being a stripper in Vegas and about having ecstasy and Cocaine and girls wanting to come back to their apartments for the drugs and Matt says he would get to bang girl after girl that way. James says he used to sell it and would make bank. He tells them about Raves and how they have "tribes" and the tribe leaders decide who will have the drugs to sell, who does music and who does security. They are on private property and people carry guns. He says most of the people that paid to go were like 16 year old kids.

want to know more of what's happening in the house, click here:

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