Friday, February 29, 2008

Survivor - Fans vs Favorites - Cirie Is In Charge

I finally got around to watching the episode of when YauMan was voted off. Let me start out by saying how much I love Jeff Probst, our little Jiffy. He cracks me up and his sarcasm is too funny. If Jiffy ever decides to stop hosting Survivor, then Survivor will end. There is nobody else that can take his place and still provide us with the entertainment he does.

Now on to the show, the reward challenge was brutal. I saw several hits that had to hurt. It hurt me just watching it. James showed his strength during this challenge. I had to crack up laughing when he just barrelled into a crowd of fans and took them all out. He is a brute and he showed it in full force during this competition. Jonathan really stepped up and from the onset the Fans were doomed.

Exile Island proved to be a brutal experience for Kathy and Ami. They were soaked with rain, as was the Fans tribe with no adequate shelter, but alas because of the reward win the Favorites were high and dry during what had to be one of the worst rain storms since they got there.

As for the immunity challenge, this appeared to be nothing more than who is the strongest. But of course accuracy came into play because you had to get the coconuts in the basket. This looked like an easy challenge for our Favorites, what with James and Jonathon helping in holding the basket up. But it wasn't long until accuracy was the key element in this challenge as the Fans were getting more coconuts into the Favorties basket and it wasn't long before the Favs were struggling. The Fans won this one hands down and the Favs go to Tribal Council.

The alliance of Yau, Jonathan, Ami and Eliza have their sights set on Parvati. The couples alliance, specifically Ozzy, Amanda and Parvarti, decide to go after Yau and do some heavy campaigning against Yau to Cirie and for some reason with Ami and Eliza. Jonathan's name was also brought up as a secondary bootee, but because his ears were undoubtly burning, the conversation stopped as soon as he walked up. I, for the life of me can not understand why if the couples alliance knows the other 4 (Yao, Jonathan, Ami and Eliza) are together they would talk to Ami and Eliza about voting off one of their own. Am I missing something here.

Something I did not know was happening is an apparent alliance between Ozzy and Jonathon who were caught discussing who to vote out, specifically Ozzy wants Eliza out. Another alliance member for the couples that floored me was their fifth, Ami. It is apparent that there are many alliances working within the main two alliances. Looks like Ami is working both sides, or at least putting up a good act of working both allainces. Oh what a tangled web......

At tribal council, Jiffy probes our Favs about their loss at the Immunity Challenge and how it made them feel. Duh, Jeff! Cirie gives up the most information when she says she is playing not for the tribe but for herself, thereby letting Jonathan know she is not voting his way. Cirie needs to learn to keep her mouth shut, she gives up way to information including that Jonathan's alliance is planning to vote off Parvati. In the end the couples alliance win out and our beloved Yau-Man is sent packing. Look for the small sub-allainces to take over now, as Jonathan will be scrambling. If the Favs lose the next immunity, he is a goner for sure.

I will be back soon w ith my take on this weeks Survivor and will try to not be so late in getting my comments up.


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