Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tale of the gossiping HG

Tonight's episode pretty much started off with the attack on Amanda the house gossip. They showed everyone being annoyed with her. She apparently told Natalie that she had overheard Chelsia and James saying if they won HOH then they were putting Matt and Natalie & Amanda and Alex on the block. Natalie asked Chelsia about this. Chelsia claimed they never had such a convo and then went to confront Amanda who was outside with everyone else and a big fight took place. Joshuah joined in and told Amanda that everybody hated her and she looked like a horse which was really dumb in my opinion.

Alex joined in a little bit. Seemed like it was gang up on Amanda night. Then a comment was made by Joshuah that they should get Amanda a Halo and Chelsia said or a noose. Joshuah then said ohhh yeah so she can hang her self just like her father. He didnt even seem to feel bad for what had just flew out of his mouth. Everyone else looked pretty stunned and poor Amanda I cant even begin to imagine what she must have been feeling. Some of the others tried to comfort her. I decided then and there that Joshuah is now my least favorite in the house and I really hope he gets booted soon.

Next we see Jen trying to desperately stay in the house by throwing her real life boyfriend under the bus. Oy this woman has no grasp on what a great man she has in Ryan. She tells Sheila point blank that Ryan is a racist. And then tells some of the others in the bathroom that she dated a black guy once and Ryan cant stand that. I cannot believe this woman. How could she do this to a guy she claims to love and has lived with for several months. The game is not more important that a relationship.

Sheila talks to Ryan and tells him what Jen is saying to everyone and he is rightfully mad. Jen lies to him saying that she never said he was a racist. She said she just told them he didnt like interracial dating. He buys it but how stupid is she??? Does she not realize that all he has to do is see the tape of the episode and that will prove she just lied to his face?? Ugh this woman needs to be slapped and at this point I am hoping for a Ryan/Allison hookup. He deserves so much better than what Jen is giving him.

We finally get the first live eviction of the season. The vote is 3 to 1 Jen and Parker are evicted from the house. All during their interview with Julie Parker looks annoyed. I feel really bad for him. He got a bad deal when they paired him up with dum dum Jen.

I am kinda glad that Jen and Parker were evicted. Not that I really wanna keep seeing Allison but just glad to be rid of Jen.

The HOH comp. was pretty cool. They had to answer questions and try to match the other houseguests. And whichever option most HG choose was an event they had to do in the house. Here is the rundown of what they are in for because of the comp... No hot water for 72 hours, The woman have to wear bathing suits for 24 hours, No drinking cups for a week, Margarita party, The woman will cook dinner for a week and No washing machine for 2 weeks.

The new HOH this week is Chelsia and James.I cant even try to predict who they will nominate but hope it is Sheila and Adam or Joshuah and Sharon.

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