Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/10/08

12:10AM BBT: Sheila is laughing and claims she is going to seduce Matt and says she will be Mrs. Robinson from the Graduate and tells everyone not to get grossed out. Matt and Natalie talking to Sharon reassure her that she is safe and not to worry. Adam walks in and starts telling them everything James and he talked about. Adam explains he isn't going to tell any one anything until he votes. Matt says, “Let them campaign.” Adam says, “They made him some reasonable offers.” Mattie says, "I'll double it!" All four laugh.

12:40AM BBT: James and Chelsia are in the HT kissing and talking. James says he did not have $10,000 when he came to the BB house and that he could do a lot of traveling with that much money. Chelsia is says, “Please don't go.” They talk about places they want to go and mention Egypt then Chelsia adds, “Or Cape Cod.” Then she says, “Wait or is it Cape Town!?”

12:50AM BBT: Group is in the bedroom going over the events of the day again. The pickle juice conversation comes up and Matt says again, “James is very lucky that he didn’t go after him.”Josh goes to BY with Chelsia and James and is really pissed off that Sharon is in the BR with the others. Adam comes out to smoke in BY and talks with them. He tells them again that he doesn't want to be one of two voting to keep James. They tell him if he can get Sheila that Josh will come over and vote for James too and they will have 4. Adam says he will talk to her tomorrow. Adam finishes his smoke and goes inside. Josh says you know he is going straight to Matt with that information. Josh was right.

1:30AM BBT: People are finally starting to go to bed. Josh, Chelsia and James still up talking. Josh says, “James should ejaculate into Natalie’s Bible so the pages will stick together.” James says he didn't want a bunch of religious people gunning for him when he got out of the house and he doesn’t want that to be his five minutes of reality fame. They are hoping for some type of America's Choice. Josh wants it for him to get a phone call or maybe they will give him a weapon to destroy another houseguest like a Machete or Bow and Arrow or maybe just a Rifle. Chelsia wants America to have a chance to vote someone back into the house and they vote for James.

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