Friday, March 14, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/14/08

12:15AM BBT: Sheila is in the DR they're dying to see what she has to say when she gets out. They all head inside now. Josh, James, Chelsia getting snacks sitting around the table. Josh says tomorrow back full force on diet Chelsia and Josh are eating. Natalie is telling them she almost peed her pants that was great what they did to Sheila.

12:30AM BBT: Josh hopes for the PoV tomorrow morning, random chitchat in the kitchen, Chelsia and James are at the counter eating. James is unwrapping his Starburst’s and Josh is munching on chips. Sharon also in there. Sheila out of DR, Josh says. Chelsia wants to see. Seems she is now out of the Unitard. Chelsia, Sharon, James and Josh go into Sheila’s room. Sheila doesn't have to wear the unitard anymore and she’s not mad at all, they got her good. Chelsia says its weird to see Sheila in clothes. James doesn’t like it. Sheila hugs Chelsia and she's laughing as they “got her good.” James is called to DR while Matt is laying on pink bed reading bible.The DR told Sheila they wouldn't do that to her but the PoV is coming up.Sheila says she's been called in the DR five times tonight and says, “Damn I'm gullible for 45.” They’re all laughing about Josh's acting. Sheila says, “You guys are good! Expect the unexpected.” Natalie tell her that they were bored. Sheila asks Matt why he's not even laughing. Matt says, “He wasn't in on it as much, it was funny but...” Sheila gives them credit for originality. Ryan is on the floor while Adam is in bed and so is Matt. Sheila and Natalie are also in pink room.

1:00AM BBT: Everyone is being called to the DR late tonight. Adam Josh and Chelsia are talking about other pranks they can play. They discuss doing “Operation Ice Cold” where they pour ice water on someone.

1:30AM BBT: James is outside alone for a while playing pool alone and Adam joins him. James can’t sleep for some reason. Adam finally goes back to bed.

2:00AM BBT: James finally seems like he’s going to bed. He covers the pool table; give the camera a little wave and heads to bed in the HoH room.

8:03AM BBT: BB: “Good Morning HGs it is time to get up for the day.”

FotH8:22AM BBT: They must be playing them about half a dozen songs this morning. We're still on

FotH.8:25AM BBT: Sharon is dragging herself out of bed and mumbles can be heard around the bedrooms about having to get up so early.

8:27AM BBT: Natalie and Sharon cooing and baby talking to the GPs. While Shelia is in the shower. Sharon using the washroom, and Matt and Adam are still in bed.

8:30AM BBT: BB: “Ryan, please go to the diary room.”

8:33PM BBT: James was just called to the DR

to find out what else is happening in the BB house, click here:

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