Big Brother Feed Recap 03/20/08
:00 am BBT: Feeds back from Luxury Comp. Seems Josh and Sheila won a movie and James mentions something about 5 grand in chips that you get to gamble away, and a penthouse suite overlooking all of Las Vegas for 3 nights. Then the feeds cut away to the storage room. Ryan told the house that Allison was a card counter. Josh was shocked. The houseguests are trying to figure out the "dirty little secrets". Natalie is sticking to the story of her being a cheerleader.2:20 am BBT: Josh in bed and Sharon getting ready for bed. They discuss Allison being a card counter and Natalie being a cheerleader...what is this world coming to?2:30 am BBT: Everyone getting ready for bed. Josh is sleeping with Chelsia and she tells him just not to touch her. James is sleeping with Sharon. (This is to keep up the facade that James and Chelsia are not a couple any more!) James told Sharon to try not to touch him too! Josh says if this doesn't work tonight we can go back to the old sleeping arrangements. Chelsia and James are facing each other from separate beds and she is mouthing words and giving him hand signals.
2:50 am BBT: James and Chelsia now in Bathroom. Chelsia is asking James if he owns Bar 107 and he says no. She asks about something else and he says he has something she will not find out. She wants to know if it is bad or good. She is now sitting in the big chair and he is standing in front of her. He said it won’t affect people in the house. She asks if she would look at him differently and he says yes, 100%. She is worried that it is bad. He says good night and she says come back here. What does that mean, he says he was joking with her and she said she doesn’t believe him. He heads to bed and she says give me a kiss though. He kisses her and they still stay chatting. He is holding his microphone and says something about having sex with guys and it would connect pieces of the block for a lot of people but he cant say anything, he says I could but...
for more of what happening today in the BB house, click here:
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