Monday, March 24, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/24/08

12:40AM BBT: Chelsia and Josh are still trying to get Natalie to admit what she and Matt did in the house. Natalie says that they kissed and Matt pulled the covers over his head so that he ex GF couldn’t see. Josh asks, “Well in the pool he kissed everyone and wasn't worried about what the ex GF saw?”

12:45AM BBT: Josh and James are in the BY talking. Josh says, “He’s cracked it." Adam scares Josh and tell James he wants to talk later. Walks up and scares Josh and he tells James we will talk later and he goes into the kitchen. In storage room Josh talks to Ryan and tells him he thinks Matt is Sheila's son. That is why she gets so upset when people talk about Matt. Claims Sheila more or less admitted it.

1:00AM BBT: Adam, Sheila, Josh, Natalie and Ryan are in the kitchen talking and laughing. Chelsia gets up and stands in the doorway listening to their conversation then goes in and says "Good Morning" after Sheila tells her hello Chelsea in the fridge looking around. She takes the eggs out and asks Natalie if she’s praying for her. Natalie doesn’t say a word and continues to read her bible. Sharon is telling James that she thinks Sheila and Matt are together and that's why Sheila is getting close to Natalie. James says that Shelia said her son had an eye disability.

1:20AM BBT: Sheila and Chelsia have a conversation in kitchen and Adam and Josh are there also. Sheila tells Chelsia, “I like you Chelsia, I just don't know. If you want to stay.” Chelsia tells her, “I want to stay in this game, I'm not in this game for money I'm here to push myself and see how far I can get.” Sheila says, “Oh yeah… You told me you would do it for free, I don't think anyone would do this game for free.” Then says to Josh, “Do you?” Chelsia tells Sheila that she tried to give her Vegas trip to Adam. Chelsia apologizes for smashing the Easter Bunny and Josh says Ryan actually ate it. Sheila then asks Chelsia why she went after Natalie and Chelsia says she has hated Natalie since day one and says, maybe you are a born again Christian but say it right, say that you went through this and this and this in your life and then found god. She's not this perfect little girl and we'll see when we watch this show and we see what she says in the diary room.” Then tells Sheila that she has said in the DR she’s called her crazy and Natalie has also.

Today's recap can be found here:

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