Saturday, March 01, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 03/01/08

Midnight... Allison was asked to go to DR and all of a sudden feeds went to FotH. By 12:16AM: Feeds are back.

12:18 am BBT: Josh and Sharon in HOH room talking about their "pay check."Josh: "Oh god, I just want my check now!"Sharon: "No Joke, I'd pay off my debt."Josh: "Give me that money and that'd totally take care of my debt."Sharon: "Yeah mine too, I feel like we got that far we deserved that money; we worked harder than everybody in this house. You worked so hard you almost got a penalty vote, nobody works harder than you!" (Josh)

12:30AM BBT: Josh and Sharon are in the HoH room while Ryan and Adam are in the BY - Natalie was out there for a while too. James and Chelsia spooning in bed. Allison has just gone to bed.Josh and Sharon - talking about who will compete for HoH and it will be between Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia - say that Adam/Sheila have no chance in hell of winning. Sharon thinks it will be funny that she was voted out and then came back to win the whole thing. James and Chelsia are talking about going on the block and Allison asks do they really think it will be them and James says, "That's what was being said."

12:50AM BBT: Ryan goes up to bed. Allison starts trying to talk about getting Matt/Natalie to use PoV on her and Ryan and he says, “No, that won't happen.” He says he wants to ask BB for gas to burn that bed (the cursed bed!).

1:00AM BBT: Chelsia and James are now kissing and making out (this goes on for sometime). All feeds are on them but you can hear Natalie and someone else in another room laughing and talking.

1:15AM BBT: Natalie and Sharon are now in the Sauna room talking. It’s hard to hear but they were discussion the PoV meeting and it sounded like they were rehash of all the lies Allison has been telling and how she tries to twist them to being said by everyone else.Someone is snoring again. Sharon finally heads up to bed. Josh is still awake and she is telling him that Natalie was talking about Allison and what all she was saying about people.

1:35AM BBT: Sharon is getting ready for bed and is picking stuff up. She tells Josh about Natalie being upset because she didn't get a massage from Matt. She tells Josh that Natalie is really attracted to him and was really jealous that Sharon and Matt were holding hands and flirting. Meanwhile... Natalie strips down and crawls OVER Matt to get in bed (guess it is too far to walk around the bed). Whispers good job on the PoV to him. After a few minutes he gets up and leaves the BR. He must have needed to WC because he is back in just a minute.

1:40AM BBT: All in bed and starting to quiet down. We get an "artsy" camera shot on feed one of the fireplace and a profile of the deer head. Camera fades to black.

2:15AM BBT: All are soundly sleeping.

for a full recap of what's happening in the house today, click here:

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