Sunday, March 09, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 03/09/08

12:25AM BBT: Natalie, Matt, Adam and Ryan are outside. Sheila is in bed sleeping and Josh, James and Sharon are in bed. Chelsia joins the group outside. Natalie is telling her stalker story and it leads to a discussion of self-protection.Sharon, James and Josh are searching for Natalie’s cheat sheet. They’re looking everywhere in the pink room Josh opens a bible and shakes it but someone is coming so they turn the lights out and hide. Adam comes in, Josh asks where Natalie’s paper was and Adam explains that BB took it away from her. Natalie has joined them and Josh asks her about them taking away her cheat sheet. She tells them BB did take it and she thinks it’s because she cracked the code.

12:45AM BBT: Josh has woken Sheila and tells her he’s worried. Sheila tells him to stop because it’s making her worry and she could be the one that goes up. Josh thinks he’s going up. Chelsia heads to the HoH room again. Last time she went Ryan was in the shower. Josh tells her, “May the force be with you, go little red riding hood. I'll be waiting.” Ryan lets her in this time and apologizes about before. He was busy doing jerking off in the shower. We get FotH.Chelsia wants to know if Ryan has told Adam what’s going on (putting Matt up) and does he want her and James to tell Adam. He tells her it’s ok he’ll do it. Chelsia put a little pressure on Ryan, she tells him that there is security for him if he follows their plan, if he doesn’t he’ll have the whole house going after him. Ryan agrees and explains the he isn’t going to do something that will jeopardize his security in the house. Chelsia feels reassured and she leaves Ryan. He says to himself, “That’s BS. Let them turn on themselves!”

12:55AM BBT: Chelsia comes from HoH room after talking to Ryan, and tells the only awake HGs Josh and James, that Ryan will put Matt up tomorrow. Josh says, “Yeah but ya never know he might want to backdoor me.” Chelsia says, “Ryan wouldn’t say that to my face knowing that if he did that next week he would have three of the four left and we would gun for him.”

1:00AM BBT: Josh and Chelsia head to bed, and James is brushing his teeth.Chelsia, James and Josh are in the SR. Chelsia tells them what Ryan said and that he told her Matt has been all over him today but he doesn’t want to go against the entire house. She tells James that she got a good feeling from the meeting. They were all heading to bed.

But at 1:45AM BBT: They head out to the HT. Josh says that Sharon is getting on his nerves, the blankie and calling him Babe all the time. They start talking bad about Natalie and make fun of her map (the one they wanted) then Move on to trashing Matt and laughing that he’ll be stuck in sequester with Natalie. They move to Sheila bashing and whom they’re going to nominate next week.

3:00AM BBT: To reflect daylight savings. They discuss whom Ryan will gravitate to after Matt is gone. They think it will be James and Adam. James asks if either would have an issue with backdooring Ryan next week. Chelsia thinks it’s a bad move. Josh tells them, “They totally underestimated us."

Josh doesn't feel bad about getting Matt out because Matt would have been trying to get them out one by one. Josh said Ryan told him that Matt had suggested Josh and Sharon as nominees. Now planning for Chelsia to work Natalie, while James works Sheila to keep the votes in line for Matt's eviction.Josh says, “Shelia has to have the scariest Vagina and ass I’ve ever seen, it’s not hairy its fury.”

3:15AM BBT: The group rehash how funny it was Natalie having trouble spelling words during the food competition and Natalie will be in porn and work at hooters again. Chelsia and James tell Josh they have to hide Natalie's bible next week were Neil had his clothes. The talk as if Matt has already left the house and make fun of Adam's bike saying it’s probably a cheep Honda and Discuss how Ryan gets made when people bash Jen. Josh says, “If we didn’t make this deal with Ryan, one of us could have been backdoored this week.” They’re all now in the kitchen checking the slop house.

3:40AM BBT: All in bed.

9:30 AM BBT: We get trivia. Hopefully they are waking up the HGs.

9:45 AM BBT: Everyone is up and around doing ADLs. I can hear Sheila and a hairdryer.

for more of today's recap, click here:

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