Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 03/05/08

12:45AM BBT: Josh is in HoH looking sad and Sharon is in SR crying looking at picture of her and Jacob!

12:50AM BBT: Sharon heads up to HoH room "Babe?" (She has tears in eyes.) She looks in HoH for Josh. Sharon sits in chair looking distraught. Josh is still covering things up in BY and cleaning up.

12:55AM BBT: Josh heads up to HoH room as Sharon brushes teeth in HoH. Josh yells Sharon he’s dressed and ready for alarm. Sharon said she was dusting all pictures and Jacob's fell and broke. She said she feels it’s a sign and she freaked that it was her and Jacob’s picture. Sharon says, "that’s Freakster" and she wants to break all pictures for its not at bad sign. Sharon says she’s afraid to look at Jacob tomorrow. (????) Josh says he feels like something stabbed him. Sharon goes on and on that she came back to BB to get away from Jacob and he was here! They get in bed w/ light on and talk about random stuff. Josh says he’s done with Matt/Natalie "Natalie's so annoying." They both agree James wanting to hide Nat's bible was wrong. Sharon goes back to I can’t believe Jacob was here! She then compares her picture falling to BB3's Marcellus gnome falling. Josh switches it to talk of Allison leaving.Josh, "If Allison stays I will literally explode! They’ll have to dump my dust in Texas and Oklahoma." Josh says tomorrow as song he wants "Hannah again, Cher, Madonna, or Raining men."

1:10AM BBT: Sharon and Josh guarantee victory.

1:20AM BBT: Josh and Sharon heard a noise. Josh looks on balcony and sees all lights out downstairs.

1:35AM BBT: Shelia and Adam say they can’t sleep, Shelia looks around house then uses BR.

1:40AM BBT: All Hg's asleep.

1:50AM BBT: Josh can’t sleep, moving around in bed. Adam uses the BR and him and James head outside. Adam says Shelia can’t sleep, James says Matt is mixed and ready to go. They say Natalie should have her napkin taken away. they talk about Shelia living in a mansion for 10 yrs. They head inside and talk at tiny nook table in kitchen.

1:55 AM BBT: They mention again that Natalie's cheating with pictures, and Numbers on her napkin. They laugh about it.

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