Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday. Nominations.

Poor poor Natalie. She is so sad as if she is the first person to lose her teammate in the house. If she would think back Chelsia just went through the same thing when Natalie along with the rest of the house backdoored James. But she seems to have forgotten this and is now promising to take revenge on those who evicted her sweet innocent Matty.. *gags*

Adam keeps saying he didnt really wanna win HOH that he wanted to continue to stay under the radar but I saw him in the comp for someone who didnt want to win the veto he sure did a good job pretending he did. So I wonder if it was a case of ooo I should win HOH and then after he won he realized what kind of responsibility came along with it not to mention the target that will be on his back once he makes his nominations.

I think the HG are losing it. Natalie with her counting things that are in groups of 8 and Sharon with her baby talk to the gerbils. Joshuah seemed extremely annoyed by it and Adam mimicking her in the DR. I got the biggest laugh out of BB putting the gerbils in the DR and having them "talk" about Sharon saying "She is crazy and needs to be up on the block" Furriends yeah right. LOL somebody there has a great sense of humor.

For some reason Adam's family sent him a TON of baby food. He seems confused by this but Natalie is all excited and hopes he shares with her.

Adam starts teasing Sheila about putting her up on the block she takes him seriously and starts to flip out. It started off as a joke but then Adam starts to seriously think it might be a good idea for him to put her up. Kind of show the other HG that even though initially they were a team now they are not.

They have a luxury competition. The luxury is for 4 of the HG to see a movie called 21. The winner of the comp gets to pick 3 other hg to watch the movie with him/her. Basically they play 21. Ryan wins and chooses Adam, Natalie and James. Just when they are all getting happy Ryan is giving the option of betting for more. He can play a round with the dealer (Adam). If he wins he would get a weekend getaway for 2 plus the movie with the other 3 HG. If he loses then he doesnt get the trip and the HG he didnt choose get to see the movie instead. He plays the round with the dealer and loses so now Chelsia, Joshuah, Sharon and Sheila get to see the movie.

Adam is very easily influenced and Natalie is taking advantage of that. She keeps feeding him ideas on who to put up. (James and Chelsia) She is working him over really hard. He mentions wanting to put Sheila up but Natalie tells him that is not a smart movie. He should try and get strong players out. Sheila can be dealt with at a later time.

Adam nominates Chelsia and James for eviction. Basically Adam's reasoning was it was revenge for Matt. He doesnt want to backdoor anyone and believes everyone should have a chance to save themself. So is a strategic move for him. Chelsia and James are of course less than pleased and vow revenge. Natalie is very pleased with herself.

Chelsia and James are my fav in the house and I really dont want to see them go so I hope they are able to pull off a miracle this week and manage to both stay in the house.

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