Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 04/13/08

Midnight… Ryan and Sheila re still talking. Ryan tells Sheila she ahs to give Natalie credit for her dreams. Sheila says she does but Natalie doesn’t listen. She goes on to say that Natalie is washed up because she is almost 30 and that it’s not going to happen because she’s too old. That she won’t listen to Sheila and she is going to have to learn it the hard way. They move on to discuss Jen.

12:10AM BBT: Still talking, but now about Natalie and Sheila says that the boys will look really bad if they don’t evictee Natalie this week. Sheila feels threatened with her still in the house. Sheila keeps talking on and on about Natalie Ryan assures her that Natalie is leaving and that he’s going to talk to Adam. Ryan tells Sheila he’s going to bed and makes his escape while Sheila continues to do laundry.

12:10 AM BBT: Ryan hides in the shower to scare Adam as he was coming out of the WC.

12:15 AM BBT: Adam, Sheila and Ryan are chatting in the kitchen. Sharon is in bed sleeping and Natalie reading her bible.

12:20AM BBT: Sheila complains about the dishes and having to do them on her Birthday. Ryan tells her, “Its not your birthday anymore.”

12:25AM BBT: Natalie is reading her bible and Adam comes in and scares her. He's making fun of his voice because he sounds raspy. Ryan comes in and they talk about girls who have too bigger boobies. Natalie says she is going to make everyone cry when she makes her speech.

12:45AM BBT: Ryan gets up out of bed and goes to the kitchen and gets a fork and goes to the fridge for something to eat. He heads back to bed and he and Adam chat.

1:40AM BBT: Adam gets up and is in the HT alone. He ended up in the shower and Ryan came in and asks what he was doing. Adam explains that he thinks he hurt his ear yelling before. They end up back in bed a little later.

2:01AM BBT: Adam is back up and eating. He's got the fridge door open and is just eating right from the containers (double dipping). He finally takes the container out of the fridge and sits it on the counter and eats out of the pot. He finally goes back to bed.

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