Friday, April 04, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 04/04/08

Midnight... From what I was able to gather, Natalie says if James takes Sharon off the block then Adam needs to refuse to nominate anyone and put himself on the block. It would end up being a tie vote and he could send Sheila home. Granted, she’s had a lot of wine. They plan on utilizing a loophole in the BB rules. Supposedly if James wins PoV and pulls Sharon off the block Adam plans to nominate himself as the replacement nominee. With Adam nominated (he doesn't get to vote anyway because he is HoH) James and Sharon won't control the vote at 2-1. The vote will then be 2 against 2. He says Sheila might get screwed but at least Adam, Natalie and Ryan will still be there and they won't be mad at him anymore because he kept them safe. They keep saying something about if the vote ends in a tie (James and Sharon vs. Natalie and Ryan) the former HoH would break the tie. That would be Natalie.

12:05AM BBT: Ryan is in bed; I think Sheila is still in the HoH listening to music. Last I saw James was in bed and I don’t know where Sharon is.

12:15AM BBT: Adam goes out to the BY to smoke, Nat tells him good night and is brushing her teeth, Adam goes up to his HOH , Sheila is there. He asks her to scratch his back. She complains of how her ex always made her do that and she hated it.

12:30AM BBT: Natalie is talking to Matt’s picture on the memory wall again as Sharon comes out of DR. Looks like she tried to go talk to James but then went into the bathroom to take off her makeup. Adam comes into the bathroom, and tells Nat Sheila in still in his room. He says she loooves me. They laugh. Adam heads upstairs to the HOH, Sheila asks where everybody is? Adam says in bed I think. Says she's going to be 46 in about a week, and she says you're going to be 30 soon too. She says her ex reminds her of Adam, they have a lot of problems. Then says her ex has an addiction and doesn't know when to quit. Adam says everything in moderation. Sheila says her son loves him. Says he is the lead singer of Rhino Bucket and is very talented.

for the rest of today's recap click here:

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