Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wed Show Recap

We got to see the 3 HOH comp parts last night. As Ryan and Adam figured Sheila didnt last too terribly long in the 1st round. Adam them gave the 1st round to Ryan. The 2nd part was between Adam and Sheila. It was a puzzle of sorts. They had to put the HOH's in order by taking balls out of a maze and placing the ball with the names on the board along with the pics of the HG. Adam kicked Sheilas butt.

I think from this point on Sheila had to know her days where numbered. At the final part Ryan and Adam were asked questions about the Jury members. Ryan won by 1 point. I wonder if Adam threw this comp. After win the final HOH Ryan was asked to pick which HG he wanted to evict. He evicted Sheila, this didnt surprise me. I dont think Ryan has a shot at winning but I thought he might have had a better shot going to the final 2 with Sheila. But then Ryan has made a lot of bonehead moves in the game.

We got to see more of the jury house. Natalie finally came to her senses and realized what a jerk Matt is. After all she did for him in the game he still treats her like garbage. I am just glad she is not totally dense. Sharon arrived and of course Josh and Chelsia were upset to see her. Matt was super excited because his group is the only ones left in the house now. Matt and Josh are getting along really well and it looks like James is getting along with Matt better as well. They watched the dvd that Sharon brought and saw the eye contact and nod between Adam and Ryan as sharon was evicted and finally realized the two boys had been working together.

After being evicted Sheila put on a sob act. I say act because I didnt see any real tears while she was talking to Julie and she seemed to cheer up really quick towards the end of the interview.

All that is left now is the finale. After seeing the DVD I am not so sure Ryan will get Sharons vote. I think Sheila will still give Adam her vote as will most of the other jury members. Ryan should start deciding how he will spend his $50,000 cause that is all he will be getting.

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