Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Brother 10....Feed Recap July 15, 2008

8:00AM BBT:
They're sleeping.

8:50AM BBT:
Jerry is up and in the SR changing his battery. Jessie soon follows. They exchange morning pleasantries and Jerry heads out to feed the "babies" (fish) while Jessie heads to the bathroom. Jerry heads outside to workout and Jessie said he would join him after he used the WC. Everyone else is still in bed.

Game talk between Jerry and Jesse while working out… Jerry thinks everyone should chill out, he thinks Libra is the ringleader. Jesse says that it's good though "because she knows when to squash the Shit." Jesse says that everyone is so bored and when something happens they just run from room to room talking about it (creating drama).

They discuss Angie feeling bad for Brian. Jesse says there is no way Brian could possibly stay. Jerry says if it comes to it he would need him to break the tie and he (Jerry) won't do it. Jesse says it could come down to 5-5 vote but he seriously doubts it "Not gonna happen." Back to the workout. Jesse is the "trainer" and only Jerry is working out.

Renny is up and around, I've seen Ollie but it appears he went back to bed

***don't forget to visit our forum to discuss your thoughts on everything Big Brother....

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