Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap.........July 17, 2008

7:00AM BBT:
Renny is the only one up. She's made breakfast and is sitting in the LR looking around.

8:30AM BBT:
Still only Renny up and around.

9::25AM BBT:
They're been woken up and told there is a competition today. It should be a food competition.

9:50AM BBT:
April, Renny, Libra, Memphis and Ollie are in the bathroom. They're talking about getting woken up to the song Saved by the Bell. Memphis just came out of the shower and Ollie went in. The women are putting on their makeup and getting ready for the Food Competition (BB normally takes forever). Right now just general chit chat, no talk of the game.Keesha came in bathroom and they discuss different brands of makeup. They're hoping they don't give them ugly outfits this time for the competition. Feed changes to kitchen area. Jerry saying somebody snores LOUD. He says the ladies are pretty quiet though. Jerry asks Angie, "Were they picking on you baby?" He says he thinks she looks pretty in the morning too. Angie says she hopes she doesn't look at tired as she feels. Yesterday was a busy day with eviction and everything else taking place.
Jerry says his mind is like a non-stop machine. Even when he's trying to sleep he's still thinking about the game. He says this game was going on for a month before they ever came into the house. He wonders what kind of competition they're going to have today. If it's just a food comp they may have a chance to eat and not be on slop.

10:30AM BBT:
Jerry and Angie are in the bathroom talking about possibilities for today's comp. He's dreading being on slop. Angie says it's hard to say what they end up doing.Angie and Keesha are in the bedroom and Angie asks her how she's doing. Keesha says she's just trying to keep her mouth shut at this point and her feelings for other people haven’t changed. Angie says I know what you mean.Now we're in the living room with Dan reading bible scripture to Angie and Memphis. At one point he says he didn't actually know the Golden Rule was in the Bible. He's also reading scripture about being a hypocrite. Before you remove the wood splinter out of your brother's eye, remove the wood beam out of your own. Lots of BSing going on in the kitchen.

A little later… Angie is having a bad day and is feeling defeated. Steven is explaining that he feels down too and wants to stay away from drama for the next couple of day. He’s also trying to cheer her up. He feels that he wont go on the block and that he thinks it will be Dan and Renny or Angie and Dan, but if he is on the block he is going to fight for PoV. Angie tells him that she feels that others are feeding information to them to make them feel distanced. That they girls are making them feel that they have the guys wrapped around their finger so everyone else feels they have no chance.

11:30AM BBT:
Just waiting around for the competition.

12:45PM BBT:
We had FotH and it finally changed to Trivia.

1:35PM BBT:
Feeds are back. People are dressed in red and green so it looks like there were two teams. April is on the floor in the LR looking pissed and she has red on. So I assume that the green team are on food and the red on slop. Keesha is in red and in the bathroom talking to Angie in green and says that being on slop isn't THAT bad. Libra was saying that this is her and the others (April and Keesha ) second week on slop where as the others don't know what's coming.Red team on Slop - April, Libra, Keesha, Memphis, Renny and Jerry.Green team on Food - Angie, Steven, Michelle, Dan and Ollie.Jessie - HoH and eats anyway.Nominations today on the screen in the LR.

1:45PM BBT:
Libra is talking to Renny in HoH about food competition. It apparently involved pouring wine into a bottle without spilling it and she complains to Renny that they had the two older people on their team and maybe BB should have had Renny on one team and Jerry on the other. Jessie comes back in room. Libra keeps saying, "I don't want to talk about it BB." Renny leaves the room and Jessie asks Libra what Renny was doing in his room. She said she wasn't sure but thought she was checking to see who was in there. They're saying nobody can blame anybody because the comp was difficult and had a lot of different variables. Jessie is telling Libra to just keep the peace with those girls. Apparently some people got mad at her during the comp. Libra said one of them apologized to her later on. She also keeps saying, "We had two old people on our team!" She did the best she can do. Libra is called to the DR and says, "Oh no you didn't! All you're going to get out of me are one word answers!"Steven comes in and is looking at Jessie's pictures. He says his brother looks just like him. Then Michelle comes in and says the screen downstairs says "Nominations Today". Jessie doesn't like that. Steven says he doesn't know how these girls are going to make it this week. They're going to be so weak they're going to break down to nothing. Jessie is going downstairs to fix something to eat. Steven said Jerry is down there trying to make a slop protein shake.

Michelle cornered Jessie in the bathroom before he left HoH and said something about Steven. Jessie said don't worry about it the plan remains the same. She said, “OK” and left with him to go downstairs.Ollie is sitting at the bar eating regular food. Jerry is trying to fix a shake in the blender. Memphis, Steven, Michelle and Jessie in storage room going through the food on the counter making sure refrigerated food is put in the two fridges.Steven says he sincerely feels bad. He realizes he was in the heat of the moment during the challenge but now feels bad he won and the others are on slop.

2:15PM BBT:
Renny and Libra in 60s bedroom. Once again, food competition talk and variables. Libra says, "It's a day of mourning." Libra walks out. Renny is laying in the 60s bedroom by herself. BB: "Libra please put on your microphone." April almost starts busting out laughing saying, "She's going to be stomping through here."Libra says she's not putting on any makeup today for the DR. "You give me slop, I give you shit."Libra and April are talking about her not wanting to go into the DR. They hug and give each other comfort. Memphis seems to be making a protein shake with slop. He calls it "Power Slop."

3:45PM BBT:
Dan is in the HoH bathroom and Ollie and Jessie are in the room talking. Neither knowing Dan is in there. Ollie asks Jessie if he is putting up Dan and Steven and Jessie says, "Yeah." Then out comes Dan from the bathroom... Ooops!
See the video:

4:10PM BBT:
There’s been a lot of general chit chat in the house. Libra has been bitching about Slop on and off too. One of the fish has died, Jessie noticed it a little while ago and now they’re all discussing it. April is walking around with black stilettos...

4:40PM BBT:
Dan and Jessie had a talk in the HoH room. Dan explained that he voted for Brian because he gave Brian his word and understands that Jessie has to make the decision based on what his alliance wants. Jessie reminds him there is still the PoV. Dan tells Jessie that if he has any ideas he’s open. Dan heads back downstairs while Jessie turns on his music, after Dan leaves Jessie says, “Poor guy.”

Later, Jessie is downstairs with Dan and explaining that Steven is drawing attention to himself and Dan isn't.
See the video:

5:10PM BBT:
Ollie and April are in bed talking. FotH…

5:25PM BBT:
Everyone but Jessie is outside so nominations should be soon. FotH.

6:45PM BBT:
Still Trivia. Jessie is probably asking his biceps if he's doing the right thing and still waiting for an answer...

7:10PM BBT:
Still Trivia!

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