Friday, July 18, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap.....July 17, 2008

7:40PM BBT:
Jessie joins Libra outside to rehash part of his conversation with Dan and is joined by Ollie and Memphis and he tells them about the conversation while they toss the basketball around. He also says that Steven has not shown him any respect in two weeks. He did not acknowledge him when he won HoH or when he got the key to his room. Jessie says that Steven said he was sleeping and was unaware that Jessie got his room key. Jessie said he lied and he called him out on it (maybe during nom ceremony). He mentions telling Dan that the worst-case scenario is Steven winning PoV.

7:50PM BBT:
The post ceremony hypertension appears to be over. Most of the houseguests are back to general chit chat in the BY or kitchen while Steven has isolated himself in bed in the Retro room to read. Jessie, Dan, and Michelle are discussing the infamous BB2 Hardie electronic toothbrush incident.

8:00PM BBT:
Jessie mentions in the kitchen that there were "technical difficulties" when the rest of the houseguest were outside in lockdown waiting for him to finish with the keys. He says he asked BB to tell the houseguest about the difficulties so that the houseguests would not question why it was taking so long or read something else into it. It seems BB wasn't willing to tell them. Michelle asks what the technical difficulties were and if he is allowed to talk about it. Jessie says no.Memphis is in the sauna and Libra is in the message chair. They are again discussing their disadvantages during the food comp having Renny and Jerry together on their team. They still think that those two need to compete on separate teams to even the odds. Memphis leaves and Keesha and Renny join Libra in the sauna room. They talk about Keesha's socks and feet being bright red from what she was standing in (food comp?) and that her feet look like they are on fire.

8:10PM BBT:
Those on food are eating dinner and discussing the food competition.

8:20PM BBT:
Memphis and Keesha in sauna for a whisper session about Angie. Memphis says, "I don't think I can go to bat for her.” It seems they are trying to figure out who goes after Steven. They exit the sauna, as it’s too hot.

8:25PM BBT:
The HG are speculating whether or not the first HoH was a twist and if there are anymore in play right now.

8:30PM BBT:
Steven and Libra are in the Retro Room. Steven mentions Jessie's comments about him showing disrespect and he doesn't understand that. Steven heads to the DR. Renny takes Steven's place in bed in the Retro Room.

8:35PM BBT:
Michelle and Libra have headed to the HoH room where Jessie is. Michelle asks him which one of the fish died and Jessie says, "How about the one that's not in there anymore." (Smarty pants!!) Michelle asks the BB camera if there is anything on her face and when the camera doesn't respond she asks Jessie. After Libra exits the bathroom they discuss the post ceremony conversation between Jessie and Dan again and they think that Renny not being nominated has humbled her. Jessie says that he still really wants her gone but mentioning it during the ceremony would have appeared childish. Michelle and Libra both promise her that she will be and then they leave Jessie alone.

8:45PM BBT:
BB just informed the HG that "most people don't know that the world's largest weather vane is in Spain." Outside of repeating it to himself or herself once or twice, no one is impacted by BB’s announcement.

8:55PM BBT:
Just general chit chat in the kitchen and backyard.

9:00PM BBT:
Michelle, Libra and April are talking about how you can take fat out of your ass & put it in your lips. Libra wishes they could take fat out of her midsection & put it in her boobs. They say Jennifer Lopez was hideous when she was a Fly girl on In Living Cover but she got money and got groomed.Keesha and Angie are talking. Keesha tells Angie that it’s awful for when friends go up because neither have a choice but to save yourself if you win the PoV or campaign against each other. Angie thinks that if she wins the PoV and takes Steven down then Jessie will put her up. Keesha explains it doesn’t work that way as she asked (do these people not watch the show?). Angie feels bad that she was happy she wasn’t on the block today. Keesha tells her that either Steven or Dan have to win PoV and use it to save themselves.The wicked stepsisters Libra and April go out to the BY to join the others for conversation while Renny and Angie are in the kitchen talking about ways to eat slop.

9:30PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging in the BY. Random conversations.Meanwhile in the kitchen Michelle is teaching Steven how to say - I am going to grab your penis – cock and suck my dick in Portuguese.

9:45PM BBT:
Renny and Michelle are playing pool.Keesha and Libra in the sauna room talking about slop and how they have to eat it this time around. Keesha says its getting hard being in the house and not having their normal lives. She gets teary. Jerry comes in and asks them if they want him to make slop cookies. They tell him maybe tomorrow. Jerry leaves. They say they feel really bad for Jerry being on slop because of his age. Keesha wishes she had her diet pills because then she could go through the whole day and not be hungry. Keesha thinks Steven is leaving. Libra doesn't know.

10:00PM BBT:
Angie and Steven on the BY sofa. Angie says people aren't talking to her much anymore. Steven says she didn't go on the block though. He says he's not trying to be ugly but she is the one that caused the drama the night before Brian left yet she didn't go on the block and he did. Angie tells him she told him she would be honest with him so she wants him to know up front that if she wins PoV she doesn't think she could use it and take him off the block. Steven says he understands. Angie says if Steven comes off the block and she goes up, if she doesn't have the votes she doesn't expect him to throw a vote her way.Ollie and Dan in the 80's room whispering. Ollie tells Dan all he needs to do is lay low for a couple of days and he will be good. Ollie is 90% sure Dan is good.

10:50PM BBT:
Libra, April and Keesha are hanging out in the sauna room. April blows her nose like she is playing a tuba and says she is getting a cold.

10:50PM BBT:
Jerry telling stories to Ollie, Angie and Steven on the BY sofa.

11:25PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging out in the BY. Just random conversation.

11:40PM BBT: Not much going on just lots of moving around and chit chat.

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