Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap.....July 21st

8:30PM BBT:
Michelle, Jessie and Memphis are having a meeting in the HoH room. They're saying they can't be obvious about their alliance when people are still in the endurance game, and Michelle is pushing to "vote Aprils ass out" because Libra will hang herself eventually. Memphis and Jessie agree.

8:40PM BBT:
Michelle leaves the HoH room first, and tells the other two to follow shortly after. Jessie and Memphis discuss "the plan" (Renny and Dan on the block). They talk about hoping whoever wins HoH throws Renny and Dan on the block. Memphis doesn't trust Jerry but Jessie thinks he would Renny and Dan up. Memphis isn't sure he would. They both know he wants Libra out. Jessie thinks Libra would do anything to stay. Jessie saw the face of an alien in the window, and thinks it is a twist. Renny saw the alien also. Michelle wants to see it. Renny said it knocked in the window behind the dishes.

9:00PM BBT:
Lots of HG hanging in the BY sofas. Random conversations, all talking over each other. They have booze.

9:30PM BBT:
Jessie and Ollie eating at the table. Jerry comes in and tells them that he and Memphis both way the same, 200LBS.Renny and Keesha are in the sauna talking about how Renny was a basket case the first night in the house. Renny is going to wear her black dress for eviction night. Keesha doesn't know what she is going to wear. Keesha says she didn't pack wisely and she didn't bring any dresses. BB told her is she wins HoH she can get a couple of dresses from home. Angie and Steven in the BY having the "Steven and Angie talk show" talking about male genitalia, growers and showers. Steven is a grower. Angie tells Brian she loves him to death... Steven says, “Yeah, but you fucked us.” Memphis comes out and Angie welcomes him to the Steve and Angie Show.

9:35PM BBT:
Libra, Ollie and April are in the kitchen talking about losing weight on slop. Libra claims it's bad that April works out while she is on slop because she is "negating her calories."

9:50PM BBT:
The Barbie bitch alliance is in the sauna talking about Playboy bunnies. They talk about how white Holly's hair is (one of the girls who live with Hugh Hefner). They could not imagine having sex with an 80-year-old man. Keesha thinks Holly is pretty now that she is rich and has had everything done. Keesha says Holly was a Hooter's girl. In the BY Angie, Steven and Memphis are making things out of aluminum foil. Memphis makes a mask and wristbands. Angie makes a spear and shield. Steven makes a sword. They run around acting like superheroes (they look pretty stoopid).

10:10PM BBT:
Dan in the bathroom brushing his teeth and talking to Keesha.

10:25PM BBT:
Memphis, Libra and April in the VW room talking about how Allison did BB, then Amazing Race, then BB again.

10:30PM BBT:
Keesha and Angie are talking about slop. Keesha says that they have to find a way to keep Libra off slop as she's driving her "fucking insane" and complaining she has lost weight. Angie says it's what they signed up for. The conversation ends when Libra comes outside.
Keesha, Michelle, Libra, Renny, April sitting with their feet in the HT. They are excited because the water is finally hot in the HT.

10:45PM BBT:
Steven is doing the slip-n-slide. The girls are cheering him on.

10:55PM BBT:
All the girls sitting with their feet in the HT. Steven is in the HT. He tells Michelle she has the prettiest boobs, not the biggest but the prettiest. They talk about how the BB house is falling apart. Libra says it's like being in the ghetto.They try to talk Steven into getting naked. Ollie, Dan and Memphis are playing pool.

11:15PM BBT:
Lots of HG in the kitchen. Random chit chat. On topic of conversation is Heath Ledger and how sad his sad death was.

11:35PM BBT:
Libra and Memphis playing pool. Memphis says he doesn't trust Dan and he can't stand Jerry. Memphis thinks he would rather be stuck in the jury house with Renny, as she is getting a lot better to him. Libra agrees. Memphis thinks they are all on the same page. Jerry comes out. The pool game breaks up.

11:40PM BBT:
Ollie and April are in the sauna. Ollie is giving her a massage. They stay in there awhile and talk about their relationship and their families. Michelle and Jessie are in the bathroom. Michelle is bitching about Angie being a fucking idiot and wishes she would just “shut the fuck up.”

11:55PM BBT:
teven, Memphis, Angie and Jerry hanging in the 50's room chit chatting.At some point April and Ollie have a little make out session and head to bed (no sex tonight).

1:05AM BBT:
ll HG sleeping.

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