Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bachelor Recap-Personal Opinion-Episode Six

We are counting down to the end. Only two more episodes, The Women Tell All and the Finale. Who will he choose.Remember this recap is of personal opinion from a friend of mine who gets it from a friend of a friend. I think it is pretty funny. Hope you enjoy it...........Let’s begin by saying that I missed you dear reader. I feel like it’s been so long with me being in California and then ABC sneakily aired the Country Music Awards instead of our beloved Bachelor. And with only two episodes left, it will be an entire WHO KNOWS when we see each other again. That makes me a little sad. What can I think about to cheer me up?I KNOW! Daniel Craig as the new James Bond. A blond James Bond. He’s sexy. I KNOW! Jim and Pam reunite on The Office this week! Hooray!I KNOW! Chach and THE VIRGIN trying to make out under water in a pool with full scuba gear on!There it is…that happy warm feeling mixed with anxiousness and embarrassment. Feel the Bachelor love with me and read on.SIMPLE DISCLAIMERThe following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. If this e-mail circulates to friends, family, enemies...that is your business. However, if you or someone in your address book happens to personally know, sort of know, know the brother/cousin of, thought you saw in the grocery store buying Halloween Oreos or have a nail technician that looks exactly like one of the Bachelorettes on the show...none of this is personal and I'm sure they are all lovely people.Like it or not, our Bachelor is at least TRYING to do the right thing with these girls. Sure he’s awkward, can’t kiss and probably hides his own V-card in his wallet, but Renzy is attempting to be a stand up guy. He’s excited about the exotic overnight forgo card dates and is very confused that each of these women hold qualities that he wants in a future wife.Renzy was man enough to let us in on his deep thoughts as he pondered who would stay…and who would go home with there fairy tale crushed. We see these pop up throughout the night. Let’s listen in on the first one.Deep Thoughts by Lorenzo Borghese“I am confused. The goal here is to not be left with three women…but with one.”A-ha. I did not get that before. Thanks for the insight.

for the full recap, click here:

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