Friday, July 13, 2007

Carol's First Post-Eviction Interview

I Have Got to Be the Worst ‘Big Brother’ Player Ever”

Why was Carol not surprised to be voted out first on Big Brother 8? What is she realizing now that she’s off the show? Has she kept everything in perspective? And what does she think of the “enemies” twist, both with Jessica and the other duos? Carol answers all – very honestly – right here in this RealityNewsOnline interview!

Carol might not have been the best Big Brother player, but she was a nice person on the show and a delight to talk to. Throughout the interview, she kept a positive attitude and was able to laugh at all that went on. She also recognizes that perhaps Big Brother was not the game for her.

RealityNewsOnline: Hi, Carol, how are you?
Carol: I’m fabulous.

RNO: Did you have a particular strategy going into the house?
Carol: I was so naïve when it came to the show. I had no idea what I was doing. So no, I didn’t have any sort of strategy. I just kind of went in with hopes of seeing what would happen.

RNO: In several confessionals, players indicated they didn’t think you were a very big game player in the house, especially compared to everybody else. Eric said something about there being 13 sharks and Carol in the house. What do you think?
Carol: That’s awesome, I love it! I had no idea how to play the game, or what I was doing. I went for the experience and the opportunity. It was something that came up and I was like sure, why not. I’m not going to lie, I was not exactly a good player at all, I just went for fun. I should have thought about this a little more before I got in there. That’s basically what I’m realizing right now. Whoops. (Laughing)

RNO: When Julie Chen announced your eviction, you said you saw it coming. Why?
Carol: Oh, I knew it was coming. I was very very very clear to the houseguests there. I really didn’t want to be there any longer. I thought I would like it, but the minute I left my house, all I could think about was going home. I was not in the right mindset or competitive state to play the game. The houseguests knew I wanted to go home.
I think I have got to be the worst Big Brother player ever, is what I’m realizing through this whole thing. I really did not know what I was getting myself into.

RNO: But at least you recognize that now. You wouldn’t believe some of the people I’ve talked to who never get it.
Carol: I’m very much aware.

RNO: One of the goodbye videos mentioned you have a big heart, which doesn’t always work well in a game like this. Do you think you were too nice to be on Big Brother?

Carol: I can’t say I was perfect and an angel. But I definitely didn’t have the drive to be hurtful or deceitful or conniving. I was very honest and open the whole time, which probably hurt me.

RNO: Did it surprise you that Jessica had been acting like a witch about you behind your back throughout the show?

Carol: The whole time I was in there, I told myself I wouldn’t say anything mean. I thought it was so petty that we were there from a fight in 8th grade. And then when I saw the comments [after being evicted]… I thought maybe she had grown up a bit, but she was still saying the same thing. It was very immature. There are no good characteristics you can see from her representation of herself. I told myself I wasn’t going to say anything mean about her, but… whoops.

RNO: What did you think of this particular twist as it applied to you?

Carol: My initial thought was this is so pathetic. How can this be a significant twist? But I think I didn’t think it was significant because I wasn’t still bitter and angry. But because she still was, I guess it put a little tension in the show. When I got off [and saw the comments], that sparked a little fire in me, so she’d better hope she does not get out of there soon. That’s all I have to say. She does live across the street from me, we’re around the corner from each other. We grew up together from second grade on.

RNO: You might hope she stays on, but I hope she goes. I can’t take that voice much longer.

Carol: I love the fact that you just said that. I’m so thankful I’m not the only person who notices that. I’m so happy that Jen got HOH. I really hope she puts Jessica up.

RNO: What did you think about the twist as it applied to the other two duos?

Carol: I most felt sympathy for Dick and Daniele. I felt horrible for Daniele. It’s a horrible situation. Dick is like an awful father, he made life so uncomfortable for her. As for Joe and Dustin – I think they were both there for comedic relief.

RNO: Who was it most awkward to be around?

Carol: The one person I couldn’t talk to no matter how much I forced myself to was Jessica, of course. I had no intentions of befriending her. I knew I had to talk to her simply because of the game. That was the most awkward and uncomfortable situation.

RNO: Did your father express any reservations about you going on Big Brother?

Carol: He was a little concerned at first. But he said as long as I represent myself well and don’t do anything I would regret I would be fine. I really don’t think I said or did anything I’m ashamed of. It was something I will never forget.

RNO: Do you have anything else you want to tell us about your time on Big Brother?

Carol: Jessica has something coming to her. What goes around comes around, so she’d better watch out.

RNO: Thanks, Carol!

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