BB8 Sunday Episode Recap 08/26/07
After the re-cap, Big Brother looked into the romance that's brewing between the petite Jew from New York, and buxom blonde from Kansas. They look like they're headed in the same direction, but Jen left Amber a message on the way out, "Don't forget to tell Jessica." Amber told Eric, that the message was to tell Jessica that Eric has a girlfriend outside the house, her name is Sheryl. Amber tells Eric and Jessica the message and after a brief chat, the only one that ends up not being trusted is Jen.
Jessica gets her HoH room for the second time, pictures from home, and the pink shirt that says "Booyah!" The shirt is so funny. Booyah! is her father Joel's favorite term of excitement. And it is a way to give a shout out to her family and show excitement around here. "I got lots of good stuff." beams Jessica.The next segment shows the break-up of the Donato family reunion. Dick is once again faced with a cranky daughter. "So what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" Dick asks her. "No" she whines. "Why that attitude?" Dick says. "I'm sick of your farting. I'm sick of your rude comments. I'm sick of everybody in this house" and there is no place to go to get away from them. She continues, "I'm sick of your parenting. I'm pretty much sick of everything. So there you are, you asked." she snaps at him. "OK then, I'll give you your space." Dick replies calmly, and leaves the room. Alone, Daniele gives a sigh of exasperation. The other HGs heard the uproar and felt it was staged for their benefit as a strategic move.
Next it's the HG's first luxury challenge. The teams were boys vs. girls. In this luxury challenge the HoH doesn't get a free ride, Jessica will compete with the other girls. In the SR, there were uniforms for all the players. Everyone put on their uniforms and met by the sliding glass doors. In the BY was something that looked like a tennis court with two big hoses pumping in foam. Jessica hosts, "Who wants to win a Big Brother shopping spree! In order to do that you will have to get into your birthday suit." This news was not music to the ears of any of the HGs. Amber comments from the DR, "Oh my god, these guys are going to see me naked. My boyfriend is going to kill me."
Jessica: "Here is how it works: The suds will poor down on you, on the inside of each article of clothing is the letter of the alphabet. You need to remove your clothes to find the letters that spell out three words related to the Big Brother 8 competitions. By clipping the clothes on the clothesline you must arrange the letters in the correct order. The first team to correct all their clothes on the line and spell the words correctly wins a two minute shopping spree! Houseguests it's time to use those suds to earn new duds."
The guys did terrible, the girls won and while still naked jumped up and down and hugged each other. Jameka comments from the DR: "Everything waving, flopping. It was liberating!" Jessica: "Congratulations, ladies! You will feel like a million bucks putting on all these new clothes because that's the only way are you going to be able to keep them. You will have two minutes to put on as many of the clothes as you can. Whatever you are wearing after the two minutes you can keep." Inside the house were racks of clothes and the girls just went crazy putting things on over their heads, stuffed down the middle, or tied around their necks. Everyone seemed very happy with the items they won. See the video:, Amber wants a shot at "Top Model." Jameka: "You know what, you are going to be in a magazine." Amber: "Huh?" Jameka: "You are going to have a cover page. Are you going to be in a magazine." Amber: "Jameka, get off." Jameka: "Remember what I'm telling you right now. You are. 'Top Model.' 'Top Model,' would you want to do it?" Amber: "Uh-huh. I have the hair and the face and the personality." [Said while stuffing pretzels in her mouth.] Jameka: "I could see you on the cover of a magazine." Amber: "Oh, no doubt. I would love to pursue, you know, like modeling. Like I know I have a really pretty body and my face, you know, I know I could get somewhere in the modeling field. Plus the way I talk and you know, I'm not shy. I'm very outgoing. I could do something with that. You really have me thinking that something is going to come out of this for me."
Eric gets his next task, get Amber nominated. Eric's really pleased with the task, because he thinks it's be an easy chore, and it was.
At the nomination ceremony, Jessica gives her speech: "This is the nomination ceremony. This game has gotten harder and harder for me each week because the relationships that I have built with people in this house have gotten closer and closer every day, every conversation -- every competition. There are some people in the house who I have had ups and downs with. There are some people in the house who I have stayed consistently up with. There are some people in the house who have been there for me since the second I walked in the door. Now, with that said, let the nominations begin. Eric, you are safe." Eric then removed Daniele's key, Amber, Jameka and Dick's keys followed. Jessica: "I nominated you, Zach, and you Amber, for eviction this week. Zach, I've gotten close with you as we've been here, but I just feel like with all the people in the house, they have been there from the beginning or we've talked strategically more from the entire game. Amber, I have gotten closer to you but there are other people in the house that have been here there the entire time. So I nominated you. With that said, this meeting is adjourned." See the video:
From the DR, Zach comments: "I was shocked because I thought her and I had a pretty good understanding. I've actually got to finally work this week to stay in the house." Amber, speaks to God from the DR: "Hey, God, it's me. I don't want you to think that, you know, I'm doubting or I am mad at you because I'm not. I love you, God, and God bless you. Help me be strong."
Eric's next task: After two months together, it's time for Eric to take one of his relationships in the house to the next level. Which houseguest do you want Eric to kiss? It's your choice, America.
1 comment:
thanks for this post!!! Its a great show & one of my favorites. I am an avid fan of this show, and have watched every series. when it first started out in 2000. The show is great & full of entertainment. Big Brother Download and enjoy it.
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