Dancing W/The Stars - Jive Talking..........
Tonight should be a good night of dancing what with the tango and the jive. I personally love the jive!
First up is Sabrina and Mark and although her dress is cute with the little paw prints on the lapel, the skirt seemed a little poofy for me. This girl definately has it. She comes out each week strong, confident and fierce! She did a great jive, not worthy of 10's but defiantley worthy of the straight 9's she got.
Edyta and Cameron give us our first tango of the night and I thought this would be a great dance for Cameron. He reminds me of Ian last year, what with his stiffness and seriousness. He delivers a great tango....I thought his footwork was much much better. He got 8, 7, 8 and I felt like Len should have made it straight 8's. I have to say I loved his campyness at the beginning by playing the "Clark Kent, Superman" character as Bruno suggested he was last week. Kudos for the humor Cameron.
Mark and Kym are up next with a jive and from his practice session I suspected this would not be a good dance for Mark what with the recent hip replacement but I was wrong. Mark did a great job, all thing considered. Was it perfect? No! Was it precise? No! Was it entertaining? Hell Yes!!! And for that he deserved at least straight 7's instead of 6, 7, 7. He was robbed of a point!
Jennie Garth and Derek are next with a tango that surprised me. I think Jennie came out with something to prove. That she is a good dancer. Although she won't win, she is a good dancer. The slower dances are better for her. This was a great dance. She got a 9, 8, 9
Maks and Mel bring us a jive this week. Although I love Maks, I just don't like Mel. She needs to go. For me the beginning of her jive reminded me of a jitterbug. And up until the end of the dance there were no kicks and flicks to speak of. I was highly disappointed in their dance and more so in their scores of 9, 9, 9. sorry Maks, that was not a good dance...IMO
Wayne and Cheryl are next with a tango that I have to say was terrible. Poor Cheryl....she was screwed with partner choice this year. There is nothing that she can do to make Wayne dance or look better. I think there was too much pre-show hype about Wayne being on the show, that he has become the big let down this year. I think this may be our last week for our dancing queeen, but I have to say I won't be sorry for Mr. Las Vegas if he goes....only Cheryl will be missed. Oh by the way, they got the kiss of the devil in scores of.....6,6,6
Another couple that needs to go is Floyd and Karina. Doing the jive tonight, I have expectations that he would have a good dance. WRONG! That was awlful....or at least I thought so. His upper body posture is terrible and is not improving at all. And what was up with the jump roping....how is that jive dancing Len? Scores of 7, 7, 7 seemed high to me. If they leave this week, it would not be a dissappointment to me.
Jane Seymore is back this week after her mother's death. Credit goes out to Jane for being able to continue under the circumstances. She and Tony did the best tango I have seen tonight. Passion was there. Technique was there. I don't think there was a dry eye in the place while she was dancing....I know mine weren't. Straight 9's were a proper score!Helio and Julianne were set to jive and during practice it looked like Helio may have some problems with a "sprained" ankle. But no problems with the foot were evident. Although it was not as strong of a dance as he has had in the past it was still good. 8, 8, 8 seems like fair scores to me.
Last up.....the Johnny and Marie show. HAHAHA.......I have to say if there is one celebrity that has surprised me this season, it's Marie Osmond. Her and John dance a playful tango. Even though they did not do tha hardcore stiff passion filled tango, there was still plenty of passion. The fun, flirty passion. She played the character of the dancer perfectly. And considering the music they had to dance to, the routine and act worked perfectly with the song. Was great to see Donnie come to practice to support her. And to see how much it meant to her for her brother to be there was touching. 9, 8, 9 were the scores for her and I have to say, Len was wrong. That dance should have been all 9's.
In wrapping up, I have to say this year's dancers are far more advanced than past years dancers at just the 3rd week in. The competition is a lot stiffer that's for sure. And I have to say, the judges seem to be nicer, but a lot more inconsistant. How can they scold Sabrina and Mark for Mark doing the worm but not scold Karina and Floyd for Floyd jumping rope. I just wish they would be more consistant in their judging.
With that being said, either Floyd or Wayne needs to exit tonight.
Until then............
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