Survivor China Episode 3: "I lost two hands and possibly a shoulder"
The show opens with a deafening roar in Fei long, and its no animal, its our man Jean-Robert snoring! Apparently he is hugging up on the women at night because of his size, and there is mention of a silk shirt and no underwear. How appetizing. According to Leslie, he's the first to go. Leslie is right about one thing though, men DO get cranky when they're hungry (guilty as charged). They argue over whether or not to make use of the stalk from the crab they caught and boiled to make a good rice meal. You'd think it would be better than plain rice, but hey, you can be picky when there's nothing to eat right?
Interesting that the gravedigger, James, was the only one who read a survival handbook, and he doesn't enjoy the outdoors. Ahahaha, a cow just popped up out of the water, what a random shot. Maybe I'm just tired writing this.
Zhan Hu fairs no better, with Dave arguing with everyone and sounding like he was out back smoking weed beforehand. No one seems to agree with the guy, and I can see why. Peih-Gee enters her malnourished thoughts into the debate. If she turned sideways, do you think she'd disaappear?
Reward challenge is very physical again, love it when they all strip down to their, for the most part, ugly or stained underwear (how very sexy CBS). Three on Three, on boats, they have to knock all three of the opposing team off to gain a point (women on women, men on men) and the first to 3 wins. Lot of three's there guys, just sayin'. Reward is comfort: pillows, kerosine, lantern, rope and a tarp. Good old Weedie Dave strips down to nothing, Jeff says "This is Odd" and makes me spit my drink out through my nose as Dave takes up a catlike pouncing position. Its like Wild America in a very bad, wrong way. Probst's dry sense of humor is really part of the backbone of this show. Fei Long decides to sit out Courtney and Todd, and they're off! Zhan Hu gets first point with the women. Man, the women are rough! You'd think Denise and her bearlike body would fair well, but little peih-youcan'tseeme-gee is a fighting spider monkey! James dominates the men, to no surprise, and gets a point for Fei Long. Zhan Hu women win again, another strong showing, and we get a blurred shot of Denise's...special place. Thanks again CBS! 'Preciate it. *cough* *sarcasm* *cough*. James again dominates the men for Fei Long, and the women of Zhan Hu take it one more time to win the challenge. Their first challenge won in fact. Yippetyskippety. Zhan Hu kidnaps Leslie.
Leslie is welcomed by Zhan Hu, a little too warmly because she just starts yapping about her tribes problems, which of them are Christian, how Aaron is their leader, and her being uncomfortable. Not sure she should be so open with some info, like who their leader is. Back at Fei Long, Jean-Robert is overheard by Courtney and Todd talking to James. He tells James she's the first to go and does no work, despite James saying she does more than Leslie. I guess he doesn't care much about his alliance huh? He tells James he'll keep her around so James can get "A million dollars and some ass". The picture of class this guy. Courtney and Todd can't believe what they're hearing, and now want both men gone. Leslie returns Jamie's favor over at Zhan Hu and gives her the immunity Idol clue, they go off alone with the real subtle "I'm just gonna show her where she can change clothes". Uh huh, no one suspects a thing (insert rolleye smiley).
On to the immunity challenge, and its pretty interesting. The tribes must cut through several ropes around a wooden post, and release 4 bundles of discs that are hanging above. 2 people do this, and two people then take the discs they brought back and solve a puzzle with them by placing them over a pole in the correct order. First to be done and pull the discs across the finish line wins. When each rope is cut the show does a slow motion shot of the person cutting, and it really comes off hilarious. It was a joke by the end, with me going "wait for it, wait for it" then laughing my butt off when it happened. Courtney had major trouble with this challenge and could hardly swing the sword used to cut the ropes. It was really sad, and funny at the same time. I liked it. So, Zhan Hu gets the bundles first and starts the puzzle, only to have Fei Long fly through the ropes when Courtney is done and start to catch up. In the end, Zhan Hu finally wins immunity and Weedie Dave looks so happy, and Peih-Gee looks like the living dead. Courtney is not looking too hot herself i must say, there's no "ass" for James or Jean-Robert to get!
Todd tells Leslie and Courtney he has their back to get Jean-Robert out tonight, and tries to spread the word. Aaron is obsessed over Leslie's visit though, once he finds out she told them he was the leader (they already knew according to her, ya). He's on and on about it, and seems to think she should go. Jean-Robert is very down on Courtney and openly insults her again to the tribe, calling her worse than anorexic. The mind games of the season, not just between players but the game itself weighing on the players, was evident in this episode.
Tribal is looking fly as always, and Jeff is ready to pick away at Fei Long's souls one by one! hahahahahaha! Jean-Robert is the man of the hour as he does most of the talking, and openly calls Leslie and Courtney weak then tries to take it back. Jeff won't have it though, and points out that is what he said. Go Probst! Leslie then proceeds to praise ZHAN HU, over her own tribe, JUST BEFORE A VOTE.....seriously? Add that to the all time Survivor bonehead moves list please. It shows Courtney's vote and she says she's voting for Jean-Robert because when he's snoring he sounds like a choking walrus! ahahahaha Five votes for Leslie seals it and sends her packing, not surprising considering how she just spoke.
Overall a great episode, much mroe drama to watch and some great physical challenges. Jeff's banter with the tribes was a hihglight as always, and I now detest Jean-Robert. Greazy.
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