We begin tonights show with the introduction of the final 5, Marie, Mel B, Jennie, Helio and Cameron. Jennie's first outfit reminds me of a purse my daughter once had. You know those big purses with the shiny circles dangling all over it. When they showed Mel B my daughter said her dress made her look like a stripper...lol. And guess what, Edyta has herself fully covered up....I wonder if the nasty people on the message boards will shut up about the lack of clothing she wears.
Jennie and Derek are up first. Her behind the scenes footage is all about her confidence, or lack there of. So Derek brings in some extra help in the way of diet guru Richard Simmons. She apparently loves him. After talking with her and telling her what an awesome person she is, she apparently now has more confidence. Her dance is the jive. I thought the dance was good. Looked like she was actually having fun, but I expected more kicks and flicks. The judges seem like they are going to be very critical this week. Len tells her the dance is not good enough for

her to make the semi0finals Bruno pretty much agrees with Len, saying there was not enough jive steps in the dance. Carrie Ann is on baord with the other two and it looks like Jennie will not have good marks. She gets 3 8's across the board for a 24.
Next up is Cameron and Edyta. Behind the scenes footage shows us that he, as was I, was disappointed he did not get any 10's for the jive. We also get to see just how busy Cameron is with his appearance it Super Soap Weekend at Walt Disney World, which he and Edyta attend. They have the waltz this week. A lovely dance, I thought. First up was Bruno who liked the dance, the fluidity of it. Carrie Ann loved the dance. She thought it was beautiful and loves his lines. Len of course has a problem with Cameron's shirt being unbuttoned (jealous much???). Len liked the dance as well. Doesn't seem like a dance for 10's so I did not think he would get them. And I was right......3 9's or a 27.

Marie and Jonathan are next. Her behind the scenes footage is of course about the death of her father. It's good to see her back, but I never doubted her strength. We find out that her father did get to see Marie do her military quickstep that she dedicated to them and was very proud of her. He apparently got up the next morning, took a shower and then layed down and died. She learns that they will do the rhumba and the jive. When Jonathan tells her they have to be sexy and "in love" she says she must have permission from his wife. So Anna Trebunskya comes in to give them some pointers and give her blessing to Marie being sexy and even kissing Jonathon. Holding back tears, Marie tells us it has been a most difficult week. As the dance begin, we see that Marie is putting her all in it. A good dance, not great but solid. We get a close up of Donnie Osmond in the audience holding back the tears. Carrie Ann is first and tells her what she does, she does so well but at this stage they need more aggression, more moves. Len tells her that even though the writers are on strick, her hips have come out in full force. Len's foot in mouth comment is that this dance is more for the young couples and gets booed by the crowd. Bruno is next with the Mrs. Robinson comments and that she gets the spirit but that she needs more steps. 3 8's for a 24 (remember 24 is the new 21...l.ol)
Helio and Julianne are next. Behind the scenes footage shows they get some professionals to

come in and help Helio. First up is Tony Dovoloni to help with footwork. Corky Ballas is next to teach Helio how to be the matador. Heather Smith is next to help give him a winnign attitude, to stand tall. He says he is ready to take the lead. Their first dance is the Pasa Doble. This pasa did not excite me. Nothing fancy. Just kinda ordinary. Len is up first and says he does not like capes, except they worked tonight. Good job. Bruno of course gives one of his famous Bruno quotes and a good job. Carrie Ann liked it too. Said she liked the attention to detail. We must not be seeing the same thing...lol. Scores of 3 9's for a 27. It's still funny to me that Helio does not look to see the scores....he stares down at the floor.
Mel and Max are next with a tango. Behind the scenes footage show nothing more than their pratcie footage....and then her husband comes in to motivate her to be mad for the tango. her

husband says "your fat"....Max cracks up, Mel laughs. The dance begins with lots of walking around for Mel....and I do mean walking around. The dance was good but the digging for gold at the end of the routine when Mel had to find her panties...I could have done without it. Bruno is up first and tells her she was a real Scary Spice for that dance. Strong and Powerful. Carrie Ann also says strong and powerful, but that the dance did not seem completely there for her. Len is last and tells us he used to always look at a girls face when he was young and as he grew older his eyes began to go lower and now he is a foot man and he says her footwork was there. Great job from Len. As M & M leave the floor they both take a moment to grab Tom's ass.....3 9's for them give them a 27.

Our second round begins with Jennie and Derek with the foxtrot. Jennie looks lovely...graceful. A good solid dance and she looked like she was having fun. Carrie Ann if first telling her she did good and improved her posture. Her one critic is that Jennie leads with her chin???? Whatever Carrie Ann. Len says he was impressed with Jennie and thought she did a great job. Bruno says she looks like Veronica Lake and has star power but she still does not dazzle them. Scores of 2 9's and an 8 from Bruno for 26 or 50 for the night.

Cameron and Edyta are next with a cha cha. Cameron is so hot. And can he move those hips. Edyta is jamming with the bell bottoms. They are dancing to Brown Sugar and doing a great job. I read on the message boards that he needs to wear underwear under his pants to contain his "stuff". I for one, say go commando Cameron. Len says it doesn't do anything for him. There is no fluidity. Bruno says he looks hard and stiff (wonder if Bruno was looking at Cameron's commando stuff...lol) and Carrie Ann falls in line and agrees with the other two. Scores of 3 8's for a 24 and a 51 for the night.
Marie and Jonathon are next with the jive. This dance reminds me of Sara Evans, because she does a country song with the cute little country outfit just like Sara's, only in red and tan. Coudl have been more kicks and clicks,but I think it was a great dance. Lot's of fun and you can tell how much weight she has lost. Bruno is first and makes sure to point out the Sara Evans comparrison. He says there is not enough jive steps.

Carrie Ann is next and said she got. That Marie is a little bit country and Donnie is a little Rock-n-Roll but also there was not enough jive steps. Marie says she is confused now. Len is the only sain one in the group telling Marie it was a good dance and lots of fun. As they head backstage to Samantha, we get a classic stupid Samantha bit with her trying to sound like a hillbilly. Scores of 2 8's and a 9 from Len give her a total of 49 for night.
Helio and Julianne is up next with a quickstep to a song (and dance) from The Mask. good fun high energy dance. I think the kicker was the kiss Helio gave Julianne at the end of the dance

that was supposed to be a surprise....but I didn't fall for it....did you. From the looks on some of the people's faces int he audience, several fell for it. Carrie Ann is first up with a big yell of YEAH...she loved it. Len says Helio looks like a great big dancing bananna. He says the band, singers and the dance were all fantastic. Bruno tells him he knows Helio has the finish line in sight. Scores of 10 across the board for a 30 and a 57 for the night.
Last up is Mel and Maks with the mambo. This should be good because we know Mel likes to shake her assets. I personally like to watch Maks shake his assets!!! A good solid mambo, but I was way more impresseed with Maks than Mel. He did more than she did. And he did it sooooo muchbetter. Len is first and says it was so hot he is surprised the smoke alarms did not go off. Bruno says she was on the rhythm like it was running

through her. Carrie Ann seems to let us know how much she likes what Maks did, but manages to praise Mel too. Again, as they leave the floor they give Tom a quick grab of the tush. Scores of 9, 10, 10 for a 29 which will give them a 56 for the night.
So tomorrow night, we know Gloria Estefan will be performing and one more will go home. Sabrina and Mark will be back next week with a preview of what will be on the Live Tour....
until tomorrow night............
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