Dancing W/Stars - Goodbye Eye Candy
I really don't have the heart to write this weeks elimination blog. One of my favorites and to me the only non-professional eye candy (for us women that is) was eliminated. Yes that's right, Cameron and Edyta are gone.....And I for one did not think he should have been eliminated.
The show started with the encore dance which of course went to Helio and Julianna for their cha cha which was nothing more than a rip off from the dance in The Mask.
There was also Gloria Estefan singing in spanish......I am sure it was a lovely song, but I didn't like it since I could not understand a word she was singing. Speak the language of the country you are in please and please don't bring your wantabe ballroom dances onto the floor. Let our pros do the dancing.
The first couple safe is a shock, I think to everyone, Marie and Jonathon. I personally wasn't shocked. Marie has the fan base to go all the way. And since the couple that shoudl have won, Sabrina and Mark, are gone it really doesn't matter who wins....as long as it is not Helio or Mel B....IMHO
There was also Jimmy Kimmel with another one of his lame fluff pieces. He apparently is answering mail from viewers and this viewer wanted to know how Tom keeps his two shows separate. The video clip Tom showed was funny, but Kimmel is not....again IMHO.
Another song by Gloria Estefan, Conga, which I loved. Was good to see our pros back on the dance floor.There was a cool dance number by this weeks Stars of the Dance....
The best part of tonight's show was the clip they did on the professionals. We actually got a glimpse into the life of the pros and see where they came from and how they got here. Very nice...long time in the making and needed to be done much sooner.
We find out that there will be no bottom two again this week and Helio, Mel and Jennie are all safe. So unfortunately Cameron will be going home. Both were very classy in what they had to say about each other. They will be truly missed.....no more barechested Cameron and no more half-nakid Edyta......what a shame!
Semi-finals are next week......until then
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