Big Brother Cast Revealed
The new Big Brother cast has been revealed. Here we go:
Alex, 24, DJ company owner from Staten Island, New York
(ok, so he will be without his shirt most of the time)
Chelsia, 21, college student from Cedar Falls, Iowa
(she will be a bikini babe for as long as she is in the house)
Joshuah, 25, advertising media buyer from Dallas, Texas
(from his smile, I think he will be the comic relief this year)
Amanda, 23, paralegal from Fridley, Minnesota
(another bikini babe. She kind of reminds me of know Sara and James)
Matt, 23, roofing foreman from Charleston, Massachusetts
(this guy looks like he could be Mr. Innocent but I think he will be causing trouble because he has that look too)
Allison, 28, pharmaceutical sales representative from Boston, Massachusetts
(WOW, no fake boobs here. I am surprised she was cast. There must be something there that does not meet the eyes)
Jen, 26, bartender from Columbus, Ohio
(another Danielle....bikini babe)Adam, 29, public relations manager from Del Ray Beach, Florida
(could this be our token gay guy???)
Sharon, 23, realtor from Olathe, Kansas
(bikini babe, but too much sun on her face...she needs sunscreen)
Jacob, 23, electrician from Dallas, Georgia
(is this our token religious person this year??)
Parker, 26, paparazzo from Northridge, California
(no thoughts on this one yet, but I sense maybe he could be a shit started)
Sheila, 45, former model from Reseda, California
(our resident mom and a hot one at that)
Ryan, 27, college student from Columbus, Ohio
(resident dork this year)
Natalie, 28, bikini barista from Salem, Oregon
(we know what she will be wearing all summer....ouch!!!)
James, 21, originally from Sarasota, Florida, currently biking around the world
(two gays in the house this year????)
Neil, 29, realtor from Los Angeles, California
(this will be our eye candy shirt...always working for it)
Well that's my take from just looking at the pictures. Do you have an opinion and who stands out for you.
Remember the show starts in one short week...WooHoo!!!
Come back after the show and let's discuss!
Get your live feeds before they start so you don't miss a beat.
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