Saturday, February 16, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 02/16/08

1:00AM BBT:
Natalie gets in bed between Josh and Sharon. While in the LR Jen, Parker, and Matt have a pillow fight as Allison vacuums. The pillow fight wipes out Amanda's chessboard.
Amanda and Parker resume chess game and Jen gives up on cleaning up.

1:10AM BBT:
Amanda, Parker, and Matt are whispering. Amanda says, “She’s not gonna say anything.” Allison interrupts them. Matt says to Parker and Amanda, “He wants to use the PoV, but says Natalie is 100% against it.”Parker beats Amanda in chess. Amanda thinks that Natalie's the leak in their alliance. Chelsia is screaming at James as he spanks her.Matt tells Parker and Amanda that tomorrow he’s “gonna gets some” from Allison and then laughs as she goes out door. Matt says his third girl will be Chelsia, right before they go home. They all agree the internet must be on them right now. Allison comes in from the BR. Matt runs after her and gets in bed with her. Matt jokes, “The other twist is me and you are dating." Matt starts making out with Allison! Allison kicks him away and says, "You gotta try harder than that." Matt leaves and Allison runs to Shelia in next room. Allison tells Shelia, "I like him but I don’t wanna mix with his emotions! He tried to kiss me." Sharon says it’s all going according to plan and they’re going to backdoor them (Jen/Parker). Shelia also explains the six of them tried to get Adam's vote last night and that the vote will be 3-1. Allison: “How did you like my crying act today?" Shelia: “You are a genius." Shelia and Allison agree that Amanda is treating Alex like shit.Allison: “I can treat him a lot better!”They discuss that Alex is no Dr. Will, as he thinks he is, then they trash talk Jen and agree that they are both truthful in the house and that they get a negative feeling from Parker and Jen as people. Shelia: “I wanna tell them to Fuck off." Alison: "Parker is clueless. I’m staying; I have it in the fucking bag."Alison feels that Jen and Amanda are not “good people” while Shelia thinks that Jen wears the pants in the relationship between her and Ryan and it makes Shelia feel sick when she sees them kissing. Ryan is a “pussy” and Jen “has balls.” They both agree that Josh is the best person in the house and they both liked Neil, while Sharon is awesome. Ryan comes in around

after BB told Shelia to put on her microphone. They tell him that they’re just chitchatting and not talking game and he leaves. They continue to bitch about others and blow their own horn for some time.

1:50AM BBT:
Matt, Adam, and Josh are combining HGs names and Natalie joins them. Josh said something about Condos and Adam laughs hysterically. Natalie starts talking about Oregon trees and leaves a little while later. Josh says, "She should be the spokesperson for Oregon." Matt says, "Population of Oregon is 60 and they're all related, are they all as loopy as her? Doesn’t Oregon only get half the electoral vote?" Sharon starts talking about "Kansas” and Adam asks, “Have you guys ever watched The Wizard of OZ and listened to Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’ at the same time?”Feeds switch to James, Natalie, and Chelsia. They talk about the camera looking down right on James and Natalie. Chelsia tells them she feels like she’s gaining weight. Chelsia is playing around with her ring and puts it in her mouth and James says, “I just got the biggest boner”, as he shows Natalie his boner. Natalie says, "Wow!" and they talk about cuddling. Chelsia puts on a shirt and says, "I look like a heifer! I’m so fat."Feeds now switch to Allison getting in bed with Matt, but Allison leaves to use BR. Allison comes back afterwards and falls into bed with Ryan. Allison puts her arm around him and Matt gets up and leaves. [LOL]

2:00AM BBT:
Matt strips down to his boxers and gets into be with Natalie. He tells her he doesn’t feel so good.Shelia yells at Adam because he has the hiccups. Shelia: “If it’s not snoring, or pickin’ your nose, its hiccups now." Adam tells Natalie to "say goodnight to your fellow Oregonians” and laughs. The four of them say their goodnight’s to each other and the feeds switch.

2:10AM BBT:
Parker and Jen are talking about the PoV competition on the bathroom couch. They both say they’re not tired but head to bed because it’s getting late. Chelsia is in the shower washing her feet (lol) as of 2:25am.

3:15AM BBT ish:
Amanda and Alex are in the HoH. Alex reaches for her Matt [she later calls it touching her crotch] and she pretends to suddenly wake up and turns away. Alex then tells her that if they aren't going to be physically or mentally involved, then they shouldn't be that way with anyone else either. After a few more words, Amanda gets up and goes downstairs. Everyone else is in bed, although the boat room is still awake. Chelsea is up, doing dishes in the kitchen because she can't sleep. Amanda begins to tell her new tale, with both of them realizing that jealous Alex must be watching on the monitor. Parker hears them and comes out to the kitchen. After hearing the story, he also realizes that Alex must be watching. They remain at a distance. Sympathetic to Amanda, he still worries about his fate in the house. He gets Matt and takes him to the storage room, basically to ask him to use the veto to remove him and Jen from the block. Matt dodges on it -- he doesn't want retaliation for using it. Matt, in a moment of true perception, says that Alex's insecurity problem is that he still has a 'fat boy' mentality. The girls join them, Amanda still trying to draw the attention back to herself with, "What about me? What shall I do?"Alex has indeed been watching, up until they all went into the storage room. (Don't think he could get that view.) He is either asleep or faking it by the time Amanda returns to bed. In the meantime, the four also discussed Natalie while in the storage room. They all agree that she is clueless about Matt. Parker offers to talk to her; Chelsea says she has already tried. Matt says he has, too. Before leaving, Matt says he'll talk to his partner about the veto, then flirts with Chelsea since Amanda told him that she doesn't like James but does like him. Parker and Amanda share a hug before they retire to separate bedrooms.

3:45AM BBT:
All back to sleep.

7:15AM BBT:
They're all sleeping.

8:15AM BBT:
Shelia is up doing ADLs.

9:50AM BBT:
Shelia is out in the BY in her bikini tanning. Has her cup o' Joe and is sitting on the chaise lounge.. She has untied her bikini top and has it strategically placed upon her, looks like it will fall off at any second. Other HGs are still asleep. It does come with a warning, it contains nudity.

10:55AM BBT:
One of the guys can be heard sneezing and hacking. Sheila is still tanning.

11:25AM BBT:

11:50AM BBT:
Most of the guys are getting up now and several are outside sunning themselves. Sheila came in and is taking her second shower for the day because she has been lying out and was also in the pool this morning.

12:20PM BT:
Matt says he wants to be on a soap opera.

12:30PM BBT:
Jen and Amanda exchange notes on their night. Amanda is still griping about Alex "touching her inappropriately" last night. She says she got up and left afterwards. She says Alex made a point to say into the microphone that if they are not going to be attached to each other in the house, then they should not be allowed to be attached to anybody else in the house. She thinks he is jealous and likes her.Amanda comes down and is wearing gray shorts, a white shirt with a wide black belt and black heels today. She’s stomping around the BY and clomping through house. She says she is dressed up because today is the PoV Ceremony.BB is making announcements again. “Remember, to swim one mile you must swim 440 laps.”

12:45PM BBT:
Sheila was discussing with Joshua the same thing she was asking Allison about last night. "How do you think BB will portray me and Adam so far in the show?" Josh's response got FotH, but last night Allison said that they would probably be seen as frictional in the beginning and then coming together.

12:50PM BBT:
Jen is tanning in the BY (cute black bikini), while Ryan is smoking and Allison is working out on the elliptical machine. Amanda, Shelia, Sharon, Matt, Parker, and Alex are in the kitchen cooking, eating, and talking about the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness.” Amanda says that she doesn't like Jamie Fox--Parker concurs, saying that he doesn't have time for his fans and that he's stuck up. Sheila says, “We’re lucky to be Americans." Josh has joined them in the kitchen. Sheila is talking about snoring, AGAIN!Amanda is saying that Alex is starting to pay 'daytime' attention to her now, but that she's not interested. FotH

1:15PM BBT:
Josh and James are talking about the latest Amanda drama and the way she is talking about Alex touching her crotch area in bed last night. James says that it’s turned into a huge drama and they both don’t think that Alex is that type of person. Josh feels sorry for Alex because his partner is screwing up his game.

1:30PM ish:
Amanda, Shelia, and Sharon are in the kitchen. When we came into the conversation, Amanda was complaining about Alex and how mean he is to her when everyone is around but wants to do "inappropriate things" to her in the bed. She also commented that she was more attracted to Parker than she is Alex and that she does all this stuff for Alex and all he does is complain about what she’s wearing and gets jealous of Parker. Sheila is saying she thought Alex was the most attractive at first, but with the things he has said to her, he has turned her off. Sheila tells Amana and Sharon that last night Alex asked her, “Would you have sex on TV?” And Sheila said absolutely not, and Alex said, “I don't believe that, if I wanted to fuck you, you'd go upstairs right now and do it.” FotH.When we come back, Amanda is saying she’s so turned off it's unbelievable. Sharon says he is getting cocky while Sheila is saying she doesn’t think any of the guys are cute now that she knows them. Amanda is saying she still thinks Matt is and Sharon and Shelia agree that “Matty is super awesome", but Shelia is Matt's mom age so she has to put it in perspective. Back to gossiping. Amanda says the guys really think they're famous. They go back to bashing Alex and how he gets mad that Amanda won't get naked.According to Amanda: Chelsia doesn’t like James and Matt doesn't like Natalie.

When Matt comes into the kitchen, Amanda pulls him upstairs to the HoH room because Amanda wants to talk to Matt.Amanda: “Can I share one thing with you and promise you won’t tell?”Matt: “Yeah, who the fuck am I going to tell?”Amanda tells the story about what happened last night. She explains that she was on the bed and Alex put his fingers right “here”, and she points to just above her crotch. She explains that she was pretending to sleep and was wondering why he was rubbing her abdomen. She says he finally touched it after 20 minutes later and then she pretended to wake up and say, “Huh? What?”Matt: “Aw poor kid.”Amanda: “Learn the anatomy, dude.”Amanda offers him candy on his way out and asks if Alex has said anything mean about her to anyone in the house.Matt: “No.”Amanda: “Promise?”Matt: “Nope.”Meanwhile… Ryan, Parker, and Jen tan outside. BB asks Parker to reattach his microphone. Parker whines about how they've been calling him out all day, yet refuses to put his medicine in the storage room. FotH

2:05PM BBT:
Josh and (have no idea, maybe Natalie?) are talking in the chair in the BY and Sharon enters.
Sharon: "I haven't talked to you guys all day!" Josh: "So, what's the latest?"Sharon: "She's getting irritated with Parker. This might be easier than we expected. Sharon recounts a tale about Amanda and Parker’s recent exchange of hello’s and how Amanda is annoyed with Parker." Natalie: "He doesn't talk to me at all..." (Matt)Sharon: "See that's not cool."Natalie: "He makes excuses. He says you’re in the hot tub' I said, you can’t come get my ass? If I go in there, he leaves. Every time, he's like scared of me. My feelings get hurt, you know. I talk to him the least out of everyone."Sharon: "That's weird..."Josh: "Amanda likes Parker right?"Sharon: "I don’t know about that anymore...."Natalie: ‘Cuz Amanda keeps asking if she’s mad every 5 freaking minutesNatalie: It's so irritating when you can’t even communicate with your partner.Natalie: The only thing Matty said to me all day was... you look like you've got some color Josh: you have us as your friends, so don't worry. Natalie: thank god. Just watch... you'll notice if I go into a room he gets up and leaves.Josh: "I don't get why he acts like that."Natalie and Sharon discuss how they can't stand Amanda’s little 'girl talks'.Meanwhile... Sheila is in the kitchen boring everyone with Cha-Chi stories. Scott Baio. Amanda, Parker, Sheila, Matt discussing child stars. Saying Olsen twins are most successful. Adam smoking and casually joins their conversation. They're now discussing Oregon they discuss beavers and the camera man zooms in on Adam's crotch. (Ha-ha). Natalie is saying they have shirts that say 'Beaver Believer' and 'Beaver Fever'. Sharon thinks that is funny. Natalie leaves to go to the kitchen Sharon is whispering to Josh at inaudible levels and Josh is "MmmHmm’ing."Josh: "That won’t change nominations, so that’s fine. If we get her mad at parker, that's good."Sharon: "MmmHmm."Josh: "If Alex knew she was doing that and saying that, he'd be so pissed off."Sharon: "Right."Josh: "Cuz that’s like rape."Sharon: "Well she’s pretending... I’m telling you right now Alex..." [Iinaudible.]Josh: "We can't do anything until nominations are set. Then we can go to town and do whatever we want. Can’t we?"Sharon: "MmmHmm!"Josh leaves, Natalie enters. Sharon repeats whatever she told to Josh to Natalie. Natalie agrees with her. Sharon and Natalie agree they need to get parker "OUT OF HERE." Natalie says, "That’s why I'm keeping it the same. I will agree to disagree if I have to. I won't let Matty change it. I got to look out for myself."They discuss how they’re getting so tan (awesome as I look outside at the 5 feet of snow here in NY) Sharon and Natalie discuss how everyone has injuries on their arms from 'that wheel'.Natalie wonders when she and Matt will have to do the PoV thing. Natalie thinks they will do it today. Natalie loves being outside because it's a drama free zone and she loved the PoV competition and how it was a giant carnival. Natalie is telling them how Matt just dropped and how she needed the barf bucket and she was seeing two and three of everything.

2:15PM BBT:
James visits the Guinea Pigs. [Maybe he's hungry...]. Kitchen group is discussing single parenting. Natalie is in the BY talking about her aches and pains and says BB games are fun.Josh thinks the only thing the house has going for it is the pretty people in it. Natalie thinks Sharon and Josh are so drama free, that it's nice.

2:30PM BBT:
Now Amanda's telling the girls about Alex touching her hoo hoo.

2:38PM BBT:
Amanda is sitting in the BY talking and saying, "What is the impression that I gave you to touch my crotch? At least have a make out session." She is saying that as if she were going to say that to Alex. [Get over it sheesh!] She is sitting with Sharon and they guys are working out. They are singing Do Ra Mi... Someone asked if they could make them sing and we get FotH.

3:25PM BBT:
They're on OD LD: Amanda and Natalie are sitting in the hammock and it sounds as if Natalie is crying. She is very upset about Matt and is pissed at Allison (this may be a big play in the votes). She is pissed that he ignores her and she feels that she is walking on pins and needles. She said that they don't communicate. She is VERY upset!Amanda asks Natalie to make sure that she tells Matt that is not about her (Amanda) she tends to throw everything in her direction. Natalie said that Matt doesn't try to touch her but then she says, "Don't tell anyone but one night he tried to kiss me and tried to go down on me." Amanda says, "Alex only cuddles with me at night and he tried to kiss me in the storage room but I pulled away." She then adds that Alex is mad at her because of how she wears her shorts. Natalie: "Keeps bringing up this L I S A girl outside the house."

3:55PM BBT:
On the BY couches, Sheila says Adam wasn't her first choice but now she's so glad they're together. "Because he's unpredictable, you couldn't ask for better than that." (Adam is within earshot.)Alex and Matt on lounger: By the time we have microphone coverage Alex is telling Matt that Joshua said to him that he (Alex) is one of the nicest guys and she is just a bitch. A few minutes later Alex is dissing Natalie over her camel toe. They're both eager to see how it plays out on TV. Alex says he doesn't care -- it's over now. Matt deleted his FaceBook but plans to bring it back when he returns. Alex says yeah, he has a fan club from when he does parties and things (as DJ). FotH

4:00PM BBT:
Joshua and Adam have joined the two guys.

4:30PM BBT:
Josh and Sharon agree that Amanda is the house troublemaker and that Natalie cannot crack. They think that it was Amanda who started the whole Matt/Allison/Natalie issue and she went to the hammock to provoke more problems. .

5:15PM BBT:
Natalie and Matt have a talk and she tells him she thinks he is avoiding her because Allison said she wanted a relationship with him outside the house. He says he doesn't believe what anyone says unless it comes from his own mouth. As she leaves the room he winks at the camera…

5:45 - 6:00PM BBT:

Parker is in HoH taking a shower. Amanda comes upstairs whining, and plops under the covers. Her whining to Parker is nothing we haven’t heard before. She actually tries to tell him the story again. Parker defends Alex, saying he must be upset because he wants Amanda and can’t have her. Either way, he avoids making any moves to give her encouragement, saying he’s in his own fix. They sit in chairs at the foot of the bed, watching the monitor, many times in silence as Parker waits for her lead. She decides to “let him finish” and goes downstairs, but not without sneaking her moment to hug him from behind.

6:00PM BBT:
Jen and Alex are cooking dinner in the kitchen while Amanda is still bitching about Alex. She keeps telling anyone who will listen that she wants to go home. Right now she’s in the HoH room talking to Parker. She doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed as Alex anymore. She eventually head down to the kitchen with Jen and Alex. Alex says dinner smells so good.

6:15PM BBT:
Allison presents her house observations to Sheila while on the bathroom couch:Each quote in the house is somehow representative of each couple, and there are objects in the house that correspond to the couples as well. She says things are being moved and things are being done to the house. Sometimes the oars by the front door are not there.The outside originally had all green cushions. Now there are two brown ones in the mix.The lake picture on the wall by the fireplace is also outside. There was a person in the boat on the first day. Now there is not.She also thinks the letters/pictures on the blocks in the fuzzies’ cage somehow connect to the couple – two letters for each.

6:40PM BBT: Dinnertime in the BB house

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