Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/11/08

12:15AM BBT: Adam heads to the HoH room with Ryan. He explains that Chelsia, Josh and James are paranoid and think everyone is couples. He tells Ryan they told him Matt and Natalie know each other. Ryan says, "James is only saying shit to stir the house up." Ryan assures Adam that Natalie and Matt don’t know each other. Adam tells Ryan that he was out there firing them up.

12:25AM BBT: Matt is in the BY with James, he tells him his chances are looking better (assuming that Natalie wants Sharon out because she made out with Matt). He tells James he isn’t going to go into it, but compared to Sharon it looks good for James right now. James tries to pry the information about Sharon from Matt. All Matt says, “Someone made a bold claim about me and I have a lot of thinking to do tonight.” Meanwhile… Natalie is up in the HoH with Adam and Ryan. She is telling them that Matt lied about what happened with Sharon in the sauna room.

1:00AM BBT: Ryan, Adam Matt and Natalie are in the kitchen. Matt says is he is messing with James head. Telling him that someone from their alliance leaked the information about trying to get matt out. Natalie is begging him for a massage again. Matt goes outside and talks to Josh. Josh tells Matt he might leave because he's in there with crazy people. Matt says at least nine of us are crazy. Josh said the people in the house are there for a reason. He thinks BB put people in the house that would drive each other crazy.

1:20AM BBT: Everyone is saying they think there is going to be another twist and starts begging BB for a movie night. Josh says he is going stir crazy and wants to break out of the house. They now decide that Sheila could be Natalie’s mother…Matt, Adam and Ryan are playing Basketball. Everyone is letting their paranoia get the better of them. The latest is Chelsia and Natalie are connected. They all head inside now and James gets irritated saying he doesn't care because he is going home. He goes back outside and Chelsia follows to talk to him while everyone else still in the kitchen trying to figure out the twist.

for the rest of what's happening in the BB house today, click here:

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