Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/12/08

6:15AM BBT: FotH and we come back to see Ryan is up and packing. He is putting everything outside the door on the sofa by HoH. FotH.

6:30AM BBT: Ryan is now completely moved out of HoH. He goes downstairs, listens at backyard door for sounds, then goes to storage room to get a pillow and blanket. Now he is making a bed on the floor for himself in the sofa bed room.All appear to be sleeping once again.

8:00AM BBT: All HGs still in bed visiting dreamland. There is however a lot of background noise.

8:02AM BBT: FotH for a wakeup call?

8:15AM BBT: Sheila is so far the only one getting up and moving around. Sharon and Ryan were stirring in their respective beds.

8:30AM BBT: BB has just announced it is time to get up for the day AGAIN. Feeds show Ryan continues to be asleep on the floor.

9:05AM BBT: There has been a lot of ADLs and some chitchat his am. Chelsia and Matt have been called to the DR so far. Matt came out and said that he can't tell anyone what went on in the DR because he could get in trouble. We get FotH.

for the rest of today's recap, click here:

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