Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/18/08

1:40AM BBT: All house guests are in bed... most are asleep but, a couple still a bit restless.

2:15AM BBT: James and Chelsia are up in HoH together. She swears on her mothers’ life that she isn't really going on the other side. But, if “they” win HoH she hopes Natalie wins so she will put Sheila up. James says you have to get Adam on this too. Chelsia says I’m letting Matt handle it, he will go around talking to everyone; Matt will not let me be alone with Ryan. James: "We have to have fun with this game, people love discontent, so lets give them what they want."Chelsia then tells James about how she told Matt that James isn't my type and how he fell for it, she is laughing and James says, " Matt is an idiot, unless I am an idiot and you’re telling me to my face." They giggle and kiss.

James says ideally they need Natalie to put me and Sheila on the block. It would be better if our side wins.They talked about how everyone will not figure out the votes, at least before HoH competition. It will be perfect because Sheila will not want Ryan to know how she votes, because he will come after her so it may take awhile before anyone figures it out.2:25AM BBT: Now they are talking about the dirty little secret game and that no one had really anything to say about James. Natalie thought James might be a cult leader; and Natalie got offended when someone thought she was either in porn or did it with someone in porn.

Chelsia says she needs James to do a shout out for her on his blog tomorrow and she will do the same for him next week. He says I have a lot to say. She asks him what are you going to say about me? He says I don’t know. They tell each other they have missed each other and kiss. James keeps asking Chelsia about how this game goes, what happens next? She starts talking about luxury comps and how Jameka threw away 5 HoH’s during a PoV comp.James says you could really freak Josh out by really rolling with their crew. He would just like Matt gone. James says what surprises him that are willing to help this kid out, especially after the pickles... they start laughing. Chelsia says you threw pickles on her and she voted you back in. They laugh harder. James says these people are stupid; I have never lived with such stupid people before.

James doesn't want Josh and Sharon to freak out. Chelsia says they cant, that would be the end of me. James says I think people are just going to laugh when they see what has been going on. Chelsia laughs and says how Natalie was shocked that Chelsia told her she hasn’t seen James penis any more than they have.James is worried that they will bring one back. Chelsia says they wont, I think they will wait for you. James says I think it will be 6 weeks of straight evictions, Chelsia says or a double and they bring someone back. They laugh at the thought of him doing it twice! James says that his interrogation makes him think that they (BB) want Matt to stay. They mock Matt crying; that he said ' I left true love to come here.' James says, "You've been blown on TV bro, high five your friends cuz she ain’t coming back." Chelsia thinks they are having full blown sex tonight; Matt got a twinkle in his eye when Natalie said cheerleader.

2:55AM BBT: James says that the only person he wants to be next to at the end is you, if not, I want to lose the game. Chelsia says I would love to walk out with you.Chelsia is saying Natalie has to go, that Sheila and Adam suck, James says you should bond with Natalie and comfort her. Tell her that you understand how she feels and to bring on the tears. Chelsia says she can bring them on. She said she held herself pretty good when he left, that if she did cry no one saw her.

3:00AM BBT: Chelsia makes fun of how Natalie said 1 million times 8 is 9 million. James says she is just a cheerleader. Now they are talking about how big the show is. She asks him if he saw the cake. James says it pissed him off how Adam said "Neil was my boy."Talk turns to the PoV comp and James says that she lost and she says that WE lost, oh I just cant wait till I watch this show with you.

3:05AM BBT: They are just talking about how if he hadn’t been voted back he would not have got in sequester. Just flirting and giggling going on.

for more of the crazy mind blowing strategy that is today's Big Brother, click here:

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