Monday, March 17, 2008

Big Brother Feed Recap 03/17/08

Midnight... Ryan, Adam and Sheila are in the boat room. Ryan says they need to start winning. They need to win three weeks in a row. She says Natalie is a terrible liar and then tells Adam he needs to step up his game. Ryan says they are going to pick you two off. Sheila is a little pissed now that she has heard some of the things they James, Josh and Chelsia have been saying about her. She asks if her breath really does stink. Also says she did not have to take a psych test... She tells them she's kidding!

1:00AM BBT: In HoH Chelsia, Josh and James saying they have to get HoH next week and Natalie should be the one to go. They are making fun of her saying her dog is 14 inches tall and that is like 2 feet and that she thought Alzheimer’s Disease is really called Old Timers Disease. Josh gets called to DR and tells Sheila to go to HoH. Chelsia tells Sheila the whole house is saying they are voting how Sheila Votes and it is all on her. Sheila tells them that Natalie has been talking about all the stuff they have said about her. Things they have said that will hurt her son and that they were going to put Sheila on the block every week until she breaks.

1:30AM BBT: Josh is now back in HoH. He is now telling his reasons why Matt needs to go and they include how he gets blowjobs from Natalie. He also wants to tell Natalie how Matt said he offered to put Natalie up on the block. Sheila says it won't matter to her - she won't hear you. Josh tells Sheila that Natalie came to him and told him that they're alliance is still alive and Sheila is reporting back everything they tell Sheila and if Josh joins them, they'll protect him. Sheila denies all of this. Sheila says to let Natalie be delusional and that Natalie thinks the siren is going to go off too. Chelsea, James, and Josh don't think the siren will go off.

2:00AM BBT: Josh and Sheila leave HoH. James says to Chelsia, "I don't trust her one fucking bit." Chelsia says, "Me either." James says it is her smirks, "We have got to win HoH - That's it!" Then they discuss maybe flipping the house and keeping Matt but decide that he is the one that has to go. James says he will be the target so they have to win HoH and PoV every week to stay safe.

2:15AM BBT: James says next week will be really interesting. Chelsia says she just doesn't want Natalie to get HoH. James says well you haven't won anything since our last HoH and that they need to start working out and trying to get athletic. He says this is the time now to step it up and there is a lot of money riding on this - it is not just about looking good. James says, "We're so fucked!" Chelsia says, "No we're not." He says this next week is all in your hands and if he goes home it is your entire fault. Chelsia says she is going to go to bed. James tells her it is lonely up there without her and Chelsia snuggles him and says she gets cold without him - that she sleeps with two blankets. James says it is hot up in the HoH. She kisses him and leaves.

2:30AM BBT: Camera's 1 and 2 are on sleeping HG. While camera 3 and 4 are following James in HoH. He has a snack and now is washing his face. Checking out his roots.Chelsia is in her bed. Josh and Sharon are on other sofa bed. Natalie and Matt are in one bed. Ryan is on the floor and Adam in the other bed. No sign of Sheila. She's probably in the boat room off camera.James is now brushing his teeth and wandering around HoH room while doing so. Takes off his mic and begins to straighten up the sheets and blankets on his bed. Strips down to his tightie whities and turns off lights. Gets into bed and turns on spy cam TV.

3:30PM BBT: All are sleeping now.

5:10AM BBT: Still sleeping.

8:00AM BBT: They're sleeping.

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