Friday, March 07, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 03/07/08

12:28AM BBT: James and Adam are talking about the “backdoor Matt” deal that has been devised.

12:47AM BBT: Nat was in Hammock with Sheila saying she needs to keep her distance from Matt then heads off to brush teeth. Josh and Chelsia are still practicing and talking POV. Matt comes in while Natalie’s brushing her teeth, starts hugging her and tells her hey us till the end.

12:59AM BBT: So she starts in on how he disrespects her on TV, hides from her, he says thought we were playing hide and seek? She is telling him to start treating her better. She is now telling him about the alliance she made earlier with Josh, Sharon, Sheila, and James about trying to get him (Matt) out next. Matt’s telling her how everyone talks shit about her anyways so it doesn't matter she made him pinky swear she wouldn't tell anyone what she just told him. He said he is only going to tell Ry, which is who he just ran to.

1:01AM BBT: Matt is telling Ry that he is going to be offered a 2 week deal by Josh, Sharon, and Sheila, to backdoor Matt or Adam this week per Nat. Matt is saying if he wins HOH next week that it's going to be terror for everyone. He is telling Ry that James is in on it too and Ry says that doesn't surprise him at all. Matt just says the puppet has spoken i.e. Nat which is his information source. Ry is saying he is going to win POV , Matt says he is going to win and will take Sharon off and tell Josh since you wanted to backdoor me here you go now you're up. Matt’s saying how Nat couldn't hate him if she tried and how he has Ry, Ad and Nat in his pocket and now he's going to try and get Chelsia in their crew too. He asked Ry if they should get James and Ry said NO. They don't trust him. Matt says if he wins HOH James and Josh are going up. Matt’s convincing Ryan that Josh's is the one who's going to come and offer the 2 week offer to him. Matt told Nat to keep pretending that she hates him. Ry said she will have a breaking point, Matt says he's going to ease up on her and that he now realizes that Sheila has the biggest mouth, she's like the nosey neighbor.

1:09AM BBT: Matt and Ryan now say that they think it will go 6 – 0 to evict Sharon.

2:15AM BBT: Josh to talking to Ryan in HOH. He suggested putting up Matt if POV was used but Ryan didn't bite.

3:07AM BBT: Chelsia/James/Josh in the bathroom devises plan to get Matt out this week. Operation C: for crooked eye. For the past 30 minutes James, Chelsia and Josh have been devises a plan to get Matty out of the house. They want the house to get together and agree to oust Matt. Whoever wins veto will use it & backdoor Matt. They aren't going to tell the plan until after veto is won. They are going to tell Ryan that they will promise him 2 weeks of NOT getting nominated, in exchange for putting Matt up as a replacement. Chelsia and James do NOT trust Matt at all. They were saying that Ryan will go along with the plan because that's what the whole house will want and if Ryan goes against the house-- he will be a target. This sounds like the same deal that Nat TOLD Matt about a couple hours ago then Matt went and told Ryan. Matt and Ryan agreed that they would not say anything and wait & see if James comes up to Ryan and offers him a deal.... if so, they will know James (or whoever talks to Ryan) isn't to be trusted.Chelsia and James are now doing "something" under the covers. Camera actually moves away!!

3:48AM BBT: Everyone appears to be sleeping now.

5:43 am BBT: House guests are sleeping.

8:00AM BBT: The house guests are still all sleeping. FOTH

8:18AM BBT: Feeds are back. Ryan is up in the HoH BR doing ADLs

MEANWHILE: Shelia and Josh are in the Kitchen talking game. Josh said that they need to get Chelisia out this week and then Nattalie next week. There is a beeping sound. Josh walks away yelling get up people! Shelia makes some cofee. Josh leave and goes to talk to Sharon. Brief FotH and we see Josh and Sharon chit chatting. Josh describes his dream about him on an alien plane. Josh says that he also had a dream that James was yelling at the house speaker and James said it actually happen. They are laughing. Josh says, "Day 1: Slop"

8:22AM BBT: FotH

8:26AM BBT: Feeds were out for the last five or so minutes. Feeds come back with Josh and Sheila in the BR still talking about how Natalie is clueless when it comes to truly how bad Matt treats her and how she doesn't realize that it's an embarrassment for her on national TV. Talk then quickly switches to the food competition and Josh and her joke about how Sheila was really slow. Sheila then says she wants to get a shower before everyone else. Chelsia changing batteries in the SR.

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