Saturday, March 08, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part.....Feed Recap 03/08/08

12:00AM BBT: James and Ryan are re-hashing the PoV competition and James mentions again that maybe Adam's bike is a scooter. They think the unitard sucks, but Sheila doesn't seem to mind it. It could be worse if it was Adam or Ryan. They discuss their patches and Ryan wishes he’d conserved his smokes better.

12:30AM BBT: Natalie finds that everyone has gone to be and She and Ryan decide to finish his polish-portrait tomorrow. Natalie goes off to bed to bed. Ryan gets into bed and turns on the spy screen and flips through the channels

1:00AM BBT: Looks like everyone is in bed now.

2:00AM BBT: All are sleeping.

8:20AM BBT: Sleeping.

9:00AM BBT: HGs are sleeping.

9:10AM BBT: Josh is up first and heads outside.

9:15 AM BBT: Josh up and doing ADLs. He is checking his back in the mirror. Gets the scale out BB tries to show the weight but the scale is obscured from sight. He kicks the scale and says, “ooh.” Josh heads outside to do some sunning. He’s talking to himself and says, “This week needs to go down like this. Get through tomorrow, get matt out this week, win HoH and put up Natalie and Adam get one of them out. Then the following week Sharon wins HoH and put up whichever one that doesn't leave next week against someone else. He continues with further evictions and says, “So much fun.”

9:20AM BBT: Josh: “Bam, bam, bam. Hmmm.” Josh starts counting on his fingers and says, “Adam, Matt, Natalie” (holding up three fingers) puts up finger four and says, “Ryan.” Puts up his thumb on the other hand and says, “Sheila.” Then puts his pinky up on the first hand and then says, "There ya go.”

9:30AM BBT: Josh is still sunning in BY on two feeds. The others are on Sheila and Ryan sleeping.

9:35AM BBT: Sheila looks to be squirming more and is about to wake up. Ryan is now getting restless, puts his head up, looks around, and puts his head back down.

9:45AM BBT: Josh still sunning, Sheila in the boat room bed sighing.

10:00AM BBT: Josh is back to sleep on the couch outside. Everyone else is still in bed.

want to know more:

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