Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Live Eviction and WB JAMES!!!!!

Day 35

Tonight we get to see who is going back in the house OMG woohoo I am sooo excited.

Matt is way too arrogant for his own good. And Joshuah well I am kinda glad he got backstabbed. Chelsia is now going after Ryan saying its on and that she didnt trust him one bit. Ryan trying to smooth things over with Joshuah.

House is really splitting and choosing different sides now. I thought the drama was good before when they were still coupled. ITs getting even better now! Sharon and Sheila are hilarious talking about how Sharon is working Matt. Sharon may be making a big mistake telling Sheila about the kiss between her and Matt. Sheila ran straight to Natalie and told her about the kiss. Sharon may have just paved her own way to be evicted.

Shelia and Natalie just gave their word to James that they are voting to keep him in the house. And now Natalie is confronting Matt about what Sheila told her. You can see that she is really starting to see him for what he is.

ooooooo Reveal of who we voted back in the house. Ooooo not nice lol. The HG get to choose. THe HG get to choose whether to bring back our voted in HG or the one they just evicted. OOO Alex was the one we voted back in.. Woohoo. Sad its not Amanda but more eye candy for me hehe. The HG wont which one of the HG we voted to come back in. So they have to choose the devil they know (the HG they just evicted) or the devil they don't know (past evicted HG).

By a vote of 5 to 1 James was evicted. :( Aww man I am sooo sad. Everyone looks really sad. Chelsia and Sharon crying. James thinks Sheila is the best player in the house right now cause she is low key and playing the right people and making the right moves.

Julie is now telling the HG about this surprise. Oh I kinda hope they vote to have James come back. But I dont know if they will. They voted almost unanimously to evict James. Ryan votes for mystery hg to come back, Chelsia votes for James to come back, Matt votes for mystery HG, Sheila votes for mystery HG, Joshuah votes for James, Natalie votes for James, Adam votes for James, Sharon votes for James.. WOOHOOOOOO James is coming back in. I am soooooooo happy especially for Chelsia.. OMG this is GREAT!!!!!

The HG jump up and down excitedly to see James pop out of the big box. Now we go to HOH competition. Oooo its an endurance comp. Should be interesting..

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