Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nominations Episode

Continuation of BB HOH Comp

Joshuah trying to get Natalie to drop. Matt and Ryan rooting for her keep going. Natalie trying to talk to James he is asking her not to talk to him. Ryan and Matt seem scared. They think Adam is switching sides. Seem desperate for Natalie to win so they will be safe this week. Natalie trying to make deals with James and Chelsia since they are the only ones left hanging.

I am shocked that Natalie lasted so long up there. I know she is a strong athletic type girl but still surprised me. James tells natalie that he will drop if she puts Ryan on the block against a nominee of her choice. She wants to take it but Ryan telling her not to.

I cannot believe that Natalie is so loyal to Matt and wearing herself out just to keep him safe. Is he even worth it? Think not. He would be lucky to have a girlfriend like her. That fights for him even when it hurts her.

Joshuah is scared that James will put him up as revenge for his eviction last week. I hope he back doors him.

LOL Matt, Ryan and Adam looking at the bible together. They so dont look like bible study partners. They seem facinated by Jacob because he has two wives and loads of kids.

Natalie is smarter than the average bear. She told Matt to try and convince James that he was one of the votes to bring him back in the house. Joshuah tries to figure out who the 3rd vote against bringing James back was. Matt saying that he voted to bring him back. Now everyone is scrambling to let James know they voted for him to come back because nominations are coming up.

Adam is a weirdo. He is flipping out over people thinking he might have voted against James coming back. His eyes are all bugged out and you cant really understand what he is saying lol

James and Matt have a talk about WHY he put James up last week. He doesnt have a really good answer other than the house wanted it. James has lots of options to put up for nominations because he was backstabbed by everyone but Chelsia.

Ohh Maybe he will backdoor Joshuah?? One could hope. Joshuah got his letter from home and read it to everyone and many were emotional. Has to be weird to be so cut off from the outside and then get a letter from the outside world and even though it may not be to you it's nice to hear it and makes you miss your family and friends all the more.

Nomination ceremony time. Sheila and Ryan are up on the block. James tells Sheila that she looked him in the eye last week and promised she had his back. So she is on the block. And Ryan of course nominated him and this is payback. Sheila seemed pissed but what does she expect? Weirdo lady lol.

I don't want Ryan to go home. But James is fast becoming my Fav HG and if it has to be Ryan going home to keep James in the house then I am all for it.

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