Big Brother - The End Is In Sight
Well, it's getting close to the end of another season. An unexpected one at that. And thankfully when this season is over, we won't have long to wait because our beloved summer staple will be back on July 13th. That's right BB10 starts on July 13th. But before we start in on the summer, we have to put the winter edition to bed. Let's reflect back a bit, since we are so close to the end.
When this season first started, I was not a fan of the "couples" pairing. This only served to ruin the game of several people (Alex and Matt just to name two). The problem with the couples is you were responsible for the actions and words of your partner. Hence Amanda did Alex in as did Chelsia to James, as did Jacob to Sharon. But Sharon was given a second chance. I hope for the summer edition we get back to 14 people that don't know jack about each other. And instead of there being just one middle aged person in the mix, throw in a 2 or 3 of them. That way the 40something year old has a fighting chance. Although I give credit to Sheila for making it as far as she did. Also, even up the eye candy. I want to see more than skimpy bikini babes....I want to see more pecs and lats!!!!
What struck me this year was the quickness of the scheming and drama. OMG, this cast has had the most drama ever. Not to mention two of the houseguests end up at the hospital. Geesh....Alison Grodner went for the gusto this season. I thought we might have a new "cryer" this year in Sheila. And yes, even though she did cry more than her fair share, she still did not come close to Amber of last year. No fear Amber, you still hold that award!
As far as who I liked and didn't. I started the game liking Alex (duh) and Amanda, Matt and Natalie and James and Chelsia. Strange isn't it that I lumped all of those together. I liked Parker but instantly hated Jen. You could tell from the get go what a shit stirrer she was. I am sure I would have liked Neil but he did not hang around long enough (condolences Neil). Josh was another Bunky in my book and I was not all that fond of Bunky. Sharon annoys me with her "BEEEEBIES" to the Guinea Pigs. Ryan, Alison, blah. Adam seemed a little weird in the beginning, probably because of his crazy eyes. And Sheila.....after her snap judgement of Adam based purely on looks, she was on the top of my hit list. Who's left....Jacob....who?? lol
But as time went on my thoughts on each changed. I was heartbroken when the only eye candy for the females, Alex, was evicted. I know Matt was still left and he has a nice body, but he wasn't the total package like Alex. Thank Amanda for Alex leaving. Before they left, my thoughts on James, Chelsia and Josh completely changed and I would for the rest of the game despise and loath all of them. Why you say......when Josh and Chelsia felt the need to berate Amanda and reference her dad commiting suicide by telling her maybe she should hang herself like her dad, that was it. I was done with all three of them. I know James did not say anything out right to Amanda, but there is guilt by association. I had Sharon in that boat, but soon saw that Sharon had compassion so she was exempt from the guilt by association rule. It was at that point, that I began my rooting for anyone but those three and took great pride when Chelsia and then Josh walked out the house. The week James left, was a good one too. To see Chelsia, James and Josh beg, plead, borrow and cry their eyes out when they knew their time was up was a delight to me. The trash needed to go and go they went. All the way to sequester to join Matt. Who by the way went to sequester just a bit too early. His cockiness did him in. I never thought he would win, but he did leave just a bit too soon. Nat as well was done in by her own hand. She got just like Matt and could not fathom that somone would kick her out.
We are now down to the final four...Sharon, Sheila, Adam and Ryan. At this point, I think Sharon will be the next to leave and I predict Adam to win final HOH. He will take Sheila to final two even though he can win against either of them. Why.....he has a soft spot and knows she needs the money more than Ryan. Besides, Ryan has already won $10,000. If Ryan wins final HOH, it doesn't matter who he goes to finals with because he can't win. No way no how. And I will eat my words if he does. My pick is Adam and Sheila final two with either or winning.
All in all I think it was a good ingural winter season of Big Brother. I would like to think Big Brother will be back next winter, but sorry folks aint gonna happen. How long will it stay a summer staple. I think Big Brother will be around for a couple more years at least, but only during the summer. Which I have to say works for me. Don't get me wrong....I LOVE BIG BROTHER, but trying to keep up with the daily feed recaps and all the other show recaps I do, it was tough this winter. Summer is easier, because my kid is out of school so I am not here, there and yonder. But rest assured, I will be back this summer to keep you up to date on what's going on inside the Big Brother house.
Now, you have been sitting there all season reading everything I write. Why not put your two cents in.
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I want to extend a personal THANK YOU to Janeyfan/Christina for helping and doing the show recaps for me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I could not do both live feed recaps and show recaps. Hope you can come back over the summer.
Until the last day.....bbfanatik
(he is still the cutest houseguest)
(don't ya just love that smirk...makes me grin)
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